package tls-async

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t = X509.CRL.t
val encode_der : t -> string
val issuer : t -> X509.Distinguished_name.t
val this_update : t -> Ptime.t
val next_update : t -> Ptime.t option
type revoked_cert = X509.CRL.revoked_cert = {
  1. serial : string;
  2. date : Ptime.t;
  3. extensions : X509.Extension.t;
val reason : revoked_cert -> X509.Extension.reason option
val revoked_certificates : t -> revoked_cert list
val extensions : t -> X509.Extension.t
val crl_number : t -> int option
val signature_algorithm : t -> (X509.Key_type.signature_scheme * Digestif.hash') option
val validate : t -> ?allowed_hashes:Digestif.hash' list -> X509.Public_key.t -> (unit, [> X509.Validation.signature_error ]) Stdlib.result
type verification_error = [
  1. | `Bad_encoding of X509.Distinguished_name.t * string * string
  2. | `Bad_signature of X509.Distinguished_name.t * string
  3. | `Hash_not_allowed of X509.Distinguished_name.t * [ `MD5 | `SHA1 | `SHA224 | `SHA256 | `SHA384 | `SHA512 ]
  4. | `Issuer_subject_mismatch of X509.Distinguished_name.t * X509.Distinguished_name.t
  5. | `Msg of string
  6. | `Next_update_scheduled of X509.Distinguished_name.t * Ptime.t * Ptime.t
  7. | `Not_yet_valid of X509.Distinguished_name.t * Ptime.t * Ptime.t
  8. | `Unsupported_algorithm of X509.Distinguished_name.t * string
  9. | `Unsupported_keytype of X509.Distinguished_name.t * X509.Public_key.t
val pp_verification_error : verification_error Fmt.t
val verify : t -> ?allowed_hashes:Digestif.hash' list -> ?time:Ptime.t -> X509.Certificate.t -> (unit, [> verification_error ]) Stdlib.result
val is_revoked : ?allowed_hashes:Digestif.hash' list -> issuer:X509.Certificate.t -> cert:X509.Certificate.t -> t list -> bool
val decode_der : contents:string -> t Core.Or_error.t
val revoke : ?digest:Digestif.hash' -> issuer:Distinguished_name.t -> this_update:Ptime.t -> ?next_update:Ptime.t -> ?extensions:Extension.t -> revoked_cert list -> Private_key.t -> t Core.Or_error.t
val revoke_certificate : revoked_cert -> this_update:Ptime.t -> ?next_update:Ptime.t -> t -> Private_key.t -> t Core.Or_error.t
val revoke_certificates : revoked_cert list -> this_update:Ptime.t -> ?next_update:Ptime.t -> t -> Private_key.t -> t Core.Or_error.t
val of_pem_dir : directory:Core.Filename.t -> t list Async.Deferred.Or_error.t

Innovation. Community. Security.