package tezos-webassembly-interpreter

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

This module implements a FIFO queue to model the input. The messages are queued in an input_buffer in their order of appearance in the inbox.

type message = {
  1. rtype : int32;
  2. raw_level : int32;
  3. message_counter : Z.t;
  4. payload : bytes;
val pp_message : Ppx_deriving_runtime.Format.formatter -> message -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.unit
val show_message : message -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string

An element of type t will have a content which is a lazy_vector of messages and a pointer to the number of elements to be able to dequeue. At this point there is no cleanup operation so an input_buffer content will likely have more than num_elements messages (see #3340).

type t = {
  1. content : message Tezos_lazy_containers.Lazy_vector.Mutable.ZVector.t;
  2. mutable num_elements : Z.t;
exception Bounds
exception SizeOverflow
exception Cannot_store_an_earlier_message
exception Dequeue_from_empty_queue
val alloc : unit -> t

alloc () returns an empty input_buffer.

val num_elements : t -> Z.t

num_elements buffer is the number of elements of buffer. It is used by dequeue to pick the current message. Note that it is not necessarily equal to the length of the content of the inbox (see #3340).

val dequeue : t -> message Lwt.t

dequeue buffer pops the current message from buffer and returns it. Note that the input buffer models a FIFO queue so the current message is the oldest in the queue. If the queue is empty it raises Dequeue_from_empty_queue.

val enqueue : t -> message -> unit Lwt.t

enqueue buffer message pushes the given message into the buffer. Note that the message will have to have a higher raw_level/message_counter than than the newest message in the queue. If that fails it will raise the error Cannot_store_an_earlier_message.


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