package tezos-protocol-020-PsParisC

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type participation_info = {
  1. expected_cycle_activity : int;

    The total expected slots to be attested in the cycle. (static)

  2. minimal_cycle_activity : int;

    The minimal attesting slots in the cycle to get attesting rewards. (static)

  3. missed_slots : int;

    The number of missed attesting slots in the cycle. (dynamic)

  4. missed_levels : int;

    The number of missed attesting levels in the cycle. (dynamic)

  5. remaining_allowed_missed_slots : int;

    Remaining amount of attesting slots that can be missed in the cycle before forfeiting the rewards. (dynamic)

  6. expected_attesting_rewards : Tez_repr.t;

    Attesting rewards that will be distributed at the end of the cycle if activity at that point will be greater than the minimal required. If the activity is already known to be below the required minimum, then the rewards are zero. (dynamic)


Participation information. We denote by:

  • "static" information that does not change during the cycle
  • "dynamic" information that may change during the cycle

Only use this function for RPC: this is expensive.

delegate_participation_info and !val:check_delegate forms the implementation of RPC call "/context/delegates/<pkh>/participation".


Innovation. Community. Security.