package tezos-protocol-013-PtJakart

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Here is the list of PVMs available in this protocol.

module PVM : sig ... end

of_kind kind returns the PVM of the given kind.

kind_of pvm returns the PVM of the given kind.

val from : name:string -> PVM.t option

from ~name is Some (module I) if an implemented PVM called name. This function returns None otherwise.

all returns all implemented PVM.

val all_names : string list

all_names returns all implemented PVM names.

val kind_of_string : string -> Alpha_context.Sc_rollup.Kind.t option

kind_of_string name returns the kind of the PVM of the specified name.

val string_of_kind : Alpha_context.Sc_rollup.Kind.t -> string

string_of_kind kind returns a human-readable representation of kind.

pp fmt kind is a pretty-printer for kind.


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