package tcpip

  1. Overview
  2. Docs



The type for TCP wire errors.

val pp_error : error Fmt.t

pp_error is the pretty-printer for TCP wire errors.

type t

The type for TCP wire values.

val pp : t Fmt.t

pp is the pretty-printer for TCP wire values.

val dst_port : t -> int

Remote TCP port

val dst : t -> Ip.ipaddr

Remote IP address

val src_port : t -> int

Local TCP port

val src : t -> Ip.ipaddr

Local IP address

val v : src:Ip.ipaddr -> src_port:int -> dst:Ip.ipaddr -> dst_port:int -> t

v ~src ~src_port ~dst ~dst_port is the wire value v with the corresponding local and remote IP/TCP parameters.

val xmit : ip:Ip.t -> t -> ?rst:bool -> ?syn:bool -> ?fin:bool -> ?psh:bool -> rx_ack:Sequence.t option -> seq:Sequence.t -> window:int -> options:Options.t list -> Cstruct.t -> (unit, error) Pervasives.result Lwt.t

xmit emits a TCP packet over the network.


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