package styled-ppx

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type direction = [
  1. | Angle.t
  2. | `Bottom
  3. | `BottomLeft
  4. | `BottomRight
  5. | `Left
  6. | `Right
  7. | `Top
  8. | `TopLeft
  9. | `TopRight
type color_stop_list = ([ Color.t | Var.t ] option * Length.t option) array
type shape = [
  1. | `ellipse
  2. | `circle
type radial_size = [
  1. | `closestSide
  2. | `closestCorner
  3. | `farthestSide
  4. | `farthestCorner
type t = [
  1. | `linearGradient of direction option * color_stop_list
  2. | `repeatingLinearGradient of direction option * color_stop_list
  3. | `radialGradient of shape option * radial_size option * Position.t option * color_stop_list
  4. | `repeatingRadialGradient of shape option * radial_size option * Position.t option * color_stop_list
  5. | `conicGradient of direction option * color_stop_list
val linearGradient : 'a -> 'b -> [> `linearGradient of 'a option * 'b ]
val repeatingLinearGradient : 'a -> 'b -> [> `repeatingLinearGradient of 'a option * 'b ]
val radialGradient : shape -> radial_size -> Position.t -> color_stop_list -> [> `radialGradient of shape option * radial_size option * Position.t option * color_stop_list ]
val repeatingRadialGradient : shape -> radial_size -> Position.t -> color_stop_list -> [> `repeatingRadialGradient of shape option * radial_size option * Position.t option * color_stop_list ]
val conicGradient : 'a -> 'b -> [> `conicGradient of 'a option * 'b ]
val string_of_stops : (Color.t option * Length.t option) array -> string
val direction_to_string : [< `Bottom | `BottomLeft | `BottomRight | `Left | `Right | `Top | `TopLeft | `TopRight | `deg of float | `grad of float | `rad of float | `turn of float ] -> string
val string_of_shape : [< `circle | `ellipse ] -> string
val string_of_size : [< `closestCorner | `closestSide | `farthestCorner | `farthestSide ] -> string
val maybe_string_of_shape : [< `circle | `ellipse ] option -> string
val maybe_string_of_size : [< `closestCorner | `closestSide | `farthestCorner | `farthestSide ] option -> string
val maybe_string_of_position : [< `auto | `bottom | `calc of Length.calc_value | `center | `ch of float | `cm of float | `cqb of float | `cqh of float | `cqi of float | `cqmax of float | `cqmin of float | `cqw of float | `em of float | `ex of float | `inch of float | `inherit_ | `initial | `left | `max of Length.t array | `min of Length.t array | `mm of float | `pc of float | `percent of float | `pt of int | `px of int | `pxFloat of float | `rem of float | `revert | `revertLayer | `right | `top | `unset | `var of string | `varDefault of string * string | `vh of float | `vmax of float | `vmin of float | `vw of float | `zero ] option -> string
val string_of_radialGradient : ([< `circle | `ellipse ] option * [< `closestCorner | `closestSide | `farthestCorner | `farthestSide ] option * [< `auto | `bottom | `calc of Length.calc_value | `center | `ch of float | `cm of float | `cqb of float | `cqh of float | `cqi of float | `cqmax of float | `cqmin of float | `cqw of float | `em of float | `ex of float | `inch of float | `inherit_ | `initial | `left | `max of Length.t array | `min of Length.t array | `mm of float | `pc of float | `percent of float | `pt of int | `px of int | `pxFloat of float | `rem of float | `revert | `revertLayer | `right | `top | `unset | `var of string | `varDefault of string * string | `vh of float | `vmax of float | `vmin of float | `vw of float | `zero ] option * (Color.t option * Length.t option) array) -> string
val string_of_repeatingRadialGradients : ([< `circle | `ellipse ] option * [< `closestCorner | `closestSide | `farthestCorner | `farthestSide ] option * [< `auto | `bottom | `calc of Length.calc_value | `center | `ch of float | `cm of float | `cqb of float | `cqh of float | `cqi of float | `cqmax of float | `cqmin of float | `cqw of float | `em of float | `ex of float | `inch of float | `inherit_ | `initial | `left | `max of Length.t array | `min of Length.t array | `mm of float | `pc of float | `percent of float | `pt of int | `px of int | `pxFloat of float | `rem of float | `revert | `revertLayer | `right | `top | `unset | `var of string | `varDefault of string * string | `vh of float | `vmax of float | `vmin of float | `vw of float | `zero ] option * (Color.t option * Length.t option) array) -> string
val toString : [< `conicGradient of [< `Bottom | `BottomLeft | `BottomRight | `Left | `Right | `Top | `TopLeft | `TopRight | `deg of float | `grad of float | `rad of float | `turn of float ] option * (Color.t option * Length.t option) array | `linearGradient of [< `Bottom | `BottomLeft | `BottomRight | `Left | `Right | `Top | `TopLeft | `TopRight | `deg of float | `grad of float | `rad of float | `turn of float ] option * (Color.t option * Length.t option) array | `radialGradient of [< `circle | `ellipse ] option * [< `closestCorner | `closestSide | `farthestCorner | `farthestSide ] option * [< `auto | `bottom | `calc of Length.calc_value | `center | `ch of float | `cm of float | `cqb of float | `cqh of float | `cqi of float | `cqmax of float | `cqmin of float | `cqw of float | `em of float | `ex of float | `inch of float | `inherit_ | `initial | `left | `max of Length.t array | `min of Length.t array | `mm of float | `pc of float | `percent of float | `pt of int | `px of int | `pxFloat of float | `rem of float | `revert | `revertLayer | `right | `top | `unset | `var of string | `varDefault of string * string | `vh of float | `vmax of float | `vmin of float | `vw of float | `zero ] option * (Color.t option * Length.t option) array | `repeatingLinearGradient of [< `Bottom | `BottomLeft | `BottomRight | `Left | `Right | `Top | `TopLeft | `TopRight | `deg of float | `grad of float | `rad of float | `turn of float ] option * (Color.t option * Length.t option) array | `repeatingRadialGradient of [< `circle | `ellipse ] option * [< `closestCorner | `closestSide | `farthestCorner | `farthestSide ] option * [< `auto | `bottom | `calc of Length.calc_value | `center | `ch of float | `cm of float | `cqb of float | `cqh of float | `cqi of float | `cqmax of float | `cqmin of float | `cqw of float | `em of float | `ex of float | `inch of float | `inherit_ | `initial | `left | `max of Length.t array | `min of Length.t array | `mm of float | `pc of float | `percent of float | `pt of int | `px of int | `pxFloat of float | `rem of float | `revert | `revertLayer | `right | `top | `unset | `var of string | `varDefault of string * string | `vh of float | `vmax of float | `vmin of float | `vw of float | `zero ] option * (Color.t option * Length.t option) array ] -> string

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