package stdune

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Functions on paths that are represented as strings

type mkdir_result =
  1. | Already_exists

    The directory already exists. No action was taken.

  2. | Created

    The directory was created.

  3. | Missing_parent_directory

    No parent directory, use mkdir_p if you want to create it too.

val mkdir : ?perms:int -> string -> mkdir_result
type mkdir_p_result =
  1. | Already_exists

    The directory already exists. No action was taken.

  2. | Created

    The directory was created.

val mkdir_p : ?perms:int -> string -> mkdir_p_result

follow_symlinks path returns a file path that is equivalent to path, but free of symbolic links. The value None is returned if the maximum symbolic link depth is reached (i.e., follow_symlink returns the value Error Max_depth_exceeded on some intermediate path).

Unlink and return error, if any.

val initial_cwd : string
type clear_dir_result =
  1. | Cleared
  2. | Directory_does_not_exist
val clear_dir : string -> clear_dir_result
val rm_rf : string -> unit

If the path does not exist, this function is a no-op.

val is_root : string -> bool
val traverse_files : dir:string -> init:'acc -> f:(dir:string -> Filename.t -> 'acc -> 'acc) -> 'acc

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