package spotify_ml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type imageObject = {
  1. url : string;
  2. height : int option;
  3. width : int option;
type externalUrl = {
  1. spotify : string;
type followers = {
  1. href : string option;
  2. total : int;
type restrictions = {
  1. reason : string;
type simplifiedArtist = {
  1. external_urls : externalUrl;
  2. href : string;
  3. id : string;
  4. name : string;
  5. item_type : string;
  6. uri : string;
type album = {
  1. album_type : string;
  2. total_tracks : int;
  3. available_markets : string list;
  4. external_urls : externalUrl;
  5. href : string;
  6. id : string;
  7. images : imageObject list;
  8. name : string;
  9. release_date : string;
  10. release_date_precision : string;
  11. restrictions : restrictions option;
  12. item_type : string;
  13. uri : string;
  14. artists : simplifiedArtist list;
type artist = {
  1. external_urls : externalUrl;
  2. followers : followers option;
  3. genres : string list option;
  4. href : string;
  5. id : string;
  6. images : imageObject list option;
  7. name : string;
  8. popularity : int option;
  9. item_type : string;
  10. uri : string;
type external_ids = {
  1. isrc : string;
  2. ean : string option;
  3. upc : string option;
type linked_from = {
  1. anything : string option;
type track = {
  1. album : album;
  2. artists : artist list;
  3. available_markets : string list;
  4. disc_number : int;
  5. duration_ms : int;
  6. explicit : bool;
  7. external_ids : external_ids;
  8. external_urls : externalUrl;
  9. href : string;
  10. id : string;
  11. is_playable : bool option;
  12. linked_from : linked_from option;
  13. restrictions : restrictions option;
  14. name : string;
  15. popularity : int;
  16. preview_url : string option;
  17. track_number : int;
  18. track_type : string;
  19. uri : string;
  20. is_local : bool;
type userTopTracksResponse = {
  1. href : string;
  2. limit : int;
  3. next : string option;
  4. offset : int;
  5. previous : string option;
  6. total : int;
  7. items : track list;
type userTopArtistsResponse = {
  1. href : string;
  2. limit : int;
  3. next : string option;
  4. offset : int;
  5. previous : string option;
  6. total : int;
  7. items : artist list;
val user_top_tracks : client:Client.t -> user:User.t -> (userTopTracksResponse * User.t, Serde.error) result Lwt.t

Returns the users' top tracks and also an updated User object.


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