package sonet

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type flag =
  1. | Msg_flag_no_reply_expected
  2. | Msg_flag_no_auto_start
type header =
  1. | Hdr_path
  2. | Hdr_interface
  3. | Hdr_member
  4. | Hdr_error_name
  5. | Hdr_reply_serial
  6. | Hdr_destination
  7. | Hdr_sender
  8. | Hdr_signature
val header_to_string : header -> string
type method_call = {
  1. method_call_flags : flag list;
  2. method_call_serial : int64;
  3. method_call_path : string;
  4. method_call_member : string;
  5. method_call_interface : string option;
  6. method_call_destination : string option;
  7. method_call_sender : string option;
  8. method_call_signature : Dbus_type.t list;
  9. method_call_payload : Dbus_value.t list;
type method_return = {
  1. method_return_flags : flag list;
  2. method_return_serial : int64;
  3. method_return_reply_serial : int64;
  4. method_return_destination : string option;
  5. method_return_sender : string option;
  6. method_return_signature : Dbus_type.t list;
  7. method_return_payload : Dbus_value.t list;
type error = {
  1. error_flags : flag list;
  2. error_serial : int64;
  3. error_name : string;
  4. error_reply_serial : int64;
  5. error_destination : string option;
  6. error_sender : string option;
  7. error_signature : Dbus_type.t list;
  8. error_payload : Dbus_value.t list;
type signal = {
  1. signal_flags : flag list;
  2. signal_serial : int64;
  3. signal_path : string;
  4. signal_interface : string;
  5. signal_member : string;
  6. signal_destination : string option;
  7. signal_sender : string option;
  8. signal_signature : Dbus_type.t list;
  9. signal_payload : Dbus_value.t list;
type msg_type =
  1. | Msg_type_method_call
  2. | Msg_type_method_return
  3. | Msg_type_error
  4. | Msg_type_signal
val msg_type_to_string : msg_type -> string
type t =
  1. | Msg_method_call of method_call
  2. | Msg_method_return of method_return
  3. | Msg_error of error
  4. | Msg_signal of signal
val get_type : t -> msg_type
val get_flags : t -> flag list
val get_serial : t -> int64
val get_destination : t -> string option
val get_sender : t -> string option
val get_signature : t -> Dbus_type.t list
val get_payload : t -> Dbus_value.t list
val get_headers : t -> (header * (Dbus_type.t * Dbus_value.t)) list
val method_call : ?flags:flag list -> serial:int64 -> ?destination:string -> ?interface:string -> ?path:string -> member:string -> signature:Dbus_type.t list -> Dbus_value.t list -> t
val method_return : ?flags:flag list -> serial:int64 -> ?destination:string -> reply_serial:int64 -> signature:Dbus_type.t list -> Dbus_value.t list -> t
val error : ?flags:flag list -> serial:int64 -> ?destination:string -> name:string -> reply_serial:int64 -> signature:Dbus_type.t list -> Dbus_value.t list -> t
val signal : ?flags:flag list -> serial:int64 -> ?destination:string -> interface:string -> path:string -> member:string -> signature:Dbus_type.t list -> Dbus_value.t list -> t
val pr_msg : Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Innovation. Community. Security.