package sklearn

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
val get_py : string -> Py.Object.t

Get an attribute of this module as a Py.Object.t. This is useful to pass a Python function to another function.

module ConfusionMatrixDisplay : sig ... end
module PrecisionRecallDisplay : sig ... end
module RocCurveDisplay : sig ... end
val accuracy_score : ?normalize:bool -> ?sample_weight:Arr.t -> y_true:Arr.t -> y_pred:Arr.t -> unit -> float

Accuracy classification score.

In multilabel classification, this function computes subset accuracy: the set of labels predicted for a sample must *exactly* match the corresponding set of labels in y_true.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <accuracy_score>`.

Parameters ---------- y_true : 1d array-like, or label indicator array / sparse matrix Ground truth (correct) labels.

y_pred : 1d array-like, or label indicator array / sparse matrix Predicted labels, as returned by a classifier.

normalize : bool, optional (default=True) If ``False``, return the number of correctly classified samples. Otherwise, return the fraction of correctly classified samples.

sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None Sample weights.

Returns ------- score : float If ``normalize == True``, return the fraction of correctly classified samples (float), else returns the number of correctly classified samples (int).

The best performance is 1 with ``normalize == True`` and the number of samples with ``normalize == False``.

See also -------- jaccard_score, hamming_loss, zero_one_loss

Notes ----- In binary and multiclass classification, this function is equal to the ``jaccard_score`` function.

Examples -------- >>> from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score >>> y_pred = 0, 2, 1, 3 >>> y_true = 0, 1, 2, 3 >>> accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred) 0.5 >>> accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred, normalize=False) 2

In the multilabel case with binary label indicators:

>>> import numpy as np >>> accuracy_score(np.array([0, 1], [1, 1]), np.ones((2, 2))) 0.5

val adjusted_mutual_info_score : ?average_method:string -> labels_true:Arr.t -> labels_pred:Arr.t -> unit -> float

Adjusted Mutual Information between two clusterings.

Adjusted Mutual Information (AMI) is an adjustment of the Mutual Information (MI) score to account for chance. It accounts for the fact that the MI is generally higher for two clusterings with a larger number of clusters, regardless of whether there is actually more information shared. For two clusterings :math:`U` and :math:`V`, the AMI is given as::

AMI(U, V) = MI(U, V) - E(MI(U, V)) / avg(H(U), H(V)) - E(MI(U, V))

This metric is independent of the absolute values of the labels: a permutation of the class or cluster label values won't change the score value in any way.

This metric is furthermore symmetric: switching ``label_true`` with ``label_pred`` will return the same score value. This can be useful to measure the agreement of two independent label assignments strategies on the same dataset when the real ground truth is not known.

Be mindful that this function is an order of magnitude slower than other metrics, such as the Adjusted Rand Index.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <mutual_info_score>`.

Parameters ---------- labels_true : int array, shape = n_samples A clustering of the data into disjoint subsets.

labels_pred : int array-like of shape (n_samples,) A clustering of the data into disjoint subsets.

average_method : string, optional (default: 'arithmetic') How to compute the normalizer in the denominator. Possible options are 'min', 'geometric', 'arithmetic', and 'max'.

.. versionadded:: 0.20

.. versionchanged:: 0.22 The default value of ``average_method`` changed from 'max' to 'arithmetic'.

Returns ------- ami: float (upperlimited by 1.0) The AMI returns a value of 1 when the two partitions are identical (ie perfectly matched). Random partitions (independent labellings) have an expected AMI around 0 on average hence can be negative.

See also -------- adjusted_rand_score: Adjusted Rand Index mutual_info_score: Mutual Information (not adjusted for chance)

Examples --------

Perfect labelings are both homogeneous and complete, hence have score 1.0::

>>> from sklearn.metrics.cluster import adjusted_mutual_info_score >>> adjusted_mutual_info_score(0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1) ... # doctest: +SKIP 1.0 >>> adjusted_mutual_info_score(0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0) ... # doctest: +SKIP 1.0

If classes members are completely split across different clusters, the assignment is totally in-complete, hence the AMI is null::

>>> adjusted_mutual_info_score(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3) ... # doctest: +SKIP 0.0

References ---------- .. 1 `Vinh, Epps, and Bailey, (2010). Information Theoretic Measures for Clusterings Comparison: Variants, Properties, Normalization and Correction for Chance, JMLR <>`_

.. 2 `Wikipedia entry for the Adjusted Mutual Information <>`_

val adjusted_rand_score : labels_true:Arr.t -> labels_pred:Arr.t -> unit -> float

Rand index adjusted for chance.

The Rand Index computes a similarity measure between two clusterings by considering all pairs of samples and counting pairs that are assigned in the same or different clusters in the predicted and true clusterings.

The raw RI score is then "adjusted for chance" into the ARI score using the following scheme::

ARI = (RI - Expected_RI) / (max(RI) - Expected_RI)

The adjusted Rand index is thus ensured to have a value close to 0.0 for random labeling independently of the number of clusters and samples and exactly 1.0 when the clusterings are identical (up to a permutation).

ARI is a symmetric measure::

adjusted_rand_score(a, b) == adjusted_rand_score(b, a)

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <adjusted_rand_score>`.

Parameters ---------- labels_true : int array, shape = n_samples Ground truth class labels to be used as a reference

labels_pred : array-like of shape (n_samples,) Cluster labels to evaluate

Returns ------- ari : float Similarity score between -1.0 and 1.0. Random labelings have an ARI close to 0.0. 1.0 stands for perfect match.

Examples --------

Perfectly matching labelings have a score of 1 even

>>> from sklearn.metrics.cluster import adjusted_rand_score >>> adjusted_rand_score(0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1) 1.0 >>> adjusted_rand_score(0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0) 1.0

Labelings that assign all classes members to the same clusters are complete be not always pure, hence penalized::

>>> adjusted_rand_score(0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1, 1) 0.57...

ARI is symmetric, so labelings that have pure clusters with members coming from the same classes but unnecessary splits are penalized::

>>> adjusted_rand_score(0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 2) 0.57...

If classes members are completely split across different clusters, the assignment is totally incomplete, hence the ARI is very low::

>>> adjusted_rand_score(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3) 0.0

References ----------

.. Hubert1985 L. Hubert and P. Arabie, Comparing Partitions, Journal of Classification 1985

.. wk

See also -------- adjusted_mutual_info_score: Adjusted Mutual Information

val auc : x:Arr.t -> y:Arr.t -> unit -> float

Compute Area Under the Curve (AUC) using the trapezoidal rule

This is a general function, given points on a curve. For computing the area under the ROC-curve, see :func:`roc_auc_score`. For an alternative way to summarize a precision-recall curve, see :func:`average_precision_score`.

Parameters ---------- x : array, shape = n x coordinates. These must be either monotonic increasing or monotonic decreasing. y : array, shape = n y coordinates.

Returns ------- auc : float

Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from sklearn import metrics >>> y = np.array(1, 1, 2, 2) >>> pred = np.array(0.1, 0.4, 0.35, 0.8) >>> fpr, tpr, thresholds = metrics.roc_curve(y, pred, pos_label=2) >>> metrics.auc(fpr, tpr) 0.75

See also -------- roc_auc_score : Compute the area under the ROC curve average_precision_score : Compute average precision from prediction scores precision_recall_curve : Compute precision-recall pairs for different probability thresholds

val average_precision_score : ?average:[ `Micro | `Macro | `Samples | `Weighted | `None ] -> ?pos_label:[ `I of int | `S of string ] -> ?sample_weight:Arr.t -> y_true:Arr.t -> y_score:Arr.t -> unit -> float

Compute average precision (AP) from prediction scores

AP summarizes a precision-recall curve as the weighted mean of precisions achieved at each threshold, with the increase in recall from the previous threshold used as the weight:

.. math:: \textAP = \sum_n (R_n - R_n-1) P_n

where :math:`P_n` and :math:`R_n` are the precision and recall at the nth threshold 1_. This implementation is not interpolated and is different from computing the area under the precision-recall curve with the trapezoidal rule, which uses linear interpolation and can be too optimistic.

Note: this implementation is restricted to the binary classification task or multilabel classification task.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <precision_recall_f_measure_metrics>`.

Parameters ---------- y_true : array, shape = n_samples or n_samples, n_classes True binary labels or binary label indicators.

y_score : array, shape = n_samples or n_samples, n_classes Target scores, can either be probability estimates of the positive class, confidence values, or non-thresholded measure of decisions (as returned by "decision_function" on some classifiers).

average : string, None, 'micro', 'macro' (default), 'samples', 'weighted' If ``None``, the scores for each class are returned. Otherwise, this determines the type of averaging performed on the data:

``'micro'``: Calculate metrics globally by considering each element of the label indicator matrix as a label. ``'macro'``: Calculate metrics for each label, and find their unweighted mean. This does not take label imbalance into account. ``'weighted'``: Calculate metrics for each label, and find their average, weighted by support (the number of true instances for each label). ``'samples'``: Calculate metrics for each instance, and find their average.

Will be ignored when ``y_true`` is binary.

pos_label : int or str (default=1) The label of the positive class. Only applied to binary ``y_true``. For multilabel-indicator ``y_true``, ``pos_label`` is fixed to 1.

sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None Sample weights.

Returns ------- average_precision : float

References ---------- .. 1 `Wikipedia entry for the Average precision < oldid=793358396#Average_precision>`_

See also -------- roc_auc_score : Compute the area under the ROC curve

precision_recall_curve : Compute precision-recall pairs for different probability thresholds

Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from sklearn.metrics import average_precision_score >>> y_true = np.array(0, 0, 1, 1) >>> y_scores = np.array(0.1, 0.4, 0.35, 0.8) >>> average_precision_score(y_true, y_scores) 0.83...

Notes ----- .. versionchanged:: 0.19 Instead of linearly interpolating between operating points, precisions are weighted by the change in recall since the last operating point.

val balanced_accuracy_score : ?sample_weight:Arr.t -> ?adjusted:bool -> y_true:Arr.t -> y_pred:Arr.t -> unit -> float

Compute the balanced accuracy

The balanced accuracy in binary and multiclass classification problems to deal with imbalanced datasets. It is defined as the average of recall obtained on each class.

The best value is 1 and the worst value is 0 when ``adjusted=False``.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <balanced_accuracy_score>`.

Parameters ---------- y_true : 1d array-like Ground truth (correct) target values.

y_pred : 1d array-like Estimated targets as returned by a classifier.

sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None Sample weights.

adjusted : bool, default=False When true, the result is adjusted for chance, so that random performance would score 0, and perfect performance scores 1.

Returns ------- balanced_accuracy : float

See also -------- recall_score, roc_auc_score

Notes ----- Some literature promotes alternative definitions of balanced accuracy. Our definition is equivalent to :func:`accuracy_score` with class-balanced sample weights, and shares desirable properties with the binary case. See the :ref:`User Guide <balanced_accuracy_score>`.

References ---------- .. 1 Brodersen, K.H.; Ong, C.S.; Stephan, K.E.; Buhmann, J.M. (2010). The balanced accuracy and its posterior distribution. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 3121-24. .. 2 John. D. Kelleher, Brian Mac Namee, Aoife D'Arcy, (2015). `Fundamentals of Machine Learning for Predictive Data Analytics: Algorithms, Worked Examples, and Case Studies <>`_.

Examples -------- >>> from sklearn.metrics import balanced_accuracy_score >>> y_true = 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0 >>> y_pred = 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 >>> balanced_accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred) 0.625

val brier_score_loss : ?sample_weight:Arr.t -> ?pos_label:[ `I of int | `S of string ] -> y_true:Arr.t -> y_prob:Arr.t -> unit -> float

Compute the Brier score. The smaller the Brier score, the better, hence the naming with "loss". Across all items in a set N predictions, the Brier score measures the mean squared difference between (1) the predicted probability assigned to the possible outcomes for item i, and (2) the actual outcome. Therefore, the lower the Brier score is for a set of predictions, the better the predictions are calibrated. Note that the Brier score always takes on a value between zero and one, since this is the largest possible difference between a predicted probability (which must be between zero and one) and the actual outcome (which can take on values of only 0 and 1). The Brier loss is composed of refinement loss and calibration loss. The Brier score is appropriate for binary and categorical outcomes that can be structured as true or false, but is inappropriate for ordinal variables which can take on three or more values (this is because the Brier score assumes that all possible outcomes are equivalently "distant" from one another). Which label is considered to be the positive label is controlled via the parameter pos_label, which defaults to 1. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <calibration>`.

Parameters ---------- y_true : array, shape (n_samples,) True targets.

y_prob : array, shape (n_samples,) Probabilities of the positive class.

sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None Sample weights.

pos_label : int or str, default=None Label of the positive class. Defaults to the greater label unless y_true is all 0 or all -1 in which case pos_label defaults to 1.

Returns ------- score : float Brier score

Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from sklearn.metrics import brier_score_loss >>> y_true = np.array(0, 1, 1, 0) >>> y_true_categorical = np.array("spam", "ham", "ham", "spam") >>> y_prob = np.array(0.1, 0.9, 0.8, 0.3) >>> brier_score_loss(y_true, y_prob) 0.037... >>> brier_score_loss(y_true, 1-y_prob, pos_label=0) 0.037... >>> brier_score_loss(y_true_categorical, y_prob, pos_label="ham") 0.037... >>> brier_score_loss(y_true, np.array(y_prob) > 0.5) 0.0

References ---------- .. 1 `Wikipedia entry for the Brier score. <>`_

val calinski_harabasz_score : x:Arr.t -> labels:Arr.t -> unit -> float

Compute the Calinski and Harabasz score.

It is also known as the Variance Ratio Criterion.

The score is defined as ratio between the within-cluster dispersion and the between-cluster dispersion.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <calinski_harabasz_index>`.

Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape (``n_samples``, ``n_features``) List of ``n_features``-dimensional data points. Each row corresponds to a single data point.

labels : array-like, shape (``n_samples``,) Predicted labels for each sample.

Returns ------- score : float The resulting Calinski-Harabasz score.

References ---------- .. 1 `T. Calinski and J. Harabasz, 1974. "A dendrite method for cluster analysis". Communications in Statistics <>`_

val calinski_harabaz_score : x:Py.Object.t -> labels:Py.Object.t -> unit -> Py.Object.t

DEPRECATED: Function 'calinski_harabaz_score' has been renamed to 'calinski_harabasz_score' and will be removed in version 0.23.

val check_scoring : ?scoring:[ `S of string | `Callable of Py.Object.t ] -> ?allow_none:bool -> estimator:Py.Object.t -> unit -> Py.Object.t

Determine scorer from user options.

A TypeError will be thrown if the estimator cannot be scored.

Parameters ---------- estimator : estimator object implementing 'fit' The object to use to fit the data.

scoring : string, callable or None, optional, default: None A string (see model evaluation documentation) or a scorer callable object / function with signature ``scorer(estimator, X, y)``.

allow_none : boolean, optional, default: False If no scoring is specified and the estimator has no score function, we can either return None or raise an exception.

Returns ------- scoring : callable A scorer callable object / function with signature ``scorer(estimator, X, y)``.

val classification_report : ?labels:Arr.t -> ?target_names:Arr.t -> ?sample_weight:Arr.t -> ?digits:int -> ?output_dict:bool -> ?zero_division:[ `Warn | `Zero | `One ] -> y_true:Arr.t -> y_pred:Arr.t -> unit -> [ `S of string | `Dict of (string * < precision : float ; recall : float ; f1_score : float ; support : float >) list ]

Build a text report showing the main classification metrics

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <classification_report>`.

Parameters ---------- y_true : 1d array-like, or label indicator array / sparse matrix Ground truth (correct) target values.

y_pred : 1d array-like, or label indicator array / sparse matrix Estimated targets as returned by a classifier.

labels : array, shape = n_labels Optional list of label indices to include in the report.

target_names : list of strings Optional display names matching the labels (same order).

sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None Sample weights.

digits : int Number of digits for formatting output floating point values. When ``output_dict`` is ``True``, this will be ignored and the returned values will not be rounded.

output_dict : bool (default = False) If True, return output as dict

zero_division : "warn", 0 or 1, default="warn" Sets the value to return when there is a zero division. If set to "warn", this acts as 0, but warnings are also raised.

Returns ------- report : string / dict Text summary of the precision, recall, F1 score for each class. Dictionary returned if output_dict is True. Dictionary has the following structure::

'label 1': {'precision':0.5, 'recall':1.0, 'f1-score':0.67, 'support':1, 'label 2': ... , ...


The reported averages include macro average (averaging the unweighted mean per label), weighted average (averaging the support-weighted mean per label), and sample average (only for multilabel classification). Micro average (averaging the total true positives, false negatives and false positives) is only shown for multi-label or multi-class with a subset of classes, because it corresponds to accuracy otherwise. See also :func:`precision_recall_fscore_support` for more details on averages.

Note that in binary classification, recall of the positive class is also known as "sensitivity"; recall of the negative class is "specificity".

See also -------- precision_recall_fscore_support, confusion_matrix, multilabel_confusion_matrix

Examples -------- >>> from sklearn.metrics import classification_report >>> y_true = 0, 1, 2, 2, 2 >>> y_pred = 0, 0, 2, 2, 1 >>> target_names = 'class 0', 'class 1', 'class 2' >>> print(classification_report(y_true, y_pred, target_names=target_names)) precision recall f1-score support <BLANKLINE> class 0 0.50 1.00 0.67 1 class 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 class 2 1.00 0.67 0.80 3 <BLANKLINE> accuracy 0.60 5 macro avg 0.50 0.56 0.49 5 weighted avg 0.70 0.60 0.61 5 <BLANKLINE> >>> y_pred = 1, 1, 0 >>> y_true = 1, 1, 1 >>> print(classification_report(y_true, y_pred, labels=1, 2, 3)) precision recall f1-score support <BLANKLINE> 1 1.00 0.67 0.80 3 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 <BLANKLINE> micro avg 1.00 0.67 0.80 3 macro avg 0.33 0.22 0.27 3 weighted avg 1.00 0.67 0.80 3 <BLANKLINE>

module Cluster : sig ... end
val cohen_kappa_score : ?labels:Arr.t -> ?weights:string -> ?sample_weight:Arr.t -> y1:Arr.t -> y2:Arr.t -> unit -> float

Cohen's kappa: a statistic that measures inter-annotator agreement.

This function computes Cohen's kappa 1_, a score that expresses the level of agreement between two annotators on a classification problem. It is defined as

.. math:: \kappa = (p_o - p_e) / (1 - p_e)

where :math:`p_o` is the empirical probability of agreement on the label assigned to any sample (the observed agreement ratio), and :math:`p_e` is the expected agreement when both annotators assign labels randomly. :math:`p_e` is estimated using a per-annotator empirical prior over the class labels 2_.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <cohen_kappa>`.

Parameters ---------- y1 : array, shape = n_samples Labels assigned by the first annotator.

y2 : array, shape = n_samples Labels assigned by the second annotator. The kappa statistic is symmetric, so swapping ``y1`` and ``y2`` doesn't change the value.

labels : array, shape = n_classes, optional List of labels to index the matrix. This may be used to select a subset of labels. If None, all labels that appear at least once in ``y1`` or ``y2`` are used.

weights : str, optional Weighting type to calculate the score. None means no weighted; "linear" means linear weighted; "quadratic" means quadratic weighted.

sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None Sample weights.

Returns ------- kappa : float The kappa statistic, which is a number between -1 and 1. The maximum value means complete agreement; zero or lower means chance agreement.

References ---------- .. 1 J. Cohen (1960). "A coefficient of agreement for nominal scales". Educational and Psychological Measurement 20(1):37-46. doi:10.1177/001316446002000104. .. 2 `R. Artstein and M. Poesio (2008). "Inter-coder agreement for computational linguistics". Computational Linguistics 34(4):555-596. <>`_ .. 3 `Wikipedia entry for the Cohen's kappa. <>`_

val completeness_score : labels_true:Arr.t -> labels_pred:Arr.t -> unit -> float

Completeness metric of a cluster labeling given a ground truth.

A clustering result satisfies completeness if all the data points that are members of a given class are elements of the same cluster.

This metric is independent of the absolute values of the labels: a permutation of the class or cluster label values won't change the score value in any way.

This metric is not symmetric: switching ``label_true`` with ``label_pred`` will return the :func:`homogeneity_score` which will be different in general.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <homogeneity_completeness>`.

Parameters ---------- labels_true : int array, shape = n_samples ground truth class labels to be used as a reference

labels_pred : array-like of shape (n_samples,) cluster labels to evaluate

Returns ------- completeness : float score between 0.0 and 1.0. 1.0 stands for perfectly complete labeling

References ----------

.. 1 `Andrew Rosenberg and Julia Hirschberg, 2007. V-Measure: A conditional entropy-based external cluster evaluation measure <>`_

See also -------- homogeneity_score v_measure_score

Examples --------

Perfect labelings are complete::

>>> from sklearn.metrics.cluster import completeness_score >>> completeness_score(0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0) 1.0

Non-perfect labelings that assign all classes members to the same clusters are still complete::

>>> print(completeness_score(0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)) 1.0 >>> print(completeness_score(0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 1, 1)) 0.999...

If classes members are split across different clusters, the assignment cannot be complete::

>>> print(completeness_score(0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1)) 0.0 >>> print(completeness_score(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3)) 0.0

val confusion_matrix : ?labels:Arr.t -> ?sample_weight:Arr.t -> ?normalize:[ `True | `Pred | `All ] -> y_true:Arr.t -> y_pred:Arr.t -> unit -> Arr.t

Compute confusion matrix to evaluate the accuracy of a classification.

By definition a confusion matrix :math:`C` is such that :math:`C_, j` is equal to the number of observations known to be in group :math:`i` and predicted to be in group :math:`j`.

Thus in binary classification, the count of true negatives is :math:`C_


`, false negatives is :math:`C_


`, true positives is :math:`C_


` and false positives is :math:`C_



Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <confusion_matrix>`.

Parameters ---------- y_true : array-like of shape (n_samples,) Ground truth (correct) target values.

y_pred : array-like of shape (n_samples,) Estimated targets as returned by a classifier.

labels : array-like of shape (n_classes), default=None List of labels to index the matrix. This may be used to reorder or select a subset of labels. If ``None`` is given, those that appear at least once in ``y_true`` or ``y_pred`` are used in sorted order.

sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None Sample weights.

normalize : 'true', 'pred', 'all', default=None Normalizes confusion matrix over the true (rows), predicted (columns) conditions or all the population. If None, confusion matrix will not be normalized.

Returns ------- C : ndarray of shape (n_classes, n_classes) Confusion matrix.

References ---------- .. 1 `Wikipedia entry for the Confusion matrix <>`_ (Wikipedia and other references may use a different convention for axes)

Examples -------- >>> from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix >>> y_true = 2, 0, 2, 2, 0, 1 >>> y_pred = 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 2 >>> confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred) array([2, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 2])

>>> y_true = "cat", "ant", "cat", "cat", "ant", "bird" >>> y_pred = "ant", "ant", "cat", "cat", "ant", "cat" >>> confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred, labels="ant", "bird", "cat") array([2, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 2])

In the binary case, we can extract true positives, etc as follows:

>>> tn, fp, fn, tp = confusion_matrix(0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0).ravel() >>> (tn, fp, fn, tp) (0, 2, 1, 1)

val consensus_score : ?similarity:[ `S of string | `Callable of Py.Object.t ] -> a:Py.Object.t -> b:Py.Object.t -> unit -> Py.Object.t

The similarity of two sets of biclusters.

Similarity between individual biclusters is computed. Then the best matching between sets is found using the Hungarian algorithm. The final score is the sum of similarities divided by the size of the larger set.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <biclustering>`.

Parameters ---------- a : (rows, columns) Tuple of row and column indicators for a set of biclusters.

b : (rows, columns) Another set of biclusters like ``a``.

similarity : string or function, optional, default: "jaccard" May be the string "jaccard" to use the Jaccard coefficient, or any function that takes four arguments, each of which is a 1d indicator vector: (a_rows, a_columns, b_rows, b_columns).

References ----------

* Hochreiter, Bodenhofer, et. al., 2010. `FABIA: factor analysis for bicluster acquisition <>`__.

val coverage_error : ?sample_weight:Arr.t -> y_true:Arr.t -> y_score:Arr.t -> unit -> float

Coverage error measure

Compute how far we need to go through the ranked scores to cover all true labels. The best value is equal to the average number of labels in ``y_true`` per sample.

Ties in ``y_scores`` are broken by giving maximal rank that would have been assigned to all tied values.

Note: Our implementation's score is 1 greater than the one given in Tsoumakas et al., 2010. This extends it to handle the degenerate case in which an instance has 0 true labels.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <coverage_error>`.

Parameters ---------- y_true : array, shape = n_samples, n_labels True binary labels in binary indicator format.

y_score : array, shape = n_samples, n_labels Target scores, can either be probability estimates of the positive class, confidence values, or non-thresholded measure of decisions (as returned by "decision_function" on some classifiers).

sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None Sample weights.

Returns ------- coverage_error : float

References ---------- .. 1 Tsoumakas, G., Katakis, I., & Vlahavas, I. (2010). Mining multi-label data. In Data mining and knowledge discovery handbook (pp. 667-685). Springer US.

val davies_bouldin_score : x:Arr.t -> labels:Arr.t -> unit -> float

Computes the Davies-Bouldin score.

The score is defined as the average similarity measure of each cluster with its most similar cluster, where similarity is the ratio of within-cluster distances to between-cluster distances. Thus, clusters which are farther apart and less dispersed will result in a better score.

The minimum score is zero, with lower values indicating better clustering.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <davies-bouldin_index>`.

Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape (``n_samples``, ``n_features``) List of ``n_features``-dimensional data points. Each row corresponds to a single data point.

labels : array-like, shape (``n_samples``,) Predicted labels for each sample.

Returns ------- score: float The resulting Davies-Bouldin score.

References ---------- .. 1 Davies, David L.; Bouldin, Donald W. (1979). `"A Cluster Separation Measure" <>`__. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. PAMI-1 (2): 224-227

val dcg_score : ?k:int -> ?log_base:float -> ?sample_weight:Arr.t -> ?ignore_ties:bool -> y_true:Arr.t -> y_score:Arr.t -> unit -> float

Compute Discounted Cumulative Gain.

Sum the true scores ranked in the order induced by the predicted scores, after applying a logarithmic discount.

This ranking metric yields a high value if true labels are ranked high by ``y_score``.

Usually the Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (NDCG, computed by ndcg_score) is preferred.

Parameters ---------- y_true : ndarray, shape (n_samples, n_labels) True targets of multilabel classification, or true scores of entities to be ranked.

y_score : ndarray, shape (n_samples, n_labels) Target scores, can either be probability estimates, confidence values, or non-thresholded measure of decisions (as returned by "decision_function" on some classifiers).

k : int, optional (default=None) Only consider the highest k scores in the ranking. If None, use all outputs.

log_base : float, optional (default=2) Base of the logarithm used for the discount. A low value means a sharper discount (top results are more important).

sample_weight : ndarray, shape (n_samples,), optional (default=None) Sample weights. If None, all samples are given the same weight.

ignore_ties : bool, optional (default=False) Assume that there are no ties in y_score (which is likely to be the case if y_score is continuous) for efficiency gains.

Returns ------- discounted_cumulative_gain : float The averaged sample DCG scores.

See also -------- ndcg_score : The Discounted Cumulative Gain divided by the Ideal Discounted Cumulative Gain (the DCG obtained for a perfect ranking), in order to have a score between 0 and 1.

References ---------- `Wikipedia entry for Discounted Cumulative Gain <>`_

Jarvelin, K., & Kekalainen, J. (2002). Cumulated gain-based evaluation of IR techniques. ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS), 20(4), 422-446.

Wang, Y., Wang, L., Li, Y., He, D., Chen, W., & Liu, T. Y. (2013, May). A theoretical analysis of NDCG ranking measures. In Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference on Learning Theory (COLT 2013)

McSherry, F., & Najork, M. (2008, March). Computing information retrieval performance measures efficiently in the presence of tied scores. In European conference on information retrieval (pp. 414-421). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Examples -------- >>> from sklearn.metrics import dcg_score >>> # we have groud-truth relevance of some answers to a query: >>> true_relevance = np.asarray([10, 0, 0, 1, 5]) >>> # we predict scores for the answers >>> scores = np.asarray([.1, .2, .3, 4, 70]) >>> dcg_score(true_relevance, scores) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 9.49... >>> # we can set k to truncate the sum; only top k answers contribute >>> dcg_score(true_relevance, scores, k=2) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 5.63... >>> # now we have some ties in our prediction >>> scores = np.asarray([1, 0, 0, 0, 1]) >>> # by default ties are averaged, so here we get the average true >>> # relevance of our top predictions: (10 + 5) / 2 = 7.5 >>> dcg_score(true_relevance, scores, k=1) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 7.5 >>> # we can choose to ignore ties for faster results, but only >>> # if we know there aren't ties in our scores, otherwise we get >>> # wrong results: >>> dcg_score(true_relevance, ... scores, k=1, ignore_ties=True) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 5.0

val euclidean_distances : ?y:Arr.t -> ?y_norm_squared:Arr.t -> ?squared:bool -> ?x_norm_squared:Arr.t -> x:Arr.t -> unit -> Arr.t

Considering the rows of X (and Y=X) as vectors, compute the distance matrix between each pair of vectors.

For efficiency reasons, the euclidean distance between a pair of row vector x and y is computed as::

dist(x, y) = sqrt(dot(x, x) - 2 * dot(x, y) + dot(y, y))

This formulation has two advantages over other ways of computing distances. First, it is computationally efficient when dealing with sparse data. Second, if one argument varies but the other remains unchanged, then `dot(x, x)` and/or `dot(y, y)` can be pre-computed.

However, this is not the most precise way of doing this computation, and the distance matrix returned by this function may not be exactly symmetric as required by, e.g., ``scipy.spatial.distance`` functions.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <metrics>`.

Parameters ---------- X : array-like, sparse matrix, shape (n_samples_1, n_features)

Y : array-like, sparse matrix, shape (n_samples_2, n_features)

Y_norm_squared : array-like, shape (n_samples_2, ), optional Pre-computed dot-products of vectors in Y (e.g., ``(Y**2).sum(axis=1)``) May be ignored in some cases, see the note below.

squared : boolean, optional Return squared Euclidean distances.

X_norm_squared : array-like of shape (n_samples,), optional Pre-computed dot-products of vectors in X (e.g., ``(X**2).sum(axis=1)``) May be ignored in some cases, see the note below.

Notes ----- To achieve better accuracy, `X_norm_squared` and `Y_norm_squared` may be unused if they are passed as ``float32``.

Returns ------- distances : array, shape (n_samples_1, n_samples_2)

Examples -------- >>> from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import euclidean_distances >>> X = [0, 1], [1, 1] >>> # distance between rows of X >>> euclidean_distances(X, X) array([0., 1.], [1., 0.]) >>> # get distance to origin >>> euclidean_distances(X, [0, 0]) array([1. ], [1.41421356])

See also -------- paired_distances : distances betweens pairs of elements of X and Y.

val explained_variance_score : ?sample_weight:Arr.t -> ?multioutput: [ `Raw_values | `Uniform_average | `Variance_weighted | `Arr of Arr.t ] -> y_true:Arr.t -> y_pred:Arr.t -> unit -> [ `F of float | `Arr of Arr.t ]

Explained variance regression score function

Best possible score is 1.0, lower values are worse.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <explained_variance_score>`.

Parameters ---------- y_true : array-like of shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_outputs) Ground truth (correct) target values.

y_pred : array-like of shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_outputs) Estimated target values.

sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,), optional Sample weights.

multioutput : string in 'raw_values', 'uniform_average', 'variance_weighted' or array-like of shape (n_outputs) Defines aggregating of multiple output scores. Array-like value defines weights used to average scores.

'raw_values' : Returns a full set of scores in case of multioutput input.

'uniform_average' : Scores of all outputs are averaged with uniform weight.

'variance_weighted' : Scores of all outputs are averaged, weighted by the variances of each individual output.

Returns ------- score : float or ndarray of floats The explained variance or ndarray if 'multioutput' is 'raw_values'.

Notes ----- This is not a symmetric function.

Examples -------- >>> from sklearn.metrics import explained_variance_score >>> y_true = 3, -0.5, 2, 7 >>> y_pred = 2.5, 0.0, 2, 8 >>> explained_variance_score(y_true, y_pred) 0.957... >>> y_true = [0.5, 1], [-1, 1], [7, -6] >>> y_pred = [0, 2], [-1, 2], [8, -5] >>> explained_variance_score(y_true, y_pred, multioutput='uniform_average') 0.983...

val f1_score : ?labels:Arr.t -> ?pos_label:[ `S of string | `I of int ] -> ?average:[ `Binary | `Micro | `Macro | `Samples | `Weighted | `None ] -> ?sample_weight:Arr.t -> ?zero_division:[ `Warn | `Zero | `One ] -> y_true:Arr.t -> y_pred:Arr.t -> unit -> [ `F of float | `Arr of Arr.t ]

Compute the F1 score, also known as balanced F-score or F-measure

The F1 score can be interpreted as a weighted average of the precision and recall, where an F1 score reaches its best value at 1 and worst score at 0. The relative contribution of precision and recall to the F1 score are equal. The formula for the F1 score is::

F1 = 2 * (precision * recall) / (precision + recall)

In the multi-class and multi-label case, this is the average of the F1 score of each class with weighting depending on the ``average`` parameter.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <precision_recall_f_measure_metrics>`.

Parameters ---------- y_true : 1d array-like, or label indicator array / sparse matrix Ground truth (correct) target values.

y_pred : 1d array-like, or label indicator array / sparse matrix Estimated targets as returned by a classifier.

labels : list, optional The set of labels to include when ``average != 'binary'``, and their order if ``average is None``. Labels present in the data can be excluded, for example to calculate a multiclass average ignoring a majority negative class, while labels not present in the data will result in 0 components in a macro average. For multilabel targets, labels are column indices. By default, all labels in ``y_true`` and ``y_pred`` are used in sorted order.

.. versionchanged:: 0.17 parameter *labels* improved for multiclass problem.

pos_label : str or int, 1 by default The class to report if ``average='binary'`` and the data is binary. If the data are multiclass or multilabel, this will be ignored; setting ``labels=pos_label`` and ``average != 'binary'`` will report scores for that label only.

average : string, None, 'binary' (default), 'micro', 'macro', 'samples', 'weighted' This parameter is required for multiclass/multilabel targets. If ``None``, the scores for each class are returned. Otherwise, this determines the type of averaging performed on the data:

``'binary'``: Only report results for the class specified by ``pos_label``. This is applicable only if targets (``y_



``) are binary. ``'micro'``: Calculate metrics globally by counting the total true positives, false negatives and false positives. ``'macro'``: Calculate metrics for each label, and find their unweighted mean. This does not take label imbalance into account. ``'weighted'``: Calculate metrics for each label, and find their average weighted by support (the number of true instances for each label). This alters 'macro' to account for label imbalance; it can result in an F-score that is not between precision and recall. ``'samples'``: Calculate metrics for each instance, and find their average (only meaningful for multilabel classification where this differs from :func:`accuracy_score`).

sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None Sample weights.

zero_division : "warn", 0 or 1, default="warn" Sets the value to return when there is a zero division, i.e. when all predictions and labels are negative. If set to "warn", this acts as 0, but warnings are also raised.

Returns ------- f1_score : float or array of float, shape = n_unique_labels F1 score of the positive class in binary classification or weighted average of the F1 scores of each class for the multiclass task.

See also -------- fbeta_score, precision_recall_fscore_support, jaccard_score, multilabel_confusion_matrix

References ---------- .. 1 `Wikipedia entry for the F1-score <>`_

Examples -------- >>> from sklearn.metrics import f1_score >>> y_true = 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2 >>> y_pred = 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1 >>> f1_score(y_true, y_pred, average='macro') 0.26... >>> f1_score(y_true, y_pred, average='micro') 0.33... >>> f1_score(y_true, y_pred, average='weighted') 0.26... >>> f1_score(y_true, y_pred, average=None) array(0.8, 0. , 0. ) >>> y_true = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 >>> y_pred = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 >>> f1_score(y_true, y_pred, zero_division=1) 1.0...

Notes ----- When ``true positive + false positive == 0``, precision is undefined; When ``true positive + false negative == 0``, recall is undefined. In such cases, by default the metric will be set to 0, as will f-score, and ``UndefinedMetricWarning`` will be raised. This behavior can be modified with ``zero_division``.

val fbeta_score : ?labels:Arr.t -> ?pos_label:[ `S of string | `I of int ] -> ?average:[ `Binary | `Micro | `Macro | `Samples | `Weighted | `None ] -> ?sample_weight:Arr.t -> ?zero_division:[ `Warn | `Zero | `One ] -> y_true:Arr.t -> y_pred:Arr.t -> beta:float -> unit -> [ `F of float | `Arr of Arr.t ]

Compute the F-beta score

The F-beta score is the weighted harmonic mean of precision and recall, reaching its optimal value at 1 and its worst value at 0.

The `beta` parameter determines the weight of recall in the combined score. ``beta < 1`` lends more weight to precision, while ``beta > 1`` favors recall (``beta -> 0`` considers only precision, ``beta -> +inf`` only recall).

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <precision_recall_f_measure_metrics>`.

Parameters ---------- y_true : 1d array-like, or label indicator array / sparse matrix Ground truth (correct) target values.

y_pred : 1d array-like, or label indicator array / sparse matrix Estimated targets as returned by a classifier.

beta : float Determines the weight of recall in the combined score.

labels : list, optional The set of labels to include when ``average != 'binary'``, and their order if ``average is None``. Labels present in the data can be excluded, for example to calculate a multiclass average ignoring a majority negative class, while labels not present in the data will result in 0 components in a macro average. For multilabel targets, labels are column indices. By default, all labels in ``y_true`` and ``y_pred`` are used in sorted order.

.. versionchanged:: 0.17 parameter *labels* improved for multiclass problem.

pos_label : str or int, 1 by default The class to report if ``average='binary'`` and the data is binary. If the data are multiclass or multilabel, this will be ignored; setting ``labels=pos_label`` and ``average != 'binary'`` will report scores for that label only.

average : string, None, 'binary' (default), 'micro', 'macro', 'samples', 'weighted' This parameter is required for multiclass/multilabel targets. If ``None``, the scores for each class are returned. Otherwise, this determines the type of averaging performed on the data:

``'binary'``: Only report results for the class specified by ``pos_label``. This is applicable only if targets (``y_



``) are binary. ``'micro'``: Calculate metrics globally by counting the total true positives, false negatives and false positives. ``'macro'``: Calculate metrics for each label, and find their unweighted mean. This does not take label imbalance into account. ``'weighted'``: Calculate metrics for each label, and find their average weighted by support (the number of true instances for each label). This alters 'macro' to account for label imbalance; it can result in an F-score that is not between precision and recall. ``'samples'``: Calculate metrics for each instance, and find their average (only meaningful for multilabel classification where this differs from :func:`accuracy_score`).

sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None Sample weights.

zero_division : "warn", 0 or 1, default="warn" Sets the value to return when there is a zero division, i.e. when all predictions and labels are negative. If set to "warn", this acts as 0, but warnings are also raised.

Returns ------- fbeta_score : float (if average is not None) or array of float, shape = n_unique_labels F-beta score of the positive class in binary classification or weighted average of the F-beta score of each class for the multiclass task.

See also -------- precision_recall_fscore_support, multilabel_confusion_matrix

References ---------- .. 1 R. Baeza-Yates and B. Ribeiro-Neto (2011). Modern Information Retrieval. Addison Wesley, pp. 327-328.

.. 2 `Wikipedia entry for the F1-score <>`_

Examples -------- >>> from sklearn.metrics import fbeta_score >>> y_true = 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2 >>> y_pred = 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1 >>> fbeta_score(y_true, y_pred, average='macro', beta=0.5) 0.23... >>> fbeta_score(y_true, y_pred, average='micro', beta=0.5) 0.33... >>> fbeta_score(y_true, y_pred, average='weighted', beta=0.5) 0.23... >>> fbeta_score(y_true, y_pred, average=None, beta=0.5) array(0.71..., 0. , 0. )

Notes ----- When ``true positive + false positive == 0`` or ``true positive + false negative == 0``, f-score returns 0 and raises ``UndefinedMetricWarning``. This behavior can be modified with ``zero_division``.

val fowlkes_mallows_score : ?sparse:bool -> labels_true:Arr.t -> labels_pred:Arr.t -> unit -> float

Measure the similarity of two clusterings of a set of points.

The Fowlkes-Mallows index (FMI) is defined as the geometric mean between of the precision and recall::

FMI = TP / sqrt((TP + FP) * (TP + FN))

Where ``TP`` is the number of **True Positive** (i.e. the number of pair of points that belongs in the same clusters in both ``labels_true`` and ``labels_pred``), ``FP`` is the number of **False Positive** (i.e. the number of pair of points that belongs in the same clusters in ``labels_true`` and not in ``labels_pred``) and ``FN`` is the number of **False Negative** (i.e the number of pair of points that belongs in the same clusters in ``labels_pred`` and not in ``labels_True``).

The score ranges from 0 to 1. A high value indicates a good similarity between two clusters.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <fowlkes_mallows_scores>`.

Parameters ---------- labels_true : int array, shape = (``n_samples``,) A clustering of the data into disjoint subsets.

labels_pred : array, shape = (``n_samples``, ) A clustering of the data into disjoint subsets.

sparse : bool Compute contingency matrix internally with sparse matrix.

Returns ------- score : float The resulting Fowlkes-Mallows score.

Examples --------

Perfect labelings are both homogeneous and complete, hence have score 1.0::

>>> from sklearn.metrics.cluster import fowlkes_mallows_score >>> fowlkes_mallows_score(0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1) 1.0 >>> fowlkes_mallows_score(0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0) 1.0

If classes members are completely split across different clusters, the assignment is totally random, hence the FMI is null::

>>> fowlkes_mallows_score(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3) 0.0

References ---------- .. 1 `E. B. Fowkles and C. L. Mallows, 1983. "A method for comparing two hierarchical clusterings". Journal of the American Statistical Association <>`_

.. 2 `Wikipedia entry for the Fowlkes-Mallows Index <>`_

val get_scorer : scoring:[ `S of string | `Callable of Py.Object.t ] -> unit -> Py.Object.t

Get a scorer from string.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <scoring_parameter>`.

Parameters ---------- scoring : str | callable scoring method as string. If callable it is returned as is.

Returns ------- scorer : callable The scorer.

val hamming_loss : ?labels:Arr.t -> ?sample_weight:Arr.t -> y_true:Arr.t -> y_pred:Arr.t -> unit -> float

Compute the average Hamming loss.

The Hamming loss is the fraction of labels that are incorrectly predicted.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <hamming_loss>`.

Parameters ---------- y_true : 1d array-like, or label indicator array / sparse matrix Ground truth (correct) labels.

y_pred : 1d array-like, or label indicator array / sparse matrix Predicted labels, as returned by a classifier.

labels : array, shape = n_labels, optional (default='deprecated') Integer array of labels. If not provided, labels will be inferred from y_true and y_pred.

.. versionadded:: 0.18 .. deprecated:: 0.21 This parameter ``labels`` is deprecated in version 0.21 and will be removed in version 0.23. Hamming loss uses ``y_true.shape1`` for the number of labels when y_true is binary label indicators, so it is unnecessary for the user to specify.

sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None Sample weights.

.. versionadded:: 0.18

Returns ------- loss : float or int, Return the average Hamming loss between element of ``y_true`` and ``y_pred``.

See Also -------- accuracy_score, jaccard_score, zero_one_loss

Notes ----- In multiclass classification, the Hamming loss corresponds to the Hamming distance between ``y_true`` and ``y_pred`` which is equivalent to the subset ``zero_one_loss`` function, when `normalize` parameter is set to True.

In multilabel classification, the Hamming loss is different from the subset zero-one loss. The zero-one loss considers the entire set of labels for a given sample incorrect if it does not entirely match the true set of labels. Hamming loss is more forgiving in that it penalizes only the individual labels.

The Hamming loss is upperbounded by the subset zero-one loss, when `normalize` parameter is set to True. It is always between 0 and 1, lower being better.

References ---------- .. 1 Grigorios Tsoumakas, Ioannis Katakis. Multi-Label Classification: An Overview. International Journal of Data Warehousing & Mining, 3(3), 1-13, July-September 2007.

.. 2 `Wikipedia entry on the Hamming distance <>`_

Examples -------- >>> from sklearn.metrics import hamming_loss >>> y_pred = 1, 2, 3, 4 >>> y_true = 2, 2, 3, 4 >>> hamming_loss(y_true, y_pred) 0.25

In the multilabel case with binary label indicators:

>>> import numpy as np >>> hamming_loss(np.array([0, 1], [1, 1]), np.zeros((2, 2))) 0.75

val hinge_loss : ?labels:Arr.t -> ?sample_weight:Arr.t -> y_true:Arr.t -> pred_decision:Arr.t -> unit -> float

Average hinge loss (non-regularized)

In binary class case, assuming labels in y_true are encoded with +1 and -1, when a prediction mistake is made, ``margin = y_true * pred_decision`` is always negative (since the signs disagree), implying ``1 - margin`` is always greater than 1. The cumulated hinge loss is therefore an upper bound of the number of mistakes made by the classifier.

In multiclass case, the function expects that either all the labels are included in y_true or an optional labels argument is provided which contains all the labels. The multilabel margin is calculated according to Crammer-Singer's method. As in the binary case, the cumulated hinge loss is an upper bound of the number of mistakes made by the classifier.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <hinge_loss>`.

Parameters ---------- y_true : array, shape = n_samples True target, consisting of integers of two values. The positive label must be greater than the negative label.

pred_decision : array, shape = n_samples or n_samples, n_classes Predicted decisions, as output by decision_function (floats).

labels : array, optional, default None Contains all the labels for the problem. Used in multiclass hinge loss.

sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None Sample weights.

Returns ------- loss : float

References ---------- .. 1 `Wikipedia entry on the Hinge loss <>`_

.. 2 Koby Crammer, Yoram Singer. On the Algorithmic Implementation of Multiclass Kernel-based Vector Machines. Journal of Machine Learning Research 2, (2001), 265-292

.. 3 `L1 AND L2 Regularization for Multiclass Hinge Loss Models by Robert C. Moore, John DeNero. < Moore+DeNero_Regularization.pdf>`_

Examples -------- >>> from sklearn import svm >>> from sklearn.metrics import hinge_loss >>> X = [0], [1] >>> y = -1, 1 >>> est = svm.LinearSVC(random_state=0) >>>, y) LinearSVC(random_state=0) >>> pred_decision = est.decision_function([-2], [3], [0.5]) >>> pred_decision array(-2.18..., 2.36..., 0.09...) >>> hinge_loss(-1, 1, 1, pred_decision) 0.30...

In the multiclass case:

>>> import numpy as np >>> X = np.array([0], [1], [2], [3]) >>> Y = np.array(0, 1, 2, 3) >>> labels = np.array(0, 1, 2, 3) >>> est = svm.LinearSVC() >>>, Y) LinearSVC() >>> pred_decision = est.decision_function([-1], [2], [3]) >>> y_true = 0, 2, 3 >>> hinge_loss(y_true, pred_decision, labels) 0.56...

val homogeneity_completeness_v_measure : ?beta:float -> labels_true:Arr.t -> labels_pred:Arr.t -> unit -> float * float * float

Compute the homogeneity and completeness and V-Measure scores at once.

Those metrics are based on normalized conditional entropy measures of the clustering labeling to evaluate given the knowledge of a Ground Truth class labels of the same samples.

A clustering result satisfies homogeneity if all of its clusters contain only data points which are members of a single class.

A clustering result satisfies completeness if all the data points that are members of a given class are elements of the same cluster.

Both scores have positive values between 0.0 and 1.0, larger values being desirable.

Those 3 metrics are independent of the absolute values of the labels: a permutation of the class or cluster label values won't change the score values in any way.

V-Measure is furthermore symmetric: swapping ``labels_true`` and ``label_pred`` will give the same score. This does not hold for homogeneity and completeness. V-Measure is identical to :func:`normalized_mutual_info_score` with the arithmetic averaging method.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <homogeneity_completeness>`.

Parameters ---------- labels_true : int array, shape = n_samples ground truth class labels to be used as a reference

labels_pred : array-like of shape (n_samples,) cluster labels to evaluate

beta : float Ratio of weight attributed to ``homogeneity`` vs ``completeness``. If ``beta`` is greater than 1, ``completeness`` is weighted more strongly in the calculation. If ``beta`` is less than 1, ``homogeneity`` is weighted more strongly.

Returns ------- homogeneity : float score between 0.0 and 1.0. 1.0 stands for perfectly homogeneous labeling

completeness : float score between 0.0 and 1.0. 1.0 stands for perfectly complete labeling

v_measure : float harmonic mean of the first two

See also -------- homogeneity_score completeness_score v_measure_score

val homogeneity_score : labels_true:Arr.t -> labels_pred:Arr.t -> unit -> float

Homogeneity metric of a cluster labeling given a ground truth.

A clustering result satisfies homogeneity if all of its clusters contain only data points which are members of a single class.

This metric is independent of the absolute values of the labels: a permutation of the class or cluster label values won't change the score value in any way.

This metric is not symmetric: switching ``label_true`` with ``label_pred`` will return the :func:`completeness_score` which will be different in general.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <homogeneity_completeness>`.

Parameters ---------- labels_true : int array, shape = n_samples ground truth class labels to be used as a reference

labels_pred : array-like of shape (n_samples,) cluster labels to evaluate

Returns ------- homogeneity : float score between 0.0 and 1.0. 1.0 stands for perfectly homogeneous labeling

References ----------

.. 1 `Andrew Rosenberg and Julia Hirschberg, 2007. V-Measure: A conditional entropy-based external cluster evaluation measure <>`_

See also -------- completeness_score v_measure_score

Examples --------

Perfect labelings are homogeneous::

>>> from sklearn.metrics.cluster import homogeneity_score >>> homogeneity_score(0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0) 1.0

Non-perfect labelings that further split classes into more clusters can be perfectly homogeneous::

>>> print("%.6f" % homogeneity_score(0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 2)) 1.000000 >>> print("%.6f" % homogeneity_score(0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3)) 1.000000

Clusters that include samples from different classes do not make for an homogeneous labeling::

>>> print("%.6f" % homogeneity_score(0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1)) 0.0... >>> print("%.6f" % homogeneity_score(0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)) 0.0...

val jaccard_score : ?labels:Arr.t -> ?pos_label:[ `S of string | `I of int ] -> ?average:[ `Binary | `Micro | `Macro | `Samples | `Weighted | `None ] -> ?sample_weight:Arr.t -> y_true:Arr.t -> y_pred:Arr.t -> unit -> [ `F of float | `Arr of Arr.t ]

Jaccard similarity coefficient score

The Jaccard index 1, or Jaccard similarity coefficient, defined as the size of the intersection divided by the size of the union of two label sets, is used to compare set of predicted labels for a sample to the corresponding set of labels in ``y_true``.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <jaccard_similarity_score>`.

Parameters ---------- y_true : 1d array-like, or label indicator array / sparse matrix Ground truth (correct) labels.

y_pred : 1d array-like, or label indicator array / sparse matrix Predicted labels, as returned by a classifier.

labels : list, optional The set of labels to include when ``average != 'binary'``, and their order if ``average is None``. Labels present in the data can be excluded, for example to calculate a multiclass average ignoring a majority negative class, while labels not present in the data will result in 0 components in a macro average. For multilabel targets, labels are column indices. By default, all labels in ``y_true`` and ``y_pred`` are used in sorted order.

pos_label : str or int, 1 by default The class to report if ``average='binary'`` and the data is binary. If the data are multiclass or multilabel, this will be ignored; setting ``labels=pos_label`` and ``average != 'binary'`` will report scores for that label only.

average : string, None, 'binary' (default), 'micro', 'macro', 'samples', 'weighted' If ``None``, the scores for each class are returned. Otherwise, this determines the type of averaging performed on the data:

``'binary'``: Only report results for the class specified by ``pos_label``. This is applicable only if targets (``y_



``) are binary. ``'micro'``: Calculate metrics globally by counting the total true positives, false negatives and false positives. ``'macro'``: Calculate metrics for each label, and find their unweighted mean. This does not take label imbalance into account. ``'weighted'``: Calculate metrics for each label, and find their average, weighted by support (the number of true instances for each label). This alters 'macro' to account for label imbalance. ``'samples'``: Calculate metrics for each instance, and find their average (only meaningful for multilabel classification).

sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None Sample weights.

Returns ------- score : float (if average is not None) or array of floats, shape = n_unique_labels

See also -------- accuracy_score, f_score, multilabel_confusion_matrix

Notes ----- :func:`jaccard_score` may be a poor metric if there are no positives for some samples or classes. Jaccard is undefined if there are no true or predicted labels, and our implementation will return a score of 0 with a warning.

References ---------- .. 1 `Wikipedia entry for the Jaccard index <>`_

Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from sklearn.metrics import jaccard_score >>> y_true = np.array([0, 1, 1], ... [1, 1, 0]) >>> y_pred = np.array([1, 1, 1], ... [1, 0, 0])

In the binary case:

>>> jaccard_score(y_true0, y_pred0) 0.6666...

In the multilabel case:

>>> jaccard_score(y_true, y_pred, average='samples') 0.5833... >>> jaccard_score(y_true, y_pred, average='macro') 0.6666... >>> jaccard_score(y_true, y_pred, average=None) array(0.5, 0.5, 1. )

In the multiclass case:

>>> y_pred = 0, 2, 1, 2 >>> y_true = 0, 1, 2, 2 >>> jaccard_score(y_true, y_pred, average=None) array(1. , 0. , 0.33...)

val jaccard_similarity_score : ?normalize:bool -> ?sample_weight:Arr.t -> y_true:Arr.t -> y_pred:Arr.t -> unit -> float

Jaccard similarity coefficient score

.. deprecated:: 0.21 This is deprecated to be removed in 0.23, since its handling of binary and multiclass inputs was broken. `jaccard_score` has an API that is consistent with precision_score, f_score, etc.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <jaccard_similarity_score>`.

Parameters ---------- y_true : 1d array-like, or label indicator array / sparse matrix Ground truth (correct) labels.

y_pred : 1d array-like, or label indicator array / sparse matrix Predicted labels, as returned by a classifier.

normalize : bool, optional (default=True) If ``False``, return the sum of the Jaccard similarity coefficient over the sample set. Otherwise, return the average of Jaccard similarity coefficient.

sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None Sample weights.

Returns ------- score : float If ``normalize == True``, return the average Jaccard similarity coefficient, else it returns the sum of the Jaccard similarity coefficient over the sample set.

The best performance is 1 with ``normalize == True`` and the number of samples with ``normalize == False``.

See also -------- accuracy_score, hamming_loss, zero_one_loss

Notes ----- In binary and multiclass classification, this function is equivalent to the ``accuracy_score``. It differs in the multilabel classification problem.

References ---------- .. 1 `Wikipedia entry for the Jaccard index <>`_

val label_ranking_average_precision_score : ?sample_weight:Arr.t -> y_true:Arr.t -> y_score:Arr.t -> unit -> float

Compute ranking-based average precision

Label ranking average precision (LRAP) is the average over each ground truth label assigned to each sample, of the ratio of true vs. total labels with lower score.

This metric is used in multilabel ranking problem, where the goal is to give better rank to the labels associated to each sample.

The obtained score is always strictly greater than 0 and the best value is 1.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <label_ranking_average_precision>`.

Parameters ---------- y_true : array or sparse matrix, shape = n_samples, n_labels True binary labels in binary indicator format.

y_score : array, shape = n_samples, n_labels Target scores, can either be probability estimates of the positive class, confidence values, or non-thresholded measure of decisions (as returned by "decision_function" on some classifiers).

sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None Sample weights.

Returns ------- score : float

Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from sklearn.metrics import label_ranking_average_precision_score >>> y_true = np.array([1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]) >>> y_score = np.array([0.75, 0.5, 1], [1, 0.2, 0.1]) >>> label_ranking_average_precision_score(y_true, y_score) 0.416...

val label_ranking_loss : ?sample_weight:Arr.t -> y_true:Arr.t -> y_score:Arr.t -> unit -> float

Compute Ranking loss measure

Compute the average number of label pairs that are incorrectly ordered given y_score weighted by the size of the label set and the number of labels not in the label set.

This is similar to the error set size, but weighted by the number of relevant and irrelevant labels. The best performance is achieved with a ranking loss of zero.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <label_ranking_loss>`.

.. versionadded:: 0.17 A function *label_ranking_loss*

Parameters ---------- y_true : array or sparse matrix, shape = n_samples, n_labels True binary labels in binary indicator format.

y_score : array, shape = n_samples, n_labels Target scores, can either be probability estimates of the positive class, confidence values, or non-thresholded measure of decisions (as returned by "decision_function" on some classifiers).

sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None Sample weights.

Returns ------- loss : float

References ---------- .. 1 Tsoumakas, G., Katakis, I., & Vlahavas, I. (2010). Mining multi-label data. In Data mining and knowledge discovery handbook (pp. 667-685). Springer US.

val log_loss : ?eps:float -> ?normalize:bool -> ?sample_weight:Arr.t -> ?labels:Arr.t -> y_true:Arr.t -> y_pred:Arr.t -> unit -> float

Log loss, aka logistic loss or cross-entropy loss.

This is the loss function used in (multinomial) logistic regression and extensions of it such as neural networks, defined as the negative log-likelihood of the true labels given a probabilistic classifier's predictions. The log loss is only defined for two or more labels. For a single sample with true label yt in


and estimated probability yp that yt = 1, the log loss is

-log P(yt|yp) = -(yt log(yp) + (1 - yt) log(1 - yp))

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <log_loss>`.

Parameters ---------- y_true : array-like or label indicator matrix Ground truth (correct) labels for n_samples samples.

y_pred : array-like of float, shape = (n_samples, n_classes) or (n_samples,) Predicted probabilities, as returned by a classifier's predict_proba method. If ``y_pred.shape = (n_samples,)`` the probabilities provided are assumed to be that of the positive class. The labels in ``y_pred`` are assumed to be ordered alphabetically, as done by :class:`preprocessing.LabelBinarizer`.

eps : float Log loss is undefined for p=0 or p=1, so probabilities are clipped to max(eps, min(1 - eps, p)).

normalize : bool, optional (default=True) If true, return the mean loss per sample. Otherwise, return the sum of the per-sample losses.

sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None Sample weights.

labels : array-like, optional (default=None) If not provided, labels will be inferred from y_true. If ``labels`` is ``None`` and ``y_pred`` has shape (n_samples,) the labels are assumed to be binary and are inferred from ``y_true``. .. versionadded:: 0.18

Returns ------- loss : float

Examples -------- >>> from sklearn.metrics import log_loss >>> log_loss("spam", "ham", "ham", "spam", ... [.1, .9], [.9, .1], [.8, .2], [.35, .65]) 0.21616...

References ---------- C.M. Bishop (2006). Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. Springer, p. 209.

Notes ----- The logarithm used is the natural logarithm (base-e).

val make_scorer : ?greater_is_better:bool -> ?needs_proba:bool -> ?needs_threshold:bool -> ?kwargs:(string * Py.Object.t) list -> score_func:Py.Object.t -> unit -> Py.Object.t

Make a scorer from a performance metric or loss function.

This factory function wraps scoring functions for use in GridSearchCV and cross_val_score. It takes a score function, such as ``accuracy_score``, ``mean_squared_error``, ``adjusted_rand_index`` or ``average_precision`` and returns a callable that scores an estimator's output.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <scoring>`.

Parameters ---------- score_func : callable, Score function (or loss function) with signature ``score_func(y, y_pred, **kwargs)``.

greater_is_better : boolean, default=True Whether score_func is a score function (default), meaning high is good, or a loss function, meaning low is good. In the latter case, the scorer object will sign-flip the outcome of the score_func.

needs_proba : boolean, default=False Whether score_func requires predict_proba to get probability estimates out of a classifier.

If True, for binary `y_true`, the score function is supposed to accept a 1D `y_pred` (i.e., probability of the positive class, shape `(n_samples,)`).

needs_threshold : boolean, default=False Whether score_func takes a continuous decision certainty. This only works for binary classification using estimators that have either a decision_function or predict_proba method.

If True, for binary `y_true`, the score function is supposed to accept a 1D `y_pred` (i.e., probability of the positive class or the decision function, shape `(n_samples,)`).

For example ``average_precision`` or the area under the roc curve can not be computed using discrete predictions alone.

**kwargs : additional arguments Additional parameters to be passed to score_func.

Returns ------- scorer : callable Callable object that returns a scalar score; greater is better.

Examples -------- >>> from sklearn.metrics import fbeta_score, make_scorer >>> ftwo_scorer = make_scorer(fbeta_score, beta=2) >>> ftwo_scorer make_scorer(fbeta_score, beta=2) >>> from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV >>> from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC >>> grid = GridSearchCV(LinearSVC(), param_grid='C': [1, 10], ... scoring=ftwo_scorer)

Notes ----- If `needs_proba=False` and `needs_threshold=False`, the score function is supposed to accept the output of :term:`predict`. If `needs_proba=True`, the score function is supposed to accept the output of :term:`predict_proba` (For binary `y_true`, the score function is supposed to accept probability of the positive class). If `needs_threshold=True`, the score function is supposed to accept the output of :term:`decision_function`.

val matthews_corrcoef : ?sample_weight:Arr.t -> y_true:Arr.t -> y_pred:Arr.t -> unit -> float

Compute the Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC)

The Matthews correlation coefficient is used in machine learning as a measure of the quality of binary and multiclass classifications. It takes into account true and false positives and negatives and is generally regarded as a balanced measure which can be used even if the classes are of very different sizes. The MCC is in essence a correlation coefficient value between -1 and +1. A coefficient of +1 represents a perfect prediction, 0 an average random prediction and -1 an inverse prediction. The statistic is also known as the phi coefficient. source: Wikipedia

Binary and multiclass labels are supported. Only in the binary case does this relate to information about true and false positives and negatives. See references below.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <matthews_corrcoef>`.

Parameters ---------- y_true : array, shape = n_samples Ground truth (correct) target values.

y_pred : array, shape = n_samples Estimated targets as returned by a classifier.

sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None Sample weights.

Returns ------- mcc : float The Matthews correlation coefficient (+1 represents a perfect prediction, 0 an average random prediction and -1 and inverse prediction).

References ---------- .. 1 `Baldi, Brunak, Chauvin, Andersen and Nielsen, (2000). Assessing the accuracy of prediction algorithms for classification: an overview <>`_

.. 2 `Wikipedia entry for the Matthews Correlation Coefficient <>`_

.. 3 `Gorodkin, (2004). Comparing two K-category assignments by a K-category correlation coefficient <>`_

.. 4 `Jurman, Riccadonna, Furlanello, (2012). A Comparison of MCC and CEN Error Measures in MultiClass Prediction <>`_

Examples -------- >>> from sklearn.metrics import matthews_corrcoef >>> y_true = +1, +1, +1, -1 >>> y_pred = +1, -1, +1, +1 >>> matthews_corrcoef(y_true, y_pred) -0.33...

val max_error : y_true:Arr.t -> y_pred:Arr.t -> unit -> float

max_error metric calculates the maximum residual error.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <max_error>`.

Parameters ---------- y_true : array-like of shape (n_samples,) Ground truth (correct) target values.

y_pred : array-like of shape (n_samples,) Estimated target values.

Returns ------- max_error : float A positive floating point value (the best value is 0.0).

Examples -------- >>> from sklearn.metrics import max_error >>> y_true = 3, 2, 7, 1 >>> y_pred = 4, 2, 7, 1 >>> max_error(y_true, y_pred) 1

val mean_absolute_error : ?sample_weight:Arr.t -> ?multioutput:[ `Raw_values | `Uniform_average | `Arr of Arr.t ] -> y_true:Arr.t -> y_pred:Arr.t -> unit -> [ `F of float | `Arr of Arr.t ]

Mean absolute error regression loss

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <mean_absolute_error>`.

Parameters ---------- y_true : array-like of shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_outputs) Ground truth (correct) target values.

y_pred : array-like of shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_outputs) Estimated target values.

sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,), optional Sample weights.

multioutput : string in 'raw_values', 'uniform_average' or array-like of shape (n_outputs) Defines aggregating of multiple output values. Array-like value defines weights used to average errors.

'raw_values' : Returns a full set of errors in case of multioutput input.

'uniform_average' : Errors of all outputs are averaged with uniform weight.

Returns ------- loss : float or ndarray of floats If multioutput is 'raw_values', then mean absolute error is returned for each output separately. If multioutput is 'uniform_average' or an ndarray of weights, then the weighted average of all output errors is returned.

MAE output is non-negative floating point. The best value is 0.0.

Examples -------- >>> from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error >>> y_true = 3, -0.5, 2, 7 >>> y_pred = 2.5, 0.0, 2, 8 >>> mean_absolute_error(y_true, y_pred) 0.5 >>> y_true = [0.5, 1], [-1, 1], [7, -6] >>> y_pred = [0, 2], [-1, 2], [8, -5] >>> mean_absolute_error(y_true, y_pred) 0.75 >>> mean_absolute_error(y_true, y_pred, multioutput='raw_values') array(0.5, 1. ) >>> mean_absolute_error(y_true, y_pred, multioutput=0.3, 0.7) 0.85...

val mean_gamma_deviance : ?sample_weight:Arr.t -> y_true:Arr.t -> y_pred:Arr.t -> unit -> float

Mean Gamma deviance regression loss.

Gamma deviance is equivalent to the Tweedie deviance with the power parameter `p=2`. It is invariant to scaling of the target variable, and measures relative errors.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <mean_tweedie_deviance>`.

Parameters ---------- y_true : array-like of shape (n_samples,) Ground truth (correct) target values. Requires y_true > 0.

y_pred : array-like of shape (n_samples,) Estimated target values. Requires y_pred > 0.

sample_weight : array-like, shape (n_samples,), optional Sample weights.

Returns ------- loss : float A non-negative floating point value (the best value is 0.0).

Examples -------- >>> from sklearn.metrics import mean_gamma_deviance >>> y_true = 2, 0.5, 1, 4 >>> y_pred = 0.5, 0.5, 2., 2. >>> mean_gamma_deviance(y_true, y_pred) 1.0568...

val mean_poisson_deviance : ?sample_weight:Arr.t -> y_true:Arr.t -> y_pred:Arr.t -> unit -> float

Mean Poisson deviance regression loss.

Poisson deviance is equivalent to the Tweedie deviance with the power parameter `p=1`.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <mean_tweedie_deviance>`.

Parameters ---------- y_true : array-like of shape (n_samples,) Ground truth (correct) target values. Requires y_true >= 0.

y_pred : array-like of shape (n_samples,) Estimated target values. Requires y_pred > 0.

sample_weight : array-like, shape (n_samples,), optional Sample weights.

Returns ------- loss : float A non-negative floating point value (the best value is 0.0).

Examples -------- >>> from sklearn.metrics import mean_poisson_deviance >>> y_true = 2, 0, 1, 4 >>> y_pred = 0.5, 0.5, 2., 2. >>> mean_poisson_deviance(y_true, y_pred) 1.4260...

val mean_squared_error : ?sample_weight:Arr.t -> ?multioutput:[ `Raw_values | `Uniform_average | `Arr of Arr.t ] -> ?squared:bool -> y_true:Arr.t -> y_pred:Arr.t -> unit -> [ `F of float | `Arr of Arr.t ]

Mean squared error regression loss

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <mean_squared_error>`.

Parameters ---------- y_true : array-like of shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_outputs) Ground truth (correct) target values.

y_pred : array-like of shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_outputs) Estimated target values.

sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,), optional Sample weights.

multioutput : string in 'raw_values', 'uniform_average' or array-like of shape (n_outputs) Defines aggregating of multiple output values. Array-like value defines weights used to average errors.

'raw_values' : Returns a full set of errors in case of multioutput input.

'uniform_average' : Errors of all outputs are averaged with uniform weight.

squared : boolean value, optional (default = True) If True returns MSE value, if False returns RMSE value.

Returns ------- loss : float or ndarray of floats A non-negative floating point value (the best value is 0.0), or an array of floating point values, one for each individual target.

Examples -------- >>> from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error >>> y_true = 3, -0.5, 2, 7 >>> y_pred = 2.5, 0.0, 2, 8 >>> mean_squared_error(y_true, y_pred) 0.375 >>> y_true = 3, -0.5, 2, 7 >>> y_pred = 2.5, 0.0, 2, 8 >>> mean_squared_error(y_true, y_pred, squared=False) 0.612... >>> y_true = [0.5, 1],[-1, 1],[7, -6] >>> y_pred = [0, 2],[-1, 2],[8, -5] >>> mean_squared_error(y_true, y_pred) 0.708... >>> mean_squared_error(y_true, y_pred, multioutput='raw_values') array(0.41666667, 1. ) >>> mean_squared_error(y_true, y_pred, multioutput=0.3, 0.7) 0.825...

val mean_squared_log_error : ?sample_weight:Arr.t -> ?multioutput:[ `Raw_values | `Uniform_average | `Arr of Arr.t ] -> y_true:Arr.t -> y_pred:Arr.t -> unit -> [ `F of float | `Arr of Arr.t ]

Mean squared logarithmic error regression loss

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <mean_squared_log_error>`.

Parameters ---------- y_true : array-like of shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_outputs) Ground truth (correct) target values.

y_pred : array-like of shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_outputs) Estimated target values.

sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,), optional Sample weights.

multioutput : string in 'raw_values', 'uniform_average' or array-like of shape (n_outputs)

Defines aggregating of multiple output values. Array-like value defines weights used to average errors.

'raw_values' : Returns a full set of errors when the input is of multioutput format.

'uniform_average' : Errors of all outputs are averaged with uniform weight.

Returns ------- loss : float or ndarray of floats A non-negative floating point value (the best value is 0.0), or an array of floating point values, one for each individual target.

Examples -------- >>> from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_log_error >>> y_true = 3, 5, 2.5, 7 >>> y_pred = 2.5, 5, 4, 8 >>> mean_squared_log_error(y_true, y_pred) 0.039... >>> y_true = [0.5, 1], [1, 2], [7, 6] >>> y_pred = [0.5, 2], [1, 2.5], [8, 8] >>> mean_squared_log_error(y_true, y_pred) 0.044... >>> mean_squared_log_error(y_true, y_pred, multioutput='raw_values') array(0.00462428, 0.08377444) >>> mean_squared_log_error(y_true, y_pred, multioutput=0.3, 0.7) 0.060...

val mean_tweedie_deviance : ?sample_weight:Arr.t -> ?power:float -> y_true:Arr.t -> y_pred:Arr.t -> unit -> float

Mean Tweedie deviance regression loss.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <mean_tweedie_deviance>`.

Parameters ---------- y_true : array-like of shape (n_samples,) Ground truth (correct) target values.

y_pred : array-like of shape (n_samples,) Estimated target values.

sample_weight : array-like, shape (n_samples,), optional Sample weights.

power : float, default=0 Tweedie power parameter. Either power <= 0 or power >= 1.

The higher `p` the less weight is given to extreme deviations between true and predicted targets.

  • power < 0: Extreme stable distribution. Requires: y_pred > 0.
  • power = 0 : Normal distribution, output corresponds to mean_squared_error. y_true and y_pred can be any real numbers.
  • power = 1 : Poisson distribution. Requires: y_true >= 0 and y_pred > 0.
  • 1 < p < 2 : Compound Poisson distribution. Requires: y_true >= 0 and y_pred > 0.
  • power = 2 : Gamma distribution. Requires: y_true > 0 and y_pred > 0.
  • power = 3 : Inverse Gaussian distribution. Requires: y_true > 0 and y_pred > 0.
  • otherwise : Positive stable distribution. Requires: y_true > 0 and y_pred > 0.

Returns ------- loss : float A non-negative floating point value (the best value is 0.0).

Examples -------- >>> from sklearn.metrics import mean_tweedie_deviance >>> y_true = 2, 0, 1, 4 >>> y_pred = 0.5, 0.5, 2., 2. >>> mean_tweedie_deviance(y_true, y_pred, power=1) 1.4260...

val median_absolute_error : ?multioutput: [ `Raw_values | `Uniform_average | `Array_like_of_shape of Py.Object.t ] -> y_true:Arr.t -> y_pred:Arr.t -> unit -> [ `F of float | `Arr of Arr.t ]

Median absolute error regression loss

Median absolute error output is non-negative floating point. The best value is 0.0. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <median_absolute_error>`.

Parameters ---------- y_true : array-like of shape = (n_samples) or (n_samples, n_outputs) Ground truth (correct) target values.

y_pred : array-like of shape = (n_samples) or (n_samples, n_outputs) Estimated target values.

multioutput : 'raw_values', 'uniform_average' or array-like of shape (n_outputs,) Defines aggregating of multiple output values. Array-like value defines weights used to average errors.

'raw_values' : Returns a full set of errors in case of multioutput input.

'uniform_average' : Errors of all outputs are averaged with uniform weight.

Returns ------- loss : float or ndarray of floats If multioutput is 'raw_values', then mean absolute error is returned for each output separately. If multioutput is 'uniform_average' or an ndarray of weights, then the weighted average of all output errors is returned.

Examples -------- >>> from sklearn.metrics import median_absolute_error >>> y_true = 3, -0.5, 2, 7 >>> y_pred = 2.5, 0.0, 2, 8 >>> median_absolute_error(y_true, y_pred) 0.5 >>> y_true = [0.5, 1], [-1, 1], [7, -6] >>> y_pred = [0, 2], [-1, 2], [8, -5] >>> median_absolute_error(y_true, y_pred) 0.75 >>> median_absolute_error(y_true, y_pred, multioutput='raw_values') array(0.5, 1. ) >>> median_absolute_error(y_true, y_pred, multioutput=0.3, 0.7) 0.85

val multilabel_confusion_matrix : ?sample_weight:Arr.t -> ?labels:Arr.t -> ?samplewise:bool -> y_true:Arr.t -> y_pred:Arr.t -> unit -> Arr.t

Compute a confusion matrix for each class or sample

.. versionadded:: 0.21

Compute class-wise (default) or sample-wise (samplewise=True) multilabel confusion matrix to evaluate the accuracy of a classification, and output confusion matrices for each class or sample.

In multilabel confusion matrix :math:`MCM`, the count of true negatives is :math:`MCM_,0,0`, false negatives is :math:`MCM_,1,0`, true positives is :math:`MCM_,1,1` and false positives is :math:`MCM_,0,1`.

Multiclass data will be treated as if binarized under a one-vs-rest transformation. Returned confusion matrices will be in the order of sorted unique labels in the union of (y_true, y_pred).

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <multilabel_confusion_matrix>`.

Parameters ---------- y_true : 1d array-like, or label indicator array / sparse matrix of shape (n_samples, n_outputs) or (n_samples,) Ground truth (correct) target values.

y_pred : 1d array-like, or label indicator array / sparse matrix of shape (n_samples, n_outputs) or (n_samples,) Estimated targets as returned by a classifier

sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None Sample weights

labels : array-like A list of classes or column indices to select some (or to force inclusion of classes absent from the data)

samplewise : bool, default=False In the multilabel case, this calculates a confusion matrix per sample

Returns ------- multi_confusion : array, shape (n_outputs, 2, 2) A 2x2 confusion matrix corresponding to each output in the input. When calculating class-wise multi_confusion (default), then n_outputs = n_labels; when calculating sample-wise multi_confusion (samplewise=True), n_outputs = n_samples. If ``labels`` is defined, the results will be returned in the order specified in ``labels``, otherwise the results will be returned in sorted order by default.

See also -------- confusion_matrix

Notes ----- The multilabel_confusion_matrix calculates class-wise or sample-wise multilabel confusion matrices, and in multiclass tasks, labels are binarized under a one-vs-rest way; while confusion_matrix calculates one confusion matrix for confusion between every two classes.

Examples --------

Multilabel-indicator case:

>>> import numpy as np >>> from sklearn.metrics import multilabel_confusion_matrix >>> y_true = np.array([1, 0, 1], ... [0, 1, 0]) >>> y_pred = np.array([1, 0, 0], ... [0, 1, 1]) >>> multilabel_confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred) array([[1, 0], [0, 1]], <BLANKLINE> [[1, 0], [0, 1]], <BLANKLINE> [[0, 1], [1, 0]])

Multiclass case:

>>> y_true = "cat", "ant", "cat", "cat", "ant", "bird" >>> y_pred = "ant", "ant", "cat", "cat", "ant", "cat" >>> multilabel_confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred, ... labels="ant", "bird", "cat") array([[3, 1], [0, 2]], <BLANKLINE> [[5, 0], [1, 0]], <BLANKLINE> [[2, 1], [1, 2]])

val mutual_info_score : ?contingency:Arr.t -> labels_true:Arr.t -> labels_pred:Arr.t -> unit -> float

Mutual Information between two clusterings.

The Mutual Information is a measure of the similarity between two labels of the same data. Where :math:`|U_i|` is the number of the samples in cluster :math:`U_i` and :math:`|V_j|` is the number of the samples in cluster :math:`V_j`, the Mutual Information between clusterings :math:`U` and :math:`V` is given as:

.. math::

MI(U,V)=\sum_=1^ |U| \sum_j=1^ |V| \frac |U_i\cap V_j| N \log\fracN|U_i \cap V_j| |U_i||V_j|

This metric is independent of the absolute values of the labels: a permutation of the class or cluster label values won't change the score value in any way.

This metric is furthermore symmetric: switching ``label_true`` with ``label_pred`` will return the same score value. This can be useful to measure the agreement of two independent label assignments strategies on the same dataset when the real ground truth is not known.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <mutual_info_score>`.

Parameters ---------- labels_true : int array, shape = n_samples A clustering of the data into disjoint subsets.

labels_pred : int array-like of shape (n_samples,) A clustering of the data into disjoint subsets.

contingency : None, array, sparse matrix, shape = n_classes_true, n_classes_pred A contingency matrix given by the :func:`contingency_matrix` function. If value is ``None``, it will be computed, otherwise the given value is used, with ``labels_true`` and ``labels_pred`` ignored.

Returns ------- mi : float Mutual information, a non-negative value

Notes ----- The logarithm used is the natural logarithm (base-e).

See also -------- adjusted_mutual_info_score: Adjusted against chance Mutual Information normalized_mutual_info_score: Normalized Mutual Information

val nan_euclidean_distances : ?y:Arr.t -> ?squared:bool -> ?missing_values:[ `Np_nan of Py.Object.t | `I of int ] -> ?copy:bool -> x:Arr.t -> unit -> Arr.t

Calculate the euclidean distances in the presence of missing values.

Compute the euclidean distance between each pair of samples in X and Y, where Y=X is assumed if Y=None. When calculating the distance between a pair of samples, this formulation ignores feature coordinates with a missing value in either sample and scales up the weight of the remaining coordinates:

dist(x,y) = sqrt(weight * sq. distance from present coordinates) where, weight = Total # of coordinates / # of present coordinates

For example, the distance between ``3, na, na, 6`` and ``1, na, 4, 5`` is:

.. math:: \sqrt\frac{4

((3-1)^2 + (6-5)^2)


If all the coordinates are missing or if there are no common present coordinates then NaN is returned for that pair.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <metrics>`.

.. versionadded:: 0.22

Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape=(n_samples_1, n_features)

Y : array-like, shape=(n_samples_2, n_features)

squared : bool, default=False Return squared Euclidean distances.

missing_values : np.nan or int, default=np.nan Representation of missing value

copy : boolean, default=True Make and use a deep copy of X and Y (if Y exists)

Returns ------- distances : array, shape (n_samples_1, n_samples_2)

Examples -------- >>> from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import nan_euclidean_distances >>> nan = float("NaN") >>> X = [0, 1], [1, nan] >>> nan_euclidean_distances(X, X) # distance between rows of X array([0. , 1.41421356], [1.41421356, 0. ])

>>> # get distance to origin >>> nan_euclidean_distances(X, [0, 0]) array([1. ], [1.41421356])

References ---------- * John K. Dixon, "Pattern Recognition with Partly Missing Data", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Volume: 9, Issue: 10, pp. 617 - 621, Oct. 1979.

See also -------- paired_distances : distances between pairs of elements of X and Y.

val ndcg_score : ?k:int -> ?sample_weight:Arr.t -> ?ignore_ties:bool -> y_true:Arr.t -> y_score:Arr.t -> unit -> Py.Object.t

Compute Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain.

Sum the true scores ranked in the order induced by the predicted scores, after applying a logarithmic discount. Then divide by the best possible score (Ideal DCG, obtained for a perfect ranking) to obtain a score between 0 and 1.

This ranking metric yields a high value if true labels are ranked high by ``y_score``.

Parameters ---------- y_true : ndarray, shape (n_samples, n_labels) True targets of multilabel classification, or true scores of entities to be ranked.

y_score : ndarray, shape (n_samples, n_labels) Target scores, can either be probability estimates, confidence values, or non-thresholded measure of decisions (as returned by "decision_function" on some classifiers).

k : int, optional (default=None) Only consider the highest k scores in the ranking. If None, use all outputs.

sample_weight : ndarray, shape (n_samples,), optional (default=None) Sample weights. If None, all samples are given the same weight.

ignore_ties : bool, optional (default=False) Assume that there are no ties in y_score (which is likely to be the case if y_score is continuous) for efficiency gains.

Returns ------- normalized_discounted_cumulative_gain : float in 0., 1. The averaged NDCG scores for all samples.

See also -------- dcg_score : Discounted Cumulative Gain (not normalized).

References ---------- `Wikipedia entry for Discounted Cumulative Gain <>`_

Jarvelin, K., & Kekalainen, J. (2002). Cumulated gain-based evaluation of IR techniques. ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS), 20(4), 422-446.

Wang, Y., Wang, L., Li, Y., He, D., Chen, W., & Liu, T. Y. (2013, May). A theoretical analysis of NDCG ranking measures. In Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference on Learning Theory (COLT 2013)

McSherry, F., & Najork, M. (2008, March). Computing information retrieval performance measures efficiently in the presence of tied scores. In European conference on information retrieval (pp. 414-421). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Examples -------- >>> from sklearn.metrics import ndcg_score >>> # we have groud-truth relevance of some answers to a query: >>> true_relevance = np.asarray([10, 0, 0, 1, 5]) >>> # we predict some scores (relevance) for the answers >>> scores = np.asarray([.1, .2, .3, 4, 70]) >>> ndcg_score(true_relevance, scores) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.69... >>> scores = np.asarray([.05, 1.1, 1., .5, .0]) >>> ndcg_score(true_relevance, scores) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.49... >>> # we can set k to truncate the sum; only top k answers contribute. >>> ndcg_score(true_relevance, scores, k=4) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.35... >>> # the normalization takes k into account so a perfect answer >>> # would still get 1.0 >>> ndcg_score(true_relevance, true_relevance, k=4) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 1.0 >>> # now we have some ties in our prediction >>> scores = np.asarray([1, 0, 0, 0, 1]) >>> # by default ties are averaged, so here we get the average (normalized) >>> # true relevance of our top predictions: (10 / 10 + 5 / 10) / 2 = .75 >>> ndcg_score(true_relevance, scores, k=1) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.75 >>> # we can choose to ignore ties for faster results, but only >>> # if we know there aren't ties in our scores, otherwise we get >>> # wrong results: >>> ndcg_score(true_relevance, ... scores, k=1, ignore_ties=True) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.5

val normalized_mutual_info_score : ?average_method:string -> labels_true:Arr.t -> labels_pred:Arr.t -> unit -> float

Normalized Mutual Information between two clusterings.

Normalized Mutual Information (NMI) is a normalization of the Mutual Information (MI) score to scale the results between 0 (no mutual information) and 1 (perfect correlation). In this function, mutual information is normalized by some generalized mean of ``H(labels_true)`` and ``H(labels_pred))``, defined by the `average_method`.

This measure is not adjusted for chance. Therefore :func:`adjusted_mutual_info_score` might be preferred.

This metric is independent of the absolute values of the labels: a permutation of the class or cluster label values won't change the score value in any way.

This metric is furthermore symmetric: switching ``label_true`` with ``label_pred`` will return the same score value. This can be useful to measure the agreement of two independent label assignments strategies on the same dataset when the real ground truth is not known.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <mutual_info_score>`.

Parameters ---------- labels_true : int array, shape = n_samples A clustering of the data into disjoint subsets.

labels_pred : int array-like of shape (n_samples,) A clustering of the data into disjoint subsets.

average_method : string, optional (default: 'arithmetic') How to compute the normalizer in the denominator. Possible options are 'min', 'geometric', 'arithmetic', and 'max'.

.. versionadded:: 0.20

.. versionchanged:: 0.22 The default value of ``average_method`` changed from 'geometric' to 'arithmetic'.

Returns ------- nmi : float score between 0.0 and 1.0. 1.0 stands for perfectly complete labeling

See also -------- v_measure_score: V-Measure (NMI with arithmetic mean option.) adjusted_rand_score: Adjusted Rand Index adjusted_mutual_info_score: Adjusted Mutual Information (adjusted against chance)

Examples --------

Perfect labelings are both homogeneous and complete, hence have score 1.0::

>>> from sklearn.metrics.cluster import normalized_mutual_info_score >>> normalized_mutual_info_score(0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1) ... # doctest: +SKIP 1.0 >>> normalized_mutual_info_score(0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0) ... # doctest: +SKIP 1.0

If classes members are completely split across different clusters, the assignment is totally in-complete, hence the NMI is null::

>>> normalized_mutual_info_score(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3) ... # doctest: +SKIP 0.0

module Pairwise : sig ... end
val pairwise_distances : ?y:Arr.t -> ?metric:[ `S of string | `Callable of Py.Object.t ] -> ?n_jobs:int -> ?force_all_finite:[ `Bool of bool | `Allow_nan ] -> ?kwds:(string * Py.Object.t) list -> x:[ `Arr of Arr.t | `Otherwise of Py.Object.t ] -> unit -> Py.Object.t

Compute the distance matrix from a vector array X and optional Y.

This method takes either a vector array or a distance matrix, and returns a distance matrix. If the input is a vector array, the distances are computed. If the input is a distances matrix, it is returned instead.

This method provides a safe way to take a distance matrix as input, while preserving compatibility with many other algorithms that take a vector array.

If Y is given (default is None), then the returned matrix is the pairwise distance between the arrays from both X and Y.

Valid values for metric are:

  • From scikit-learn: 'cityblock', 'cosine', 'euclidean', 'l1', 'l2', 'manhattan'. These metrics support sparse matrix inputs. 'nan_euclidean' but it does not yet support sparse matrices.
  • From scipy.spatial.distance: 'braycurtis', 'canberra', 'chebyshev', 'correlation', 'dice', 'hamming', 'jaccard', 'kulsinski', 'mahalanobis', 'minkowski', 'rogerstanimoto', 'russellrao', 'seuclidean', 'sokalmichener', 'sokalsneath', 'sqeuclidean', 'yule' See the documentation for scipy.spatial.distance for details on these metrics. These metrics do not support sparse matrix inputs.

Note that in the case of 'cityblock', 'cosine' and 'euclidean' (which are valid scipy.spatial.distance metrics), the scikit-learn implementation will be used, which is faster and has support for sparse matrices (except for 'cityblock'). For a verbose description of the metrics from scikit-learn, see the __doc__ of the sklearn.pairwise.distance_metrics function.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <metrics>`.

Parameters ---------- X : array n_samples_a, n_samples_a if metric == "precomputed", or, n_samples_a, n_features otherwise Array of pairwise distances between samples, or a feature array.

Y : array n_samples_b, n_features, optional An optional second feature array. Only allowed if metric != "precomputed".

metric : string, or callable The metric to use when calculating distance between instances in a feature array. If metric is a string, it must be one of the options allowed by scipy.spatial.distance.pdist for its metric parameter, or a metric listed in pairwise.PAIRWISE_DISTANCE_FUNCTIONS. If metric is "precomputed", X is assumed to be a distance matrix. Alternatively, if metric is a callable function, it is called on each pair of instances (rows) and the resulting value recorded. The callable should take two arrays from X as input and return a value indicating the distance between them.

n_jobs : int or None, optional (default=None) The number of jobs to use for the computation. This works by breaking down the pairwise matrix into n_jobs even slices and computing them in parallel.

``None`` means 1 unless in a :obj:`joblib.parallel_backend` context. ``-1`` means using all processors. See :term:`Glossary <n_jobs>` for more details.

force_all_finite : boolean or 'allow-nan', (default=True) Whether to raise an error on np.inf and np.nan in array. The possibilities are:

  • True: Force all values of array to be finite.
  • False: accept both np.inf and np.nan in array.
  • 'allow-nan': accept only np.nan values in array. Values cannot be infinite.

.. versionadded:: 0.22

**kwds : optional keyword parameters Any further parameters are passed directly to the distance function. If using a scipy.spatial.distance metric, the parameters are still metric dependent. See the scipy docs for usage examples.

Returns ------- D : array n_samples_a, n_samples_a or n_samples_a, n_samples_b A distance matrix D such that D_, j is the distance between the ith and jth vectors of the given matrix X, if Y is None. If Y is not None, then D_, j is the distance between the ith array from X and the jth array from Y.

See also -------- pairwise_distances_chunked : performs the same calculation as this function, but returns a generator of chunks of the distance matrix, in order to limit memory usage. paired_distances : Computes the distances between corresponding elements of two arrays

val pairwise_distances_argmin : ?axis:int -> ?metric:[ `S of string | `Callable of Py.Object.t ] -> ?metric_kwargs:Dict.t -> x:Arr.t -> y:Arr.t -> unit -> Arr.t

Compute minimum distances between one point and a set of points.

This function computes for each row in X, the index of the row of Y which is closest (according to the specified distance).

This is mostly equivalent to calling:

pairwise_distances(X, Y=Y, metric=metric).argmin(axis=axis)

but uses much less memory, and is faster for large arrays.

This function works with dense 2D arrays only.

Parameters ---------- X : array-like Arrays containing points. Respective shapes (n_samples1, n_features) and (n_samples2, n_features)

Y : array-like Arrays containing points. Respective shapes (n_samples1, n_features) and (n_samples2, n_features)

axis : int, optional, default 1 Axis along which the argmin and distances are to be computed.

metric : string or callable metric to use for distance computation. Any metric from scikit-learn or scipy.spatial.distance can be used.

If metric is a callable function, it is called on each pair of instances (rows) and the resulting value recorded. The callable should take two arrays as input and return one value indicating the distance between them. This works for Scipy's metrics, but is less efficient than passing the metric name as a string.

Distance matrices are not supported.

Valid values for metric are:

  • from scikit-learn: 'cityblock', 'cosine', 'euclidean', 'l1', 'l2', 'manhattan'
  • from scipy.spatial.distance: 'braycurtis', 'canberra', 'chebyshev', 'correlation', 'dice', 'hamming', 'jaccard', 'kulsinski', 'mahalanobis', 'minkowski', 'rogerstanimoto', 'russellrao', 'seuclidean', 'sokalmichener', 'sokalsneath', 'sqeuclidean', 'yule'

See the documentation for scipy.spatial.distance for details on these metrics.

metric_kwargs : dict keyword arguments to pass to specified metric function.

Returns ------- argmin : numpy.ndarray Yargmin[i], : is the row in Y that is closest to Xi, :.

See also -------- sklearn.metrics.pairwise_distances sklearn.metrics.pairwise_distances_argmin_min

val pairwise_distances_argmin_min : ?axis:int -> ?metric:[ `S of string | `Callable of Py.Object.t ] -> ?metric_kwargs:Dict.t -> x:Arr.t -> y:Arr.t -> unit -> Arr.t * Arr.t

Compute minimum distances between one point and a set of points.

This function computes for each row in X, the index of the row of Y which is closest (according to the specified distance). The minimal distances are also returned.

This is mostly equivalent to calling:

(pairwise_distances(X, Y=Y, metric=metric).argmin(axis=axis), pairwise_distances(X, Y=Y, metric=metric).min(axis=axis))

but uses much less memory, and is faster for large arrays.

Parameters ---------- X : array-like, sparse matrix, shape (n_samples1, n_features) Array containing points.

Y : array-like, sparse matrix, shape (n_samples2, n_features) Arrays containing points.

axis : int, optional, default 1 Axis along which the argmin and distances are to be computed.

metric : string or callable, default 'euclidean' metric to use for distance computation. Any metric from scikit-learn or scipy.spatial.distance can be used.

If metric is a callable function, it is called on each pair of instances (rows) and the resulting value recorded. The callable should take two arrays as input and return one value indicating the distance between them. This works for Scipy's metrics, but is less efficient than passing the metric name as a string.

Distance matrices are not supported.

Valid values for metric are:

  • from scikit-learn: 'cityblock', 'cosine', 'euclidean', 'l1', 'l2', 'manhattan'
  • from scipy.spatial.distance: 'braycurtis', 'canberra', 'chebyshev', 'correlation', 'dice', 'hamming', 'jaccard', 'kulsinski', 'mahalanobis', 'minkowski', 'rogerstanimoto', 'russellrao', 'seuclidean', 'sokalmichener', 'sokalsneath', 'sqeuclidean', 'yule'

See the documentation for scipy.spatial.distance for details on these metrics.

metric_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments to pass to specified metric function.

Returns ------- argmin : numpy.ndarray Yargmin[i], : is the row in Y that is closest to Xi, :.

distances : numpy.ndarray distancesi is the distance between the i-th row in X and the argmini-th row in Y.

See also -------- sklearn.metrics.pairwise_distances sklearn.metrics.pairwise_distances_argmin

val pairwise_distances_chunked : ?y:Arr.t -> ?reduce_func:Py.Object.t -> ?metric:[ `S of string | `Callable of Py.Object.t ] -> ?n_jobs:int -> ?working_memory:int -> ?kwds:(string * Py.Object.t) list -> x:Py.Object.t -> unit -> Py.Object.t

Generate a distance matrix chunk by chunk with optional reduction

In cases where not all of a pairwise distance matrix needs to be stored at once, this is used to calculate pairwise distances in ``working_memory``-sized chunks. If ``reduce_func`` is given, it is run on each chunk and its return values are concatenated into lists, arrays or sparse matrices.

Parameters ---------- X : array n_samples_a, n_samples_a if metric == "precomputed", or, n_samples_a, n_features otherwise Array of pairwise distances between samples, or a feature array.

Y : array n_samples_b, n_features, optional An optional second feature array. Only allowed if metric != "precomputed".

reduce_func : callable, optional The function which is applied on each chunk of the distance matrix, reducing it to needed values. ``reduce_func(D_chunk, start)`` is called repeatedly, where ``D_chunk`` is a contiguous vertical slice of the pairwise distance matrix, starting at row ``start``. It should return one of: None; an array, a list, or a sparse matrix of length ``D_chunk.shape0``; or a tuple of such objects. Returning None is useful for in-place operations, rather than reductions.

If None, pairwise_distances_chunked returns a generator of vertical chunks of the distance matrix.

metric : string, or callable The metric to use when calculating distance between instances in a feature array. If metric is a string, it must be one of the options allowed by scipy.spatial.distance.pdist for its metric parameter, or a metric listed in pairwise.PAIRWISE_DISTANCE_FUNCTIONS. If metric is "precomputed", X is assumed to be a distance matrix. Alternatively, if metric is a callable function, it is called on each pair of instances (rows) and the resulting value recorded. The callable should take two arrays from X as input and return a value indicating the distance between them.

n_jobs : int or None, optional (default=None) The number of jobs to use for the computation. This works by breaking down the pairwise matrix into n_jobs even slices and computing them in parallel.

``None`` means 1 unless in a :obj:`joblib.parallel_backend` context. ``-1`` means using all processors. See :term:`Glossary <n_jobs>` for more details.

working_memory : int, optional The sought maximum memory for temporary distance matrix chunks. When None (default), the value of ``sklearn.get_config()'working_memory'`` is used.

`**kwds` : optional keyword parameters Any further parameters are passed directly to the distance function. If using a scipy.spatial.distance metric, the parameters are still metric dependent. See the scipy docs for usage examples.

Yields ------ D_chunk : array or sparse matrix A contiguous slice of distance matrix, optionally processed by ``reduce_func``.

Examples -------- Without reduce_func:

>>> import numpy as np >>> from sklearn.metrics import pairwise_distances_chunked >>> X = np.random.RandomState(0).rand(5, 3) >>> D_chunk = next(pairwise_distances_chunked(X)) >>> D_chunk array([0. ..., 0.29..., 0.41..., 0.19..., 0.57...], [0.29..., 0. ..., 0.57..., 0.41..., 0.76...], [0.41..., 0.57..., 0. ..., 0.44..., 0.90...], [0.19..., 0.41..., 0.44..., 0. ..., 0.51...], [0.57..., 0.76..., 0.90..., 0.51..., 0. ...])

Retrieve all neighbors and average distance within radius r:

>>> r = .2 >>> def reduce_func(D_chunk, start): ... neigh = np.flatnonzero(d < r) for d in D_chunk ... avg_dist = (D_chunk * (D_chunk < r)).mean(axis=1) ... return neigh, avg_dist >>> gen = pairwise_distances_chunked(X, reduce_func=reduce_func) >>> neigh, avg_dist = next(gen) >>> neigh array([0, 3]), array([1]), array([2]), array([0, 3]), array([4]) >>> avg_dist array(0.039..., 0. , 0. , 0.039..., 0. )

Where r is defined per sample, we need to make use of ``start``:

>>> r = .2, .4, .4, .3, .1 >>> def reduce_func(D_chunk, start): ... neigh = np.flatnonzero(d < r[i]) ... for i, d in enumerate(D_chunk, start) ... return neigh >>> neigh = next(pairwise_distances_chunked(X, reduce_func=reduce_func)) >>> neigh array([0, 3]), array([0, 1]), array([2]), array([0, 3]), array([4])

Force row-by-row generation by reducing ``working_memory``:

>>> gen = pairwise_distances_chunked(X, reduce_func=reduce_func, ... working_memory=0) >>> next(gen) array([0, 3]) >>> next(gen) array([0, 1])

val pairwise_kernels : ?y:Arr.t -> ?metric:[ `S of string | `Callable of Py.Object.t ] -> ?filter_params:bool -> ?n_jobs:int -> ?kwds:(string * Py.Object.t) list -> x:[ `Arr of Arr.t | `Otherwise of Py.Object.t ] -> unit -> Py.Object.t

Compute the kernel between arrays X and optional array Y.

This method takes either a vector array or a kernel matrix, and returns a kernel matrix. If the input is a vector array, the kernels are computed. If the input is a kernel matrix, it is returned instead.

This method provides a safe way to take a kernel matrix as input, while preserving compatibility with many other algorithms that take a vector array.

If Y is given (default is None), then the returned matrix is the pairwise kernel between the arrays from both X and Y.

Valid values for metric are: 'additive_chi2', 'chi2', 'linear', 'poly', 'polynomial', 'rbf', 'laplacian', 'sigmoid', 'cosine'

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <metrics>`.

Parameters ---------- X : array n_samples_a, n_samples_a if metric == "precomputed", or, n_samples_a, n_features otherwise Array of pairwise kernels between samples, or a feature array.

Y : array n_samples_b, n_features A second feature array only if X has shape n_samples_a, n_features.

metric : string, or callable The metric to use when calculating kernel between instances in a feature array. If metric is a string, it must be one of the metrics in pairwise.PAIRWISE_KERNEL_FUNCTIONS. If metric is "precomputed", X is assumed to be a kernel matrix. Alternatively, if metric is a callable function, it is called on each pair of instances (rows) and the resulting value recorded. The callable should take two rows from X as input and return the corresponding kernel value as a single number. This means that callables from :mod:`sklearn.metrics.pairwise` are not allowed, as they operate on matrices, not single samples. Use the string identifying the kernel instead.

filter_params : boolean Whether to filter invalid parameters or not.

n_jobs : int or None, optional (default=None) The number of jobs to use for the computation. This works by breaking down the pairwise matrix into n_jobs even slices and computing them in parallel.

``None`` means 1 unless in a :obj:`joblib.parallel_backend` context. ``-1`` means using all processors. See :term:`Glossary <n_jobs>` for more details.

**kwds : optional keyword parameters Any further parameters are passed directly to the kernel function.

Returns ------- K : array n_samples_a, n_samples_a or n_samples_a, n_samples_b A kernel matrix K such that K_, j is the kernel between the ith and jth vectors of the given matrix X, if Y is None. If Y is not None, then K_, j is the kernel between the ith array from X and the jth array from Y.

Notes ----- If metric is 'precomputed', Y is ignored and X is returned.

val plot_confusion_matrix : ?labels:Arr.t -> ?sample_weight:Arr.t -> ?normalize:[ `True | `Pred | `All ] -> ?display_labels:Arr.t -> ?include_values:bool -> ?xticks_rotation:[ `Vertical | `Horizontal | `F of float ] -> ?values_format:string -> ?cmap:[ `S of string | `Matplotlib_Colormap of Py.Object.t ] -> ?ax:Py.Object.t -> estimator:Py.Object.t -> x:Arr.t -> y_true:Py.Object.t -> unit -> Py.Object.t

Plot Confusion Matrix.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <confusion_matrix>`.

Parameters ---------- estimator : estimator instance Trained classifier.

X : array-like, sparse matrix of shape (n_samples, n_features) Input values.

y : array-like of shape (n_samples,) Target values.

labels : array-like of shape (n_classes,), default=None List of labels to index the matrix. This may be used to reorder or select a subset of labels. If `None` is given, those that appear at least once in `y_true` or `y_pred` are used in sorted order.

sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None Sample weights.

normalize : 'true', 'pred', 'all', default=None Normalizes confusion matrix over the true (rows), predicted (columns) conditions or all the population. If None, confusion matrix will not be normalized.

display_labels : array-like of shape (n_classes,), default=None Target names used for plotting. By default, `labels` will be used if it is defined, otherwise the unique labels of `y_true` and `y_pred` will be used.

include_values : bool, default=True Includes values in confusion matrix.

xticks_rotation : 'vertical', 'horizontal' or float, default='horizontal' Rotation of xtick labels.

values_format : str, default=None Format specification for values in confusion matrix. If `None`, the format specification is '.2g'.

cmap : str or matplotlib Colormap, default='viridis' Colormap recognized by matplotlib.

ax : matplotlib Axes, default=None Axes object to plot on. If `None`, a new figure and axes is created.

Returns ------- display : :class:`~sklearn.metrics.ConfusionMatrixDisplay`

val plot_precision_recall_curve : ?sample_weight:Arr.t -> ?response_method:[ `Predict_proba | `Decision_function | `Auto ] -> ?name:string -> ?ax:Py.Object.t -> ?kwargs:(string * Py.Object.t) list -> estimator:Py.Object.t -> x:Arr.t -> y:Arr.t -> unit -> Py.Object.t

Plot Precision Recall Curve for binary classifiers.

Extra keyword arguments will be passed to matplotlib's `plot`.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <precision_recall_f_measure_metrics>`.

Parameters ---------- estimator : estimator instance Trained classifier.

X : array-like, sparse matrix of shape (n_samples, n_features) Input values.

y : array-like of shape (n_samples,) Binary target values.

sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None Sample weights.

response_method : 'predict_proba', 'decision_function', 'auto', default='auto' Specifies whether to use :term:`predict_proba` or :term:`decision_function` as the target response. If set to 'auto', :term:`predict_proba` is tried first and if it does not exist :term:`decision_function` is tried next.

name : str, default=None Name for labeling curve. If `None`, the name of the estimator is used.

ax : matplotlib axes, default=None Axes object to plot on. If `None`, a new figure and axes is created.

**kwargs : dict Keyword arguments to be passed to matplotlib's `plot`.

Returns ------- display : :class:`~sklearn.metrics.PrecisionRecallDisplay` Object that stores computed values.

val plot_roc_curve : ?sample_weight:Arr.t -> ?drop_intermediate:bool -> ?response_method:[ `Predict_proba | `Decision_function | `Auto ] -> ?name:string -> ?ax:Py.Object.t -> ?kwargs:(string * Py.Object.t) list -> estimator:Py.Object.t -> x:Arr.t -> y:Arr.t -> unit -> Py.Object.t

Plot Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve.

Extra keyword arguments will be passed to matplotlib's `plot`.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <visualizations>`.

Parameters ---------- estimator : estimator instance Trained classifier.

X : array-like, sparse matrix of shape (n_samples, n_features) Input values.

y : array-like of shape (n_samples,) Target values.

sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None Sample weights.

drop_intermediate : boolean, default=True Whether to drop some suboptimal thresholds which would not appear on a plotted ROC curve. This is useful in order to create lighter ROC curves.

response_method : 'predict_proba', 'decision_function', 'auto' default='auto' Specifies whether to use :term:`predict_proba` or :term:`decision_function` as the target response. If set to 'auto', :term:`predict_proba` is tried first and if it does not exist :term:`decision_function` is tried next.

name : str, default=None Name of ROC Curve for labeling. If `None`, use the name of the estimator.

ax : matplotlib axes, default=None Axes object to plot on. If `None`, a new figure and axes is created.

Returns ------- display : :class:`~sklearn.metrics.RocCurveDisplay` Object that stores computed values.

Examples -------- >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # doctest: +SKIP >>> from sklearn import datasets, metrics, model_selection, svm >>> X, y = datasets.make_classification(random_state=0) >>> X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = model_selection.train_test_split( X, y, random_state=0) >>> clf = svm.SVC(random_state=0) >>>, y_train) SVC(random_state=0) >>> metrics.plot_roc_curve(clf, X_test, y_test) # doctest: +SKIP >>> # doctest: +SKIP

val precision_recall_curve : ?pos_label:[ `I of int | `S of string ] -> ?sample_weight:Arr.t -> y_true:Arr.t -> probas_pred:Arr.t -> unit -> Py.Object.t * Py.Object.t * Py.Object.t

Compute precision-recall pairs for different probability thresholds

Note: this implementation is restricted to the binary classification task.

The precision is the ratio ``tp / (tp + fp)`` where ``tp`` is the number of true positives and ``fp`` the number of false positives. The precision is intuitively the ability of the classifier not to label as positive a sample that is negative.

The recall is the ratio ``tp / (tp + fn)`` where ``tp`` is the number of true positives and ``fn`` the number of false negatives. The recall is intuitively the ability of the classifier to find all the positive samples.

The last precision and recall values are 1. and 0. respectively and do not have a corresponding threshold. This ensures that the graph starts on the y axis.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <precision_recall_f_measure_metrics>`.

Parameters ---------- y_true : array, shape = n_samples True binary labels. If labels are not either

1, 1



, 1

, then pos_label should be explicitly given.

probas_pred : array, shape = n_samples Estimated probabilities or decision function.

pos_label : int or str, default=None The label of the positive class. When ``pos_label=None``, if y_true is in

1, 1



, 1

, ``pos_label`` is set to 1, otherwise an error will be raised.

sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None Sample weights.

Returns ------- precision : array, shape = n_thresholds + 1 Precision values such that element i is the precision of predictions with score >= thresholdsi and the last element is 1.

recall : array, shape = n_thresholds + 1 Decreasing recall values such that element i is the recall of predictions with score >= thresholdsi and the last element is 0.

thresholds : array, shape = n_thresholds <= len(np.unique(probas_pred)) Increasing thresholds on the decision function used to compute precision and recall.

See also -------- average_precision_score : Compute average precision from prediction scores

roc_curve : Compute Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve

Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from sklearn.metrics import precision_recall_curve >>> y_true = np.array(0, 0, 1, 1) >>> y_scores = np.array(0.1, 0.4, 0.35, 0.8) >>> precision, recall, thresholds = precision_recall_curve( ... y_true, y_scores) >>> precision array(0.66666667, 0.5 , 1. , 1. ) >>> recall array(1. , 0.5, 0.5, 0. ) >>> thresholds array(0.35, 0.4 , 0.8 )

val precision_recall_fscore_support : ?beta:float -> ?labels:Arr.t -> ?pos_label:[ `S of string | `I of int ] -> ?average:[ `Binary | `Micro | `Macro | `Samples | `Weighted ] -> ?warn_for:Py.Object.t -> ?sample_weight:Arr.t -> ?zero_division:[ `Warn | `Zero | `One ] -> y_true:Arr.t -> y_pred:Arr.t -> unit -> [ `F of float | `Arr of Arr.t ] * [ `F of float | `Arr of Arr.t ] * [ `F of float | `Arr of Arr.t ] * Py.Object.t

Compute precision, recall, F-measure and support for each class

The precision is the ratio ``tp / (tp + fp)`` where ``tp`` is the number of true positives and ``fp`` the number of false positives. The precision is intuitively the ability of the classifier not to label as positive a sample that is negative.

The recall is the ratio ``tp / (tp + fn)`` where ``tp`` is the number of true positives and ``fn`` the number of false negatives. The recall is intuitively the ability of the classifier to find all the positive samples.

The F-beta score can be interpreted as a weighted harmonic mean of the precision and recall, where an F-beta score reaches its best value at 1 and worst score at 0.

The F-beta score weights recall more than precision by a factor of ``beta``. ``beta == 1.0`` means recall and precision are equally important.

The support is the number of occurrences of each class in ``y_true``.

If ``pos_label is None`` and in binary classification, this function returns the average precision, recall and F-measure if ``average`` is one of ``'micro'``, ``'macro'``, ``'weighted'`` or ``'samples'``.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <precision_recall_f_measure_metrics>`.

Parameters ---------- y_true : 1d array-like, or label indicator array / sparse matrix Ground truth (correct) target values.

y_pred : 1d array-like, or label indicator array / sparse matrix Estimated targets as returned by a classifier.

beta : float, 1.0 by default The strength of recall versus precision in the F-score.

labels : list, optional The set of labels to include when ``average != 'binary'``, and their order if ``average is None``. Labels present in the data can be excluded, for example to calculate a multiclass average ignoring a majority negative class, while labels not present in the data will result in 0 components in a macro average. For multilabel targets, labels are column indices. By default, all labels in ``y_true`` and ``y_pred`` are used in sorted order.

pos_label : str or int, 1 by default The class to report if ``average='binary'`` and the data is binary. If the data are multiclass or multilabel, this will be ignored; setting ``labels=pos_label`` and ``average != 'binary'`` will report scores for that label only.

average : string, None (default), 'binary', 'micro', 'macro', 'samples', 'weighted' If ``None``, the scores for each class are returned. Otherwise, this determines the type of averaging performed on the data:

``'binary'``: Only report results for the class specified by ``pos_label``. This is applicable only if targets (``y_



``) are binary. ``'micro'``: Calculate metrics globally by counting the total true positives, false negatives and false positives. ``'macro'``: Calculate metrics for each label, and find their unweighted mean. This does not take label imbalance into account. ``'weighted'``: Calculate metrics for each label, and find their average weighted by support (the number of true instances for each label). This alters 'macro' to account for label imbalance; it can result in an F-score that is not between precision and recall. ``'samples'``: Calculate metrics for each instance, and find their average (only meaningful for multilabel classification where this differs from :func:`accuracy_score`).

warn_for : tuple or set, for internal use This determines which warnings will be made in the case that this function is being used to return only one of its metrics.

sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None Sample weights.

zero_division : "warn", 0 or 1, default="warn" Sets the value to return when there is a zero division:

  • recall: when there are no positive labels
  • precision: when there are no positive predictions
  • f-score: both

If set to "warn", this acts as 0, but warnings are also raised.

Returns ------- precision : float (if average is not None) or array of float, shape = n_unique_labels

recall : float (if average is not None) or array of float, , shape = n_unique_labels

fbeta_score : float (if average is not None) or array of float, shape = n_unique_labels

support : None (if average is not None) or array of int, shape = n_unique_labels The number of occurrences of each label in ``y_true``.

References ---------- .. 1 `Wikipedia entry for the Precision and recall <>`_

.. 2 `Wikipedia entry for the F1-score <>`_

.. 3 `Discriminative Methods for Multi-labeled Classification Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (2004), pp. 22-30 by Shantanu Godbole, Sunita Sarawagi <>`_

Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from sklearn.metrics import precision_recall_fscore_support >>> y_true = np.array('cat', 'dog', 'pig', 'cat', 'dog', 'pig') >>> y_pred = np.array('cat', 'pig', 'dog', 'cat', 'cat', 'dog') >>> precision_recall_fscore_support(y_true, y_pred, average='macro') (0.22..., 0.33..., 0.26..., None) >>> precision_recall_fscore_support(y_true, y_pred, average='micro') (0.33..., 0.33..., 0.33..., None) >>> precision_recall_fscore_support(y_true, y_pred, average='weighted') (0.22..., 0.33..., 0.26..., None)

It is possible to compute per-label precisions, recalls, F1-scores and supports instead of averaging:

>>> precision_recall_fscore_support(y_true, y_pred, average=None, ... labels='pig', 'dog', 'cat') (array(0. , 0. , 0.66...), array(0., 0., 1.), array(0. , 0. , 0.8), array(2, 2, 2))

Notes ----- When ``true positive + false positive == 0``, precision is undefined; When ``true positive + false negative == 0``, recall is undefined. In such cases, by default the metric will be set to 0, as will f-score, and ``UndefinedMetricWarning`` will be raised. This behavior can be modified with ``zero_division``.

val precision_score : ?labels:Arr.t -> ?pos_label:[ `S of string | `I of int ] -> ?average:[ `Binary | `Micro | `Macro | `Samples | `Weighted | `None ] -> ?sample_weight:Arr.t -> ?zero_division:[ `Warn | `Zero | `One ] -> y_true:Arr.t -> y_pred:Arr.t -> unit -> [ `F of float | `Arr of Arr.t ]

Compute the precision

The precision is the ratio ``tp / (tp + fp)`` where ``tp`` is the number of true positives and ``fp`` the number of false positives. The precision is intuitively the ability of the classifier not to label as positive a sample that is negative.

The best value is 1 and the worst value is 0.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <precision_recall_f_measure_metrics>`.

Parameters ---------- y_true : 1d array-like, or label indicator array / sparse matrix Ground truth (correct) target values.

y_pred : 1d array-like, or label indicator array / sparse matrix Estimated targets as returned by a classifier.

labels : list, optional The set of labels to include when ``average != 'binary'``, and their order if ``average is None``. Labels present in the data can be excluded, for example to calculate a multiclass average ignoring a majority negative class, while labels not present in the data will result in 0 components in a macro average. For multilabel targets, labels are column indices. By default, all labels in ``y_true`` and ``y_pred`` are used in sorted order.

.. versionchanged:: 0.17 parameter *labels* improved for multiclass problem.

pos_label : str or int, 1 by default The class to report if ``average='binary'`` and the data is binary. If the data are multiclass or multilabel, this will be ignored; setting ``labels=pos_label`` and ``average != 'binary'`` will report scores for that label only.

average : string, None, 'binary' (default), 'micro', 'macro', 'samples', 'weighted' This parameter is required for multiclass/multilabel targets. If ``None``, the scores for each class are returned. Otherwise, this determines the type of averaging performed on the data:

``'binary'``: Only report results for the class specified by ``pos_label``. This is applicable only if targets (``y_



``) are binary. ``'micro'``: Calculate metrics globally by counting the total true positives, false negatives and false positives. ``'macro'``: Calculate metrics for each label, and find their unweighted mean. This does not take label imbalance into account. ``'weighted'``: Calculate metrics for each label, and find their average weighted by support (the number of true instances for each label). This alters 'macro' to account for label imbalance; it can result in an F-score that is not between precision and recall. ``'samples'``: Calculate metrics for each instance, and find their average (only meaningful for multilabel classification where this differs from :func:`accuracy_score`).

sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None Sample weights.

zero_division : "warn", 0 or 1, default="warn" Sets the value to return when there is a zero division. If set to "warn", this acts as 0, but warnings are also raised.

Returns ------- precision : float (if average is not None) or array of float, shape = n_unique_labels Precision of the positive class in binary classification or weighted average of the precision of each class for the multiclass task.

See also -------- precision_recall_fscore_support, multilabel_confusion_matrix

Examples -------- >>> from sklearn.metrics import precision_score >>> y_true = 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2 >>> y_pred = 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1 >>> precision_score(y_true, y_pred, average='macro') 0.22... >>> precision_score(y_true, y_pred, average='micro') 0.33... >>> precision_score(y_true, y_pred, average='weighted') 0.22... >>> precision_score(y_true, y_pred, average=None) array(0.66..., 0. , 0. ) >>> y_pred = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 >>> precision_score(y_true, y_pred, average=None) array(0.33..., 0. , 0. ) >>> precision_score(y_true, y_pred, average=None, zero_division=1) array(0.33..., 1. , 1. )

Notes ----- When ``true positive + false positive == 0``, precision returns 0 and raises ``UndefinedMetricWarning``. This behavior can be modified with ``zero_division``.

val r2_score : ?sample_weight:Arr.t -> ?multioutput: [ `Raw_values | `Uniform_average | `Variance_weighted | `Arr of Arr.t | `None ] -> y_true:Arr.t -> y_pred:Arr.t -> unit -> [ `F of float | `Arr of Arr.t ]

R^2 (coefficient of determination) regression score function.

Best possible score is 1.0 and it can be negative (because the model can be arbitrarily worse). A constant model that always predicts the expected value of y, disregarding the input features, would get a R^2 score of 0.0.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <r2_score>`.

Parameters ---------- y_true : array-like of shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_outputs) Ground truth (correct) target values.

y_pred : array-like of shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_outputs) Estimated target values.

sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,), optional Sample weights.

multioutput : string in 'raw_values', 'uniform_average', 'variance_weighted' or None or array-like of shape (n_outputs)

Defines aggregating of multiple output scores. Array-like value defines weights used to average scores. Default is "uniform_average".

'raw_values' : Returns a full set of scores in case of multioutput input.

'uniform_average' : Scores of all outputs are averaged with uniform weight.

'variance_weighted' : Scores of all outputs are averaged, weighted by the variances of each individual output.

.. versionchanged:: 0.19 Default value of multioutput is 'uniform_average'.

Returns ------- z : float or ndarray of floats The R^2 score or ndarray of scores if 'multioutput' is 'raw_values'.

Notes ----- This is not a symmetric function.

Unlike most other scores, R^2 score may be negative (it need not actually be the square of a quantity R).

This metric is not well-defined for single samples and will return a NaN value if n_samples is less than two.

References ---------- .. 1 `Wikipedia entry on the Coefficient of determination <>`_

Examples -------- >>> from sklearn.metrics import r2_score >>> y_true = 3, -0.5, 2, 7 >>> y_pred = 2.5, 0.0, 2, 8 >>> r2_score(y_true, y_pred) 0.948... >>> y_true = [0.5, 1], [-1, 1], [7, -6] >>> y_pred = [0, 2], [-1, 2], [8, -5] >>> r2_score(y_true, y_pred, ... multioutput='variance_weighted') 0.938... >>> y_true = 1, 2, 3 >>> y_pred = 1, 2, 3 >>> r2_score(y_true, y_pred) 1.0 >>> y_true = 1, 2, 3 >>> y_pred = 2, 2, 2 >>> r2_score(y_true, y_pred) 0.0 >>> y_true = 1, 2, 3 >>> y_pred = 3, 2, 1 >>> r2_score(y_true, y_pred) -3.0

val recall_score : ?labels:Arr.t -> ?pos_label:[ `S of string | `I of int ] -> ?average:[ `Binary | `Micro | `Macro | `Samples | `Weighted | `None ] -> ?sample_weight:Arr.t -> ?zero_division:[ `Warn | `Zero | `One ] -> y_true:Arr.t -> y_pred:Arr.t -> unit -> [ `F of float | `Arr of Arr.t ]

Compute the recall

The recall is the ratio ``tp / (tp + fn)`` where ``tp`` is the number of true positives and ``fn`` the number of false negatives. The recall is intuitively the ability of the classifier to find all the positive samples.

The best value is 1 and the worst value is 0.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <precision_recall_f_measure_metrics>`.

Parameters ---------- y_true : 1d array-like, or label indicator array / sparse matrix Ground truth (correct) target values.

y_pred : 1d array-like, or label indicator array / sparse matrix Estimated targets as returned by a classifier.

labels : list, optional The set of labels to include when ``average != 'binary'``, and their order if ``average is None``. Labels present in the data can be excluded, for example to calculate a multiclass average ignoring a majority negative class, while labels not present in the data will result in 0 components in a macro average. For multilabel targets, labels are column indices. By default, all labels in ``y_true`` and ``y_pred`` are used in sorted order.

.. versionchanged:: 0.17 parameter *labels* improved for multiclass problem.

pos_label : str or int, 1 by default The class to report if ``average='binary'`` and the data is binary. If the data are multiclass or multilabel, this will be ignored; setting ``labels=pos_label`` and ``average != 'binary'`` will report scores for that label only.

average : string, None, 'binary' (default), 'micro', 'macro', 'samples', 'weighted' This parameter is required for multiclass/multilabel targets. If ``None``, the scores for each class are returned. Otherwise, this determines the type of averaging performed on the data:

``'binary'``: Only report results for the class specified by ``pos_label``. This is applicable only if targets (``y_



``) are binary. ``'micro'``: Calculate metrics globally by counting the total true positives, false negatives and false positives. ``'macro'``: Calculate metrics for each label, and find their unweighted mean. This does not take label imbalance into account. ``'weighted'``: Calculate metrics for each label, and find their average weighted by support (the number of true instances for each label). This alters 'macro' to account for label imbalance; it can result in an F-score that is not between precision and recall. ``'samples'``: Calculate metrics for each instance, and find their average (only meaningful for multilabel classification where this differs from :func:`accuracy_score`).

sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None Sample weights.

zero_division : "warn", 0 or 1, default="warn" Sets the value to return when there is a zero division. If set to "warn", this acts as 0, but warnings are also raised.

Returns ------- recall : float (if average is not None) or array of float, shape = n_unique_labels Recall of the positive class in binary classification or weighted average of the recall of each class for the multiclass task.

See also -------- precision_recall_fscore_support, balanced_accuracy_score, multilabel_confusion_matrix

Examples -------- >>> from sklearn.metrics import recall_score >>> y_true = 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2 >>> y_pred = 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1 >>> recall_score(y_true, y_pred, average='macro') 0.33... >>> recall_score(y_true, y_pred, average='micro') 0.33... >>> recall_score(y_true, y_pred, average='weighted') 0.33... >>> recall_score(y_true, y_pred, average=None) array(1., 0., 0.) >>> y_true = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 >>> recall_score(y_true, y_pred, average=None) array(0.5, 0. , 0. ) >>> recall_score(y_true, y_pred, average=None, zero_division=1) array(0.5, 1. , 1. )

Notes ----- When ``true positive + false negative == 0``, recall returns 0 and raises ``UndefinedMetricWarning``. This behavior can be modified with ``zero_division``.

val roc_auc_score : ?average:[ `Micro | `Macro | `Samples | `Weighted | `None ] -> ?sample_weight:Arr.t -> ?max_fpr:Py.Object.t -> ?multi_class:[ `Raise | `Ovr | `Ovo ] -> ?labels:Arr.t -> y_true:Arr.t -> y_score:Arr.t -> unit -> float

Compute Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve (ROC AUC) from prediction scores.

Note: this implementation can be used with binary, multiclass and multilabel classification, but some restrictions apply (see Parameters).

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <roc_metrics>`.

Parameters ---------- y_true : array-like of shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_classes) True labels or binary label indicators. The binary and multiclass cases expect labels with shape (n_samples,) while the multilabel case expects binary label indicators with shape (n_samples, n_classes).

y_score : array-like of shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_classes) Target scores. In the binary and multilabel cases, these can be either probability estimates or non-thresholded decision values (as returned by `decision_function` on some classifiers). In the multiclass case, these must be probability estimates which sum to 1. The binary case expects a shape (n_samples,), and the scores must be the scores of the class with the greater label. The multiclass and multilabel cases expect a shape (n_samples, n_classes). In the multiclass case, the order of the class scores must correspond to the order of ``labels``, if provided, or else to the numerical or lexicographical order of the labels in ``y_true``.

average : 'micro', 'macro', 'samples', 'weighted' or None, default='macro' If ``None``, the scores for each class are returned. Otherwise, this determines the type of averaging performed on the data: Note: multiclass ROC AUC currently only handles the 'macro' and 'weighted' averages.

``'micro'``: Calculate metrics globally by considering each element of the label indicator matrix as a label. ``'macro'``: Calculate metrics for each label, and find their unweighted mean. This does not take label imbalance into account. ``'weighted'``: Calculate metrics for each label, and find their average, weighted by support (the number of true instances for each label). ``'samples'``: Calculate metrics for each instance, and find their average.

Will be ignored when ``y_true`` is binary.

sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None Sample weights.

max_fpr : float > 0 and <= 1, default=None If not ``None``, the standardized partial AUC 2_ over the range 0, max_fpr is returned. For the multiclass case, ``max_fpr``, should be either equal to ``None`` or ``1.0`` as AUC ROC partial computation currently is not supported for multiclass.

multi_class : 'raise', 'ovr', 'ovo', default='raise' Multiclass only. Determines the type of configuration to use. The default value raises an error, so either ``'ovr'`` or ``'ovo'`` must be passed explicitly.

``'ovr'``: Computes the AUC of each class against the rest 3_ 4_. This treats the multiclass case in the same way as the multilabel case. Sensitive to class imbalance even when ``average == 'macro'``, because class imbalance affects the composition of each of the 'rest' groupings. ``'ovo'``: Computes the average AUC of all possible pairwise combinations of classes 5_. Insensitive to class imbalance when ``average == 'macro'``.

labels : array-like of shape (n_classes,), default=None Multiclass only. List of labels that index the classes in ``y_score``. If ``None``, the numerical or lexicographical order of the labels in ``y_true`` is used.

Returns ------- auc : float

References ---------- .. 1 `Wikipedia entry for the Receiver operating characteristic <>`_

.. 2 `Analyzing a portion of the ROC curve. McClish, 1989 <>`_

.. 3 Provost, F., Domingos, P. (2000). Well-trained PETs: Improving probability estimation trees (Section 6.2), CeDER Working Paper #IS-00-04, Stern School of Business, New York University.

.. 4 `Fawcett, T. (2006). An introduction to ROC analysis. Pattern Recognition Letters, 27(8), 861-874. <>`_

.. 5 `Hand, D.J., Till, R.J. (2001). A Simple Generalisation of the Area Under the ROC Curve for Multiple Class Classification Problems. Machine Learning, 45(2), 171-186. <>`_

See also -------- average_precision_score : Area under the precision-recall curve

roc_curve : Compute Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve

Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score >>> y_true = np.array(0, 0, 1, 1) >>> y_scores = np.array(0.1, 0.4, 0.35, 0.8) >>> roc_auc_score(y_true, y_scores) 0.75

val roc_curve : ?pos_label:[ `I of int | `S of string ] -> ?sample_weight:Arr.t -> ?drop_intermediate:bool -> y_true:Arr.t -> y_score:Arr.t -> unit -> Arr.t * Arr.t * Arr.t

Compute Receiver operating characteristic (ROC)

Note: this implementation is restricted to the binary classification task.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <roc_metrics>`.

Parameters ----------

y_true : array, shape = n_samples True binary labels. If labels are not either

1, 1



, 1

, then pos_label should be explicitly given.

y_score : array, shape = n_samples Target scores, can either be probability estimates of the positive class, confidence values, or non-thresholded measure of decisions (as returned by "decision_function" on some classifiers).

pos_label : int or str, default=None The label of the positive class. When ``pos_label=None``, if y_true is in

1, 1



, 1

, ``pos_label`` is set to 1, otherwise an error will be raised.

sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None Sample weights.

drop_intermediate : boolean, optional (default=True) Whether to drop some suboptimal thresholds which would not appear on a plotted ROC curve. This is useful in order to create lighter ROC curves.

.. versionadded:: 0.17 parameter *drop_intermediate*.

Returns ------- fpr : array, shape = >2 Increasing false positive rates such that element i is the false positive rate of predictions with score >= thresholdsi.

tpr : array, shape = >2 Increasing true positive rates such that element i is the true positive rate of predictions with score >= thresholdsi.

thresholds : array, shape = n_thresholds Decreasing thresholds on the decision function used to compute fpr and tpr. `thresholds0` represents no instances being predicted and is arbitrarily set to `max(y_score) + 1`.

See also -------- roc_auc_score : Compute the area under the ROC curve

Notes ----- Since the thresholds are sorted from low to high values, they are reversed upon returning them to ensure they correspond to both ``fpr`` and ``tpr``, which are sorted in reversed order during their calculation.

References ---------- .. 1 `Wikipedia entry for the Receiver operating characteristic <>`_

.. 2 Fawcett T. An introduction to ROC analysisJ. Pattern Recognition Letters, 2006, 27(8):861-874.

Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from sklearn import metrics >>> y = np.array(1, 1, 2, 2) >>> scores = np.array(0.1, 0.4, 0.35, 0.8) >>> fpr, tpr, thresholds = metrics.roc_curve(y, scores, pos_label=2) >>> fpr array(0. , 0. , 0.5, 0.5, 1. ) >>> tpr array(0. , 0.5, 0.5, 1. , 1. ) >>> thresholds array(1.8 , 0.8 , 0.4 , 0.35, 0.1 )

val silhouette_samples : ?metric:[ `S of string | `Callable of Py.Object.t ] -> ?kwds:(string * Py.Object.t) list -> x:[ `Arr of Arr.t | `Otherwise of Py.Object.t ] -> labels:Arr.t -> unit -> Arr.t

Compute the Silhouette Coefficient for each sample.

The Silhouette Coefficient is a measure of how well samples are clustered with samples that are similar to themselves. Clustering models with a high Silhouette Coefficient are said to be dense, where samples in the same cluster are similar to each other, and well separated, where samples in different clusters are not very similar to each other.

The Silhouette Coefficient is calculated using the mean intra-cluster distance (``a``) and the mean nearest-cluster distance (``b``) for each sample. The Silhouette Coefficient for a sample is ``(b - a) / max(a, b)``. Note that Silhouette Coefficient is only defined if number of labels is 2 <= n_labels <= n_samples - 1.

This function returns the Silhouette Coefficient for each sample.

The best value is 1 and the worst value is -1. Values near 0 indicate overlapping clusters.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <silhouette_coefficient>`.

Parameters ---------- X : array n_samples_a, n_samples_a if metric == "precomputed", or, n_samples_a, n_features otherwise Array of pairwise distances between samples, or a feature array.

labels : array, shape = n_samples label values for each sample

metric : string, or callable The metric to use when calculating distance between instances in a feature array. If metric is a string, it must be one of the options allowed by :func:`sklearn.metrics.pairwise.pairwise_distances`. If X is the distance array itself, use "precomputed" as the metric. Precomputed distance matrices must have 0 along the diagonal.

`**kwds` : optional keyword parameters Any further parameters are passed directly to the distance function. If using a ``scipy.spatial.distance`` metric, the parameters are still metric dependent. See the scipy docs for usage examples.

Returns ------- silhouette : array, shape = n_samples Silhouette Coefficient for each samples.

References ----------

.. 1 `Peter J. Rousseeuw (1987). "Silhouettes: a Graphical Aid to the Interpretation and Validation of Cluster Analysis". Computational and Applied Mathematics 20: 53-65. <>`_

.. 2 `Wikipedia entry on the Silhouette Coefficient <>`_

val silhouette_score : ?metric:[ `S of string | `Callable of Py.Object.t ] -> ?sample_size:int -> ?random_state:int -> ?kwds:(string * Py.Object.t) list -> x:[ `Arr of Arr.t | `Otherwise of Py.Object.t ] -> labels:Arr.t -> unit -> float

Compute the mean Silhouette Coefficient of all samples.

The Silhouette Coefficient is calculated using the mean intra-cluster distance (``a``) and the mean nearest-cluster distance (``b``) for each sample. The Silhouette Coefficient for a sample is ``(b - a) / max(a, b)``. To clarify, ``b`` is the distance between a sample and the nearest cluster that the sample is not a part of. Note that Silhouette Coefficient is only defined if number of labels is 2 <= n_labels <= n_samples - 1.

This function returns the mean Silhouette Coefficient over all samples. To obtain the values for each sample, use :func:`silhouette_samples`.

The best value is 1 and the worst value is -1. Values near 0 indicate overlapping clusters. Negative values generally indicate that a sample has been assigned to the wrong cluster, as a different cluster is more similar.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <silhouette_coefficient>`.

Parameters ---------- X : array n_samples_a, n_samples_a if metric == "precomputed", or, n_samples_a, n_features otherwise Array of pairwise distances between samples, or a feature array.

labels : array, shape = n_samples Predicted labels for each sample.

metric : string, or callable The metric to use when calculating distance between instances in a feature array. If metric is a string, it must be one of the options allowed by :func:`metrics.pairwise.pairwise_distances <sklearn.metrics.pairwise.pairwise_distances>`. If X is the distance array itself, use ``metric="precomputed"``.

sample_size : int or None The size of the sample to use when computing the Silhouette Coefficient on a random subset of the data. If ``sample_size is None``, no sampling is used.

random_state : int, RandomState instance or None, optional (default=None) The generator used to randomly select a subset of samples. If int, random_state is the seed used by the random number generator; If RandomState instance, random_state is the random number generator; If None, the random number generator is the RandomState instance used by `np.random`. Used when ``sample_size is not None``.

**kwds : optional keyword parameters Any further parameters are passed directly to the distance function. If using a scipy.spatial.distance metric, the parameters are still metric dependent. See the scipy docs for usage examples.

Returns ------- silhouette : float Mean Silhouette Coefficient for all samples.

References ----------

.. 1 `Peter J. Rousseeuw (1987). "Silhouettes: a Graphical Aid to the Interpretation and Validation of Cluster Analysis". Computational and Applied Mathematics 20: 53-65. <>`_

.. 2 `Wikipedia entry on the Silhouette Coefficient <>`_

val v_measure_score : ?beta:float -> labels_true:Arr.t -> labels_pred:Arr.t -> unit -> float

V-measure cluster labeling given a ground truth.

This score is identical to :func:`normalized_mutual_info_score` with the ``'arithmetic'`` option for averaging.

The V-measure is the harmonic mean between homogeneity and completeness::

v = (1 + beta) * homogeneity * completeness / (beta * homogeneity + completeness)

This metric is independent of the absolute values of the labels: a permutation of the class or cluster label values won't change the score value in any way.

This metric is furthermore symmetric: switching ``label_true`` with ``label_pred`` will return the same score value. This can be useful to measure the agreement of two independent label assignments strategies on the same dataset when the real ground truth is not known.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <homogeneity_completeness>`.

Parameters ---------- labels_true : int array, shape = n_samples ground truth class labels to be used as a reference

labels_pred : array-like of shape (n_samples,) cluster labels to evaluate

beta : float Ratio of weight attributed to ``homogeneity`` vs ``completeness``. If ``beta`` is greater than 1, ``completeness`` is weighted more strongly in the calculation. If ``beta`` is less than 1, ``homogeneity`` is weighted more strongly.

Returns ------- v_measure : float score between 0.0 and 1.0. 1.0 stands for perfectly complete labeling

References ----------

.. 1 `Andrew Rosenberg and Julia Hirschberg, 2007. V-Measure: A conditional entropy-based external cluster evaluation measure <>`_

See also -------- homogeneity_score completeness_score normalized_mutual_info_score

Examples --------

Perfect labelings are both homogeneous and complete, hence have score 1.0::

>>> from sklearn.metrics.cluster import v_measure_score >>> v_measure_score(0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1) 1.0 >>> v_measure_score(0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0) 1.0

Labelings that assign all classes members to the same clusters are complete be not homogeneous, hence penalized::

>>> print("%.6f" % v_measure_score(0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1, 1)) 0.8... >>> print("%.6f" % v_measure_score(0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 1, 1)) 0.66...

Labelings that have pure clusters with members coming from the same classes are homogeneous but un-necessary splits harms completeness and thus penalize V-measure as well::

>>> print("%.6f" % v_measure_score(0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 2)) 0.8... >>> print("%.6f" % v_measure_score(0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3)) 0.66...

If classes members are completely split across different clusters, the assignment is totally incomplete, hence the V-Measure is null::

>>> print("%.6f" % v_measure_score(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3)) 0.0...

Clusters that include samples from totally different classes totally destroy the homogeneity of the labeling, hence::

>>> print("%.6f" % v_measure_score(0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)) 0.0...

val zero_one_loss : ?normalize:bool -> ?sample_weight:Arr.t -> y_true:Arr.t -> y_pred:Arr.t -> unit -> [ `F of float | `I of int ]

Zero-one classification loss.

If normalize is ``True``, return the fraction of misclassifications (float), else it returns the number of misclassifications (int). The best performance is 0.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <zero_one_loss>`.

Parameters ---------- y_true : 1d array-like, or label indicator array / sparse matrix Ground truth (correct) labels.

y_pred : 1d array-like, or label indicator array / sparse matrix Predicted labels, as returned by a classifier.

normalize : bool, optional (default=True) If ``False``, return the number of misclassifications. Otherwise, return the fraction of misclassifications.

sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None Sample weights.

Returns ------- loss : float or int, If ``normalize == True``, return the fraction of misclassifications (float), else it returns the number of misclassifications (int).

Notes ----- In multilabel classification, the zero_one_loss function corresponds to the subset zero-one loss: for each sample, the entire set of labels must be correctly predicted, otherwise the loss for that sample is equal to one.

See also -------- accuracy_score, hamming_loss, jaccard_score

Examples -------- >>> from sklearn.metrics import zero_one_loss >>> y_pred = 1, 2, 3, 4 >>> y_true = 2, 2, 3, 4 >>> zero_one_loss(y_true, y_pred) 0.25 >>> zero_one_loss(y_true, y_pred, normalize=False) 1

In the multilabel case with binary label indicators:

>>> import numpy as np >>> zero_one_loss(np.array([0, 1], [1, 1]), np.ones((2, 2))) 0.5


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