package sequence
Simple and lightweight sequence abstract data type.
Dune Dependency
Simple sequence abstract datatype, intended to iterate efficiently on collections while performing some transformations.
= Sequence :toc: macro :source-highlighter: pygments Simple sequence abstract datatype, intended to iterate efficiently on collections while performing some transformations. Common operations supported by Sequence include `filter`, `map`, `take`, `drop`, `append`, `flat_map`, etc. Sequence is not designed to be as general-purpose or flexible as, say, Batteries' `'a Enum.t`. Rather, it aims at providing a very simple and efficient way of iterating on a finite number of values, only allocating (most of the time) one intermediate closure to do so. For instance, iterating on keys, or values, of a `Hashtbl.t`, without creating a list. image::[alt="Build Status", link=""] toc::[] == Documentation There is only one important type, `'a Sequence.t`, and lots of functions built around this type. To get an overview of sequence, its origins and why it was created, you can start with[the slides of a talk] I (@c-cube) made at some OCaml meeting. See[the online API] for more details on the set of available functions. == Build 1. via opam `opam install sequence` 2. manually (need OCaml >= 4.02.0): `make all install` If you have[qtest] installed, you can build and run tests with ---- $ ./configure --enable-tests $ make test ---- If you have[benchmarks] installed, you can build and run benchmarks with ---- $ make benchs $ ./benchs.native ---- To see how to use the library, check the `examples` directory. `` has a few examples of how to convert basic data structures into sequences, and conversely. == Short Tutorial === Transferring Data Conversion between n container types would take n² functions. In practice, for a given collection we can at best hope for `to_list` and `of_list`. With sequence, if the source structure provides a `iter` function (or a `to_seq` wrapper), it becomes: [source,OCaml] ---- # let q = Queue.create();; # Sequence.( 1 -- 10 |> to_queue q);; - : unit = () # Sequence.of_queue q |> Sequence.to_list ;; - : int list = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10] # let s = Stack.create();; # Sequence.(of_queue q |> to_stack s);; - : unit = () # Sequence.of_stack s |> Sequence.to_list ;; - : int list = [10; 9; 8; 7; 6; 5; 4; 3; 2; 1] ---- Note how the list of elements is reversed when we transfer them from the queue to the stack. Another example is extracting the list of values of a hashtable (in an undefined order that depends on the underlying hash function): [source,OCaml] ---- # let h = Hashtbl.create 16;; # for i = 0 to 10 do Hashtbl.add h i (string_of_int i) done;; - : unit = () # Hashtbl.length h;; - : int = 11 (* now to get the values *) # Sequence.of_hashtbl h |> snd |> Sequence.to_list;; - : string list = ["6"; "2"; "8"; "7"; "3"; "5"; "4"; "9"; "0"; "10"; "1"] ---- === Replacing `for` loops The `for` loop is a bit limited, and lacks compositionality. Instead, it can be more convenient and readable to use `Sequence.(--) : int -> int -> int Sequence.t`. [source,OCaml] ---- # Sequence.(1 -- 10_000_000 |> fold (+) 0);; - : int = 50000005000000 # let p x = x mod 5 = 0 in Sequence.(1 -- 5_000 |> filter p |> map (fun x -> x * x) |> fold (+) 0 );; - : int = 8345837500 ---- NOTE: with **flambda** under sufficiently strong optimization flags, such compositions of operators should be compiled to an actual loop with no overhead! === Iterating on sub-trees A small λ-calculus AST, and some operations on it. [source,OCaml] ---- # type term = | Var of string | App of term * term | Lambda of term ;; # let rec subterms : term -> term Sequence.t = fun t -> let open Sequence.Infix in Sequence.cons t (match t with | Var _ -> Sequence.empty | Lambda u -> subterms u | App (a,b) -> Sequence.append (subterms a) (subterms b)) ;; (* Now we can define many other functions easily! *) # let vars t = Sequence.filter_map (function Var s -> Some s | _ -> None) (subterms t) ;; val vars : term -> string sequence = <fun > # let size t = Sequence.length (subterms t) ;; val size : term -> int = <fun > # let vars_list l = Sequence.(of_list l |> flat_map vars);; val vars_list : term list -> string sequence = <fun > ---- === Permutations Makes it easy to write backtracking code (a non-deterministic function returning several `'a` will just return a `'a Sequence.t`). Here, we generate all permutations of a list by enumerating the ways we can insert an element in a list. [source,OCaml] ---- # open Sequence.Infix;; # module S = Sequence ;; # let rec insert x l = match l with | [] -> S.return [x] | y :: tl -> S.append S.(insert x tl >|= fun tl' -> y :: tl') (S.return (x :: l)) ;; # let rec permute l = match l with | [] -> S.return [] | x :: tl -> permute tl >>= insert x ;; # permute [1;2;3;4] |> S.take 2 |> S.to_list ;; - : int list list = [[4; 3; 2; 1]; [4; 3; 1; 2]] ---- === Advanced example The module `examples/sexpr.mli` exposes the interface of the S-expression example library. It requires OCaml>=4.0 to compile, because of the GADT structure used in the monadic parser combinators part of `examples/`. Be careful that this is quite obscure. == License Sequence is available under the BSD license.
Dependencies (4)
>= "1.0+beta12"
- result
- base-bytes
< "4.07.0"
Used by (9)
< "1.1"
< "0.5"
>= "2.0" & < "2.6"
< "0.2.3"
- nunchaku
- prob-cache
< "0.2"
< "0.6"
= "1.5"
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
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