package sd_logic

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t
val sexp_of_t : t -> Ppx_sexp_conv_lib.Sexp.t
val empty : t

empty is a t with no data

val mem : t -> 'a Sd.t -> bool

mem t sd returns whether or not t has data stored for sd. O(log(n)) time complexity in size of t.

val memp : t -> Sd.Packed.t -> bool

memp t packed returns whether or not t has data stored for packed. O(log(n)) time complexity in size of t.

val find : t -> 'a Sd.t -> 'a option

find t sd returns Some (the current binding) of sd in t, or None if no such binding exists. O(log(n)) time complexity in size of t.

val find_exn : t -> 'a Sd.t -> 'a

find_exn t sd is an unsafe version of find

val set : t -> 'a Sd.t -> 'a -> t

set t sd v sets the given sd to v. O(log(n)) time complexity in size of t.

val remove : t -> 'a Sd.t -> t

remove t sd removes the current binding for sd if such binding exists. O(log(n)) time complexity in size of t.

val removep : t -> Sd.Packed.t -> t

remove t packed removes the current binding for packed if such binding exists. O(log(n)) time complexity in size of t.

val use : t -> ?to_use:Sd.set option -> t -> t

use t1 ?to_use t2 calls set t1 (get t2 sd) for each sd where (a) there exists a binding in t2 and (b) it is in ?to_use or ?to_use is None. O(m*log(n + m)) time complexity where n is the size of t1 and m is the size of t2.

val use_extras : t -> t -> t
val trim_to : t -> Sd.set -> t

trim_to t sd_set removes all sds from t that are in sd_set

val keys : t -> Sd.set

keys t returns a list of all sd for which there exists a binding in t. O(n) time complexity in size of t.


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