package rpclib

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val encode : string -> string
val to_string : ?strict:bool -> Rpc.t -> string
val to_a : ?strict:bool -> empty:(unit -> 'a) -> append:('a -> string -> unit) -> Rpc.t -> 'a
  • deprecated
val string_of_call : ?strict:bool -> -> string
val string_of_response : ?strict:bool -> Rpc.response -> string
val a_of_response : ?strict:bool -> empty:(unit -> 'a) -> append:('a -> string -> unit) -> Rpc.response -> 'a
  • deprecated
exception Parse_error of string * string * Xmlm.input

The parsing functions make it possible to specify the routine used to decode base64 values. The default is to use Base64.decode_exn which strictly interprets the standard. A different function will be required if the XMLRPC server inserts line breaks into the base64 encoding (as per RFC2045).

val pretty_string_of_error : string -> string -> Xmlm.input -> string
val parse_error : string -> string -> Xmlm.input -> unit
val of_string : ?callback:(string list -> Rpc.t -> unit) -> ?base64_decoder:(string -> string) -> string -> Rpc.t
val of_a : ?callback:(string list -> Rpc.t -> unit) -> ?base64_decoder:(string -> string) -> next_char:('b -> char option) -> 'b -> Rpc.t
  • deprecated
val call_of_string : ?callback:(string list -> Rpc.t -> unit) -> ?base64_decoder:(string -> string) -> string ->
val response_of_fault : ?callback:(string list -> Rpc.t -> unit) -> ?base64_decoder:(string -> string) -> Xmlm.input -> Rpc.response
val response_of_success : ?callback:(string list -> Rpc.t -> unit) -> ?base64_decoder:(string -> string) -> Xmlm.input -> Rpc.response
val response_of_input : ?callback:(string list -> Rpc.t -> unit) -> ?base64_decoder:(string -> string) -> Xmlm.input -> Rpc.response
val response_of_string : ?callback:(string list -> Rpc.t -> unit) -> ?base64_decoder:(string -> string) -> string -> Rpc.response
val response_of_in_channel : ?callback:(string list -> Rpc.t -> unit) -> ?base64_decoder:(string -> string) -> in_channel -> Rpc.response

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