package rpc

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type version =
  1. | V1
  2. | V2
val list_iter_between : ('a -> unit) -> (unit -> 'b) -> 'a list -> unit
val escape_string : string -> string
val to_fct : Rpc.t -> (string -> unit) -> unit
val to_buffer : Rpc.t -> Buffer.t -> unit
val to_string : Rpc.t -> string
val to_a : empty:(unit -> 'a) -> append:('a -> string -> unit) -> Rpc.t -> 'a
val new_id : unit -> int64
val string_of_call : ?version:version -> -> string
val json_of_response : ?id:Rpc.t -> version -> Rpc.response -> Rpc.t
val json_of_error_object : ?data:Rpc.t option -> int64 -> string -> Rpc.t
val string_of_response : ?id:Rpc.t -> ?version:version -> Rpc.response -> string
val a_of_response : ?id:Rpc.t -> ?version:version -> empty:(unit -> 'a) -> append:('a -> string -> unit) -> Rpc.response -> 'a
type error =
  1. | Unexpected_char of int * char * string
  2. | Invalid_value of int * string * string
  3. | Invalid_leading_zero of int * string
  4. | Unterminated_value of int * string
  5. | Internal_error of int * string
exception Parse_error of error
val of_fct : (unit -> char) -> Rpc.t
val of_string : string -> Rpc.t
val of_a : next_char:('a -> char) -> 'a -> Rpc.t
exception Malformed_method_request of string
exception Malformed_method_response of string
val get : string -> (string * 'a) list -> 'a
val call_of_string : string ->
val version_id_and_call_of_string : string -> version * Rpc.t *
val response_of_stream : (unit -> char) -> Rpc.response
val response_of_string : string -> Rpc.response
val response_of_in_channel : Pervasives.in_channel -> Rpc.response

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