Module type
Class type
The type of integer used to store buffers, list or array lengths.
use a (compressed) variable encoding to encode integers in a binary format, while IntX
always use X
bytes. Overflows are not detected.
val unit : unit t
is a representation of the unit type.
val bool : bool t
is a representation of the boolean type.
val char : char t
is a representation of the character type.
val int : int t
is a representation of integers. Binary serialization uses a varying-width representation.
val int32 : int32 t
is a representation of the 32-bit integer type.
val int64 : int64 t
is a representation of the 64-bit integer type.
val float : float t
is a representation of the float
val string : string t
is a representation of the string
val bytes : bytes t
is a representation of the bytes
boxed t
is the same as t
but with a binary representation which is always boxed (e.g. top-level values won't be unboxed). This forces Unboxed
functions to be exactly the same as boxed ones.
array t
is a representation of arrays of values of type t
triple x y z
is a representation of values of type x * y * z
result a b
is a representation of values of type (a, b) result
either a b
is a representation of values of type (a, b) Either.t
val record : string -> 'b -> ('a, 'b, 'b) open_record
The type for fields holding values of type 'b
and belonging to a record of type 'a
field n t g
is the representation of the field n
of type t
with getter g
. Raises. Invalid_argument
if n
is not valid UTF-8.
The name n
must not be used by any other field
in the record.
For instance:
type manuscript = { title : string option }
let manuscript = field "title" (option string) (fun t -> t.title)
val (|+) :
('a, 'b, 'c -> 'd) open_record ->
('a, 'c) field ->
('a, 'b, 'd) open_record
r |+ f
is the open record r
augmented with the field f
val sealr : ('a, 'b, 'a) open_record -> 'a t
sealr r
seals the open record r
. Raises. Invalid_argument
if two or more fields share the same name.
Putting all together:
type menu = { restaurant : string; items : (string * int32) list }
let t =
record "t" (fun restaurant items -> { restaurant; items })
|+ field "restaurant" string (fun t ->
|+ field "items" (list (pair string int32)) (fun t -> t.items)
|> sealr
val variant : string -> 'b -> ('a, 'b, 'b) open_variant
case0 n v
is a representation of a variant constructor v
with no arguments and name n
. Raises. Invalid_argument
if n
is not valid UTF-8.
The name n
must not by used by any other case0
in the record.
For instance:
type t = Foo
let foo = case0 "Foo" Foo
case1 n t c
is a representation of a variant constructor c
with an argument of type t
and name n
. Raises. Invalid_argument
if n
is not valid UTF-8.
The name n
must not by used by any other case1
in the record.
For instance:
type t = Foo of string
let foo = case1 "Foo" string (fun s -> Foo s)
val (|~) :
('a, 'b, 'c -> 'd) open_variant ->
('a, 'c) case ->
('a, 'b, 'd) open_variant
v |~ c
is the open variant v
augmented with the case c
val sealv : ('a, 'b, 'a -> 'a case_p) open_variant -> 'a t
sealv v
seals the open variant v
. Raises. Invalid_argument
if two or more cases of same arity share the same name.
Putting all together:
type t = Foo | Bar of string
let t =
variant "t" (fun foo bar -> function Foo -> foo | Bar s -> bar s)
|~ case0 "Foo" Foo
|~ case1 "Bar" string (fun x -> Bar x)
|> sealv
val enum : string -> (string * 'a) list -> 'a t
enum n cs
is a representation of the variant type called n
with singleton cases cs
. e.g.
type t = Foo | Bar | Toto
let t = enum "t" [ ("Foo", Foo); ("Bar", Bar); ("Toto", Toto) ]
Raises. Invalid_argument
if two or more cases share the same name.
allows a limited description of recursive records and variants.
TODO: describe the limitations, e.g. only regular recursion and no use of the generics inside the mu*
functions and the usual caveats with recursive values (such as infinite loops on most of the generics which don't check sharing).
mu f
is the representation r
such that r = mu r
For instance:
type x = { x : x option }
let x =
mu (fun x ->
record "x" (fun x -> { x })
|+ field "x" (option x) (fun x -> x.x)
|> sealr)
mu2 f
is the representations r
and s
such that r, s = mu2 r s
For instance:
type r = { foo : int; bar : string list; z : z option }
and z = { x : int; r : r list }
(* Build the representation of [r] knowing [z]'s. *)
let mkr z =
record "r" (fun foo bar z -> { foo; bar; z })
|+ field "foo" int (fun t ->
|+ field "bar" (list string) (fun t ->
|+ field "z" (option z) (fun t -> t.z)
|> sealr
(* And the representation of [z] knowing [r]'s. *)
let mkz r =
record "z" (fun x r -> { x; r })
|+ field "x" int (fun t -> t.x)
|+ field "r" (list r) (fun t -> t.r)
|> sealr
(* Tie the loop. *)
let r, z = mu2 (fun r z -> (mkr z, mkz y))
val stage : 'a -> 'a staged
stage x
stages x
val unstage : 'a staged -> 'a
unstage x
unstages x
Given a value 'a t
, it is possible to define generic operations on value of type 'a
such as pretty-printing, parsing and unparsing.
type 'a equal = ('a -> 'a -> bool) staged
type 'a compare = ('a -> 'a -> int) staged
type 'a pp = 'a Fmt.t
The type for pretty-printers.
type 'a of_string = string -> ('a, [ `Msg of string ]) result
The type for parsers.
pp_dump t
is the dump pretty-printer for values of type t
This pretty-printer outputs an encoding which is as close as possible to native OCaml syntax, so that the result can easily be copy-pasted into an OCaml REPL to inspect the value further.
val to_string : 'a t -> 'a -> string
to_string t
is Fmt.to_to_string (pp t)
module Json : sig ... end
Overlay on top of Jsonm to work with rewindable streams.
type 'a encode_json = Jsonm.encoder -> 'a -> unit
The type for JSON encoders.
type 'a decode_json = Json.decoder -> ('a, [ `Msg of string ]) result
The type for JSON decoders.
Similar to dump
but pretty-prints the JSON representation instead of the OCaml one. See encode_json
for details about the encoding.
For instance:
type t = { foo : int option; bar : string list }
let t =
record "r" (fun foo bar -> { foo; bar })
|+ field "foo" (option int) (fun t ->
|+ field "bar" (list string) (fun t ->
|> sealr
let s = Fmt.strf "%a\n" (pp t) { foo = None; bar = [ "foo" ] }
(* s is "{ foo = None; bar = [\"foo\"]; }" *)
let j = Fmt.strf "%a\n" (pp_json t) { foo = None; bar = [ "foo" ] }
(* j is "{ \"bar\":[\"foo\"] }" *)
NOTE: this will automatically convert JSON fragments to valid JSON objects by adding an enclosing array if necessary.
val encode_json : 'a t -> Jsonm.encoder -> 'a -> unit
encode_json t e
encodes t
into the jsonm encoder e
. The encoding is a relatively straightforward translation of the OCaml structure into JSON. The main highlights are:
is translated into the empty object {}
are removed from the JSON object; record fields with a value of Some x
are automatically unboxed into x; and outside of records, None
is translated into null
and Some x
into {"some": x'}
with x'
the JSON encoding of x
are represented as strings.case1
are represented as a record with one field; the field name is the name of the variant.NOTE: this can be used to encode JSON fragments. It's the responsibility of the caller to ensure that the encoded JSON fragment fits properly into a well-formed JSON object.
val decode_json : 'a t -> Jsonm.decoder -> ('a, [ `Msg of string ]) result
decode_json t e
decodes values of type t
from the jsonm decoder e
val decode_json_lexemes :
'a t ->
Jsonm.lexeme list ->
('a, [ `Msg of string ]) result
is similar to decode_json
but uses an already decoded list of JSON lexemes instead of a decoder.
val to_json_string : ?minify:bool -> 'a t -> 'a -> string
is encode_json
with a string encoder.
is decode_json
with a string decoder .
type 'a encode_bin = ('a -> (string -> unit) -> unit) staged
The type for binary encoders.
type 'a decode_bin = (string -> int -> int * 'a) staged
The type for binary decoders.
type 'a size_of = ('a -> int option) staged
The type for size function related to binary encoder/decoders.
type 'a short_hash := (?seed:int -> 'a -> int) staged
val short_hash : 'a t -> 'a short_hash
hash t x
is a short hash of x
of type t
val pre_hash : 'a t -> 'a encode_bin
val encode_bin : 'a t -> 'a encode_bin
encode_bin t
is the binary encoder for values of type t
val decode_bin : 'a t -> 'a decode_bin
decode_bin t
is the binary decoder for values of type t
to_bin_string t x
use encode_bin
to convert x
, of type t
, to a string.
NOTE: When t
is Type.string
or Type.bytes
, the original buffer x
is not prefixed by its size as encode_bin
would do. If t
is Type.string
, the result is x
(without copy).
of_bin_string t s
is v
such that s = to_bin_string t v
NOTE: When t
is Type.string
, the result is s
(without copy).
size_of t x
is either the size of encode_bin t x
or the binary encoding of x
, if the backend is not able to pre-compute serialisation lengths.
module Unboxed : sig ... end
Unboxed operations assumes that value being serialized is fully filling the underlying buffer. When that's the case, it is not necessary to prefix the value's binary representation by its size, as it is exactly the buffer's size.
val v :
pp:'a pp ->
of_string:'a of_string ->
json:('a encode_json * 'a decode_json) ->
bin:('a encode_bin * 'a decode_bin * 'a size_of) ->
?unboxed_bin:('a encode_bin * 'a decode_bin * 'a size_of) ->
equal:'a equal ->
compare:'a compare ->
short_hash:'a short_hash ->
pre_hash:'a encode_bin ->
unit ->
'a t
val like :
?pp:'a pp ->
?of_string:'a of_string ->
?json:('a encode_json * 'a decode_json) ->
?bin:('a encode_bin * 'a decode_bin * 'a size_of) ->
?unboxed_bin:('a encode_bin * 'a decode_bin * 'a size_of) ->
?equal:'a equal ->
?compare:'a compare ->
?short_hash:'a short_hash ->
?pre_hash:'a encode_bin ->
'a t ->
'a t
val map :
?pp:'a pp ->
?of_string:'a of_string ->
?json:('a encode_json * 'a decode_json) ->
?bin:('a encode_bin * 'a decode_bin * 'a size_of) ->
?unboxed_bin:('a encode_bin * 'a decode_bin * 'a size_of) ->
?equal:'a equal ->
?compare:'a compare ->
?short_hash:'a short_hash ->
?pre_hash:'a encode_bin ->
'b t ->
('b -> 'a) ->
('a -> 'b) ->
'a t
type 'a ty = 'a t
module type S = sig ... end