package rdbg

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val run : unit -> Event.t

Runs the test and returns the first event.

val off : unit -> unit
val info : unit -> unit

Display info about the test parameters

val i : unit -> unit

Shortcut for info

val get_val_event : Event.t -> unit
val stl : int -> unit

Set the maximum number of steps to perform

val set_gnuplot : bool -> unit

Launch gnuplot-rif to display variable values

Launch gnuplot-rif to display variable values

val set_sim2chro : bool -> unit

Launch gnuplot-rif to display variable values

val apropos : string -> unit

To search for commands related to a string

Shortcut for apropos

val a : string -> unit

Shortcut for apropos

val help : string -> unit

Display help about ldbg commands

  • Type help "base" for the list of basic commands.
  • Type help "utils" for the list of Ldbg_utils commands.
  • Type "help" followed by command name for the full documentation of the command.
val h : string -> unit

Shortcut for help

val man : unit -> unit

Display a small online manual

val quit : unit -> unit

Shortcut for (exit 0)

val q : unit -> unit
val get_prompt : unit -> string
val set_prompt : string -> unit

Innovation. Community. Security.