Module type
Class type
This module provides a type that represents a parameter list at each function definition site.
This structure is complicated because Python needs to distinguish among 5 kinds of parameters:
Regular parameters, which can be specified at callsites both positionally and as keyword arguments.
Positional-only parameters, which can only be specified at callsites positionally (see PEP 570).
Keyword-only parameters, which can only be specified at callsites as keyword arguments (see PEP 3102).
Special vararg parameter of the form *arg, representing the "rest" of both the positional-only and regular parameters.
Special kwarg parameter of the form **kwarg, representing the "rest" of both the regular and keyword-only parameters.
Parameter lists in Python can be generally chopped into three chunks: the positional-only chunk, followed by the regular chunk, followed by the keyword-only chunk. Positional-only chunk and regular chunk are separated by /, and regular chunk and keyword-only chunk are separated by *.
def foo(a, b=1, /, c=2, *, e, f=3, **g): ...
Here a and b are positional-only parameters. c is a regular parameter. e and f are keyword-only parameters. There is no special vararg parameter, and there is one special kwarg parameter g.
Structure of this type mirrors the structure of the parameter list mentioned in the documentation of the containing module:
posonlyargs represents the list of positional-only parameters.
args represents the list of regular parameters.
kwonlyarg represents the list of keyword-only parameters.
vararg represents the special vararg parameter, if there is one.
kwarg represents the special kwarg parameter, if there is one.
defaults represents the list of default values for both positional-only and regular parameters. Note that in Python, regular parameters always comes after positional-only parameters. Also, if a parameter has a default value, then every positional-only/regular parameter that comes after it must have a default value as well. Hence there is no ambiguity regarding which default value in the defaults list corresponds to which parameter -- with the aforementioned rules there is only one possible interpretation.
kw_defaults represents the list of default values for keyword-only parameters. This list should always have the same length with kwonlyarg. If a keyword-only parameter does not have a default value, the corresponding element in kw_defaults will be unset.