package printbox-text

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Render to Text

This module should be used to output boxes directly to a terminal, or another area of monospace text

val register_extension : key:string -> (style:bool -> PrintBox.ext -> string) -> unit

Add support for the extension with the given key to this rendering backend. If style = true, the extension can use ANSI codes for styling. Note: the string returned by the handler can have line breaks.

val set_string_len : (Stdlib.String.t -> int -> int -> int) -> unit

Set which function is used to compute string length. Typically to be used with a unicode-sensitive length function. An example of such a function for utf8 encoded strings is the following (it uses the Uutf and Uucp libraries):

let string_leng s i len =
  Uutf.String.fold_utf_8 ~pos:i ~len
    (fun n _ c -> n+ max 0 (Uucp.Break.tty_width_hint c)) 0 s

Note that this function assumes there is no newline character in the given string.

  • since 0.3, this is also used in [printbox_unicode] to basically install the code above
val to_string : PrintBox.t -> string

Returns a string representation of the given structure.

  • parameter style

    if true, emit ANSI codes for styling (default true) (@since 0.3)

val to_string_with : style:bool -> PrintBox.t -> string

Returns a string representation of the given structure, with style.

  • parameter style

    if true, emit ANSI codes for styling

  • since 0.3
val output : ?style:bool -> ?indent:int -> Stdlib.out_channel -> PrintBox.t -> unit

Outputs the given structure on the channel.

  • parameter indent

    initial indentation to use

  • parameter style

    if true, emit ANSI codes for styling (default true) (@since 0.3)

val pp : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> PrintBox.t -> unit

Pretty-print the box into this formatter.

  • since 0.2
val pp_with : style:bool -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> PrintBox.t -> unit

Pretty-print the box into this formatter, with style.

  • parameter style

    if true, emit ANSI codes for styling

  • since 0.3

Support for Representation Extensions

val str_display_width : Stdlib.String.t -> int -> int -> int

str_display_width s pos len computes the width in visible characters of the string s starting at string position pos and stopping right before pos + len. See set_string_len.

  • since 0.12

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