package printbox-html

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
On This Page
  1. Output HTML
Module type
Class type

Output HTML

type 'a html = 'a Tyxml.Html.elt
type toplevel_html = Html_types.li_content_fun html
type PrintBox.ext +=
  1. | Embed_html of toplevel_html

    Injects HTML into a box. It is handled natively by PrintBox_html. NOTE: this extension is unlikely to be supported by other backends!

val embed_html : toplevel_html -> PrintBox.t

Injects HTML into a box. NOTE: this is unlikely to be supported by other backends!

val prelude : [> ] html

HTML text to embed in the "<head>", defining the style for tables

val prelude_str : string
module Config : sig ... end
val register_extension : key:string -> (Config.t -> PrintBox.ext -> toplevel_html) -> unit

Add support for the extension with the given key to this rendering backend.

val to_html : ?config:Config.t -> PrintBox.t -> [ `Div ] html

HTML for one box

val pp : ?flush:bool -> ?config:Config.t -> ?indent:bool -> unit -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> PrintBox.t -> unit
val to_string : ?config:Config.t -> PrintBox.t -> string
val to_string_indent : ?config:Config.t -> PrintBox.t -> string
val to_string_doc : ?config:Config.t -> PrintBox.t -> string

Same as to_string, but adds the prelude and some footer


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