package ppx_string
Ppx extension for string interpolation
Dune Dependency
Part of the Jane Street's PPX rewriters collection.
Published: 21 Mar 2022
This extension provides a syntax for string interpolation. Here is an example of its features: #+begin_src ocaml let script_remotely (user : string) (host : string) (port : int) (script : string) = [%string "ssh %{user}@%{host} -p %{port#Int} %{Sys.quote script}"] #+end_src The above expression is equivalent to: #+begin_src ocaml let script_remotely (user : string) (host : string) (port : int) (script : string) = String.concat "" [ "ssh " ; user ; "@" ; host ; " -p " ; Int.to_string port ; " " ; Sys.quote script ] #+end_src Compared to =Printf.sprintf=: #+begin_src ocaml let script_remotely (user : string) (host : string) (port : int) (script : string) = sprintf "ssh %s@%s -p %d %s" user host port (Sys.quote script) #+end_src having the values inline instead of after the format string can make it easier to understand the resulting string, and avoids the potential mistake of passing arguments in the wrong order. This is truer the more format arguments there are. On the other hand, some things are much easier with printf: pad numbers with zeroes, pad strings on the right, display floats in a specific formats, etc. Compared to manually writing something like =String.concat= version above, ppx_string is shorter and can oftentimes be less error-prone (it's really easy to forget whitespace after =ssh= or around =-p= in the explicit =String.concat= version). To emit the literal sequence =%{=, you can escape it as follows: #+begin_src ocaml [%string {|%{"%{"}|}] #+end_src To pad strings with spaces on the left, add an integer expression after a colon: #+begin_src ocaml [%string "%{col1#Int:term_width / 2}%{col2#:term_width/4}%{col3#:8}%{col4}"] #+end_src is equivalent to: #+begin_src ocaml let pad str len = let pad_len = max 0 (String.length str - len) in let padding = String.make pad_len ' ' in padding ^ str in String.concat "" [ pad (Int.to_string col1) (term_width / 2) ; pad col2 (term_width / 4) ; pad col3 8 ; col4 ] #+end_src (note that the pad length can be dynamic, as with the format string "%*s")
Dependencies (5)
Dev Dependencies
Used by (6)
- liquidsoap-core
- liquidsoap-lang
- oframl
= "v0.15.0"
< "v0.16.0"
- pyml_bindgen
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
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