package ppx_deriving_encoding

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module SSet : sig ... end
type result_expressions = {
  1. enc : Ppxlib.expression;
  2. assoc : Ppxlib.expression option;
  3. type_ext : Ppxlib.expression option;
val unit_rec_encoding : SSet.t Stdlib.ref
val case_expr : loc:Ppxlib.Location.t -> ?is_record:bool -> ?is_tuple:int -> kind:(string option * string option) -> ?typ:[< `cons | `variant cons ] -> transform:(string -> string) -> name:string -> ?rm_prefix:int -> ?empty:bool -> ?singleton:bool -> Astlib.Ast_500.Parsetree.expression option -> Astlib.Ast_500.Parsetree.expression * Astlib.Ast_500.Parsetree.expression * Astlib.Ast_500.Parsetree.expression
val enum_expr : loc:Astlib.Location.t -> ?name:string -> ?case:[< `camel | `cap | `kebab | `pascal | `snake | `upper ] -> ?typ:[< `cons | `variant cons ] -> rm_prefix:int -> (string * Ppxlib.core_type list option * Ppxlib.attribute list) list -> (Astlib.Ast_500.Parsetree.expression * Astlib.Ast_500.Parsetree.expression option) option
val def_expr : ?def:string -> ?title:Ppxlib.expression -> ?description:Ppxlib.expression -> ?schema:Astlib.Ast_500.Parsetree.expression -> name:string -> Ppxlib.expression -> Ppxlib.expression
val ignore_expr : ?ign:bool -> Ppxlib.expression -> Ppxlib.expression
val mu_expr : ?mu:bool -> name:string -> Ppxlib.expression -> Ppxlib.expression
val core : ?opt:bool -> ?assoc:bool -> ?enum:bool -> ?obj:bool -> ?enc:Ppxlib.expression -> ?obj1:string -> ?option:string -> ?ign:bool -> ?case:[< `camel | `cap | `kebab | `pascal | `snake | `upper ] -> ?set:Ppxlib.expression -> ?map:Ppxlib.expression option -> ?is_mu:string -> ?wrap:bool -> ?kind:string option -> Ppxlib.core_type -> Ppxlib.expression
val core_opt : ?option:string -> ?case:[< `camel | `cap | `kebab | `pascal | `snake | `upper ] -> ?is_mu:string -> ?wrap:bool -> Ppxlib.core_type -> [ `Exclude of Ppxlib.expression | `Include of Astlib.Ast_500.Parsetree.expression * bool ]
val core_enum_assoc : ?option:string -> ?case:[< `camel | `cap | `kebab | `pascal | `snake | `upper ] -> ?is_mu:string -> ?wrap:bool -> ?kind:string option -> parent:Ppxlib.core_type -> name:string -> Ppxlib.row_field list -> Ppxlib.expression * Astlib.Ast_500.Parsetree.expression option
val constr : loc:Ppxlib.location -> ?opt:bool -> ?assoc:bool -> ?option:string -> ?case:[< `camel | `cap | `kebab | `pascal | `snake | `upper ] -> ?set:Ppxlib.expression -> ?map:Ppxlib.expression option -> ?is_mu:string -> ?wrap:bool -> string -> Ppxlib.core_type list -> Astlib.Ast_500.Parsetree.expression
val row : ?option:string -> ?rm_prefix:int -> ?singleton:bool -> ?is_mu:string -> parent:Ppxlib_ast.Ast.core_type -> ?wrap:bool -> ?case:[< `camel | `cap | `kebab | `pascal | `snake | `upper ] -> ?kind:string option -> Ppxlib.row_field -> [ `case of Astlib.Ast_500.Parsetree.expression | `separate of Astlib.Ast_500.Parsetree.expression * Ppxlib.expression option * (Astlib.Ast_500.Parsetree.expression * Astlib.Ast_500.Parsetree.expression * Astlib.Ast_500.Parsetree.expression) ]
val variant : loc:Ppxlib.location -> ?enum:bool -> ?option:string -> ?rm_prefix:[ `bool of bool | `length of int | `prefix of string ] -> ?is_mu:string -> parent:Ppxlib.core_type -> ?wrap:bool -> ?case:[< `camel | `cap | `kebab | `pascal | `snake | `upper ] -> ?kind:string option -> ?name:string -> Ppxlib.row_field list -> Ppxlib.expression * Astlib.Ast_500.Parsetree.expression option
val tuple : loc:Ppxlib.location -> ?obj:bool -> ?option:string -> ?case:[< `camel | `cap | `kebab | `pascal | `snake | `upper ] -> ?is_mu:string -> ?wrap:bool -> Ppxlib.core_type list -> Astlib.Ast_500.Parsetree.expression
val field : ?attrs:Ppxlib.attributes -> name:Ppxlib.label -> ?option:string -> ?case:[< `camel | `cap | `kebab | `pascal | `snake | `upper ] -> ?is_mu:string -> ?wrap:bool -> Ppxlib.core_type -> [ `Exclude of Ppxlib.expression | `Include of Astlib.Ast_500.Parsetree.expression * bool ]
val object_expr : loc:Ppxlib.location -> ?option:string -> ?ign:bool -> ?case:[< `camel | `cap | `kebab | `pascal | `snake | `upper ] -> ?is_mu:string -> ?wrap:bool -> Ppxlib.object_field list -> Astlib.Ast_500.Parsetree.expression
val record_label : ?rm_prefix:int -> ?option:string -> ?case:[< `camel | `cap | `kebab | `pascal | `snake | `upper ] -> ?is_mu:string -> ?wrap:bool -> Ppxlib.label_declaration -> string * [ `Exclude of Ppxlib.expression | `Include of Astlib.Ast_500.Parsetree.expression * bool ]
val record : ?local:string -> ?ign:bool -> ?rm_prefix:[> `bool of bool | `length of int | `prefix of string ] -> ?option:string -> ?case:[< `camel | `cap | `kebab | `pascal | `snake | `upper ] -> ?is_mu:string -> loc:Astlib.Location.t -> ?wrap:bool -> Ppxlib.label_declaration list -> Ppxlib.expression
val constructor_label : ?option:string -> ?rm_prefix:int -> ?case:[< `camel | `cap | `kebab | `pascal | `snake | `upper ] -> ?singleton:bool -> ?is_mu:string -> ?wrap:bool -> ?kind:string option -> loc:Ppxlib.Location.t -> name:string -> attrs:Ppxlib.attribute list -> Ppxlib.constructor_arguments -> [> `case of Ppxlib.expression | `separate of Ppxlib.expression * Ppxlib.expression option * (Astlib.Ast_500.Parsetree.expression * Astlib.Ast_500.Parsetree.expression * Astlib.Ast_500.Parsetree.expression) ]
val constructor : loc:Ppxlib.Location.t -> ?enum:bool -> ?option:string -> ?rm_prefix:[> `bool of bool | `length of int | `prefix of string ] -> ?case:[< `camel | `cap | `kebab | `pascal | `snake | `upper ] -> ?is_mu:string -> ?wrap:bool -> ?name:string -> ?kind:string option -> Ppxlib.constructor_declaration list -> Astlib.Ast_500.Parsetree.expression * Astlib.Ast_500.Parsetree.expression option
val expressions : ?enum:bool -> ?ign:bool -> ?mu:bool -> ?rm_prefix:[> `bool of bool | `length of int | `prefix of string ] -> ?title:Ppxlib.expression -> ?description:Ppxlib.expression -> ?schema:Astlib.Ast_500.Parsetree.expression -> ?option:string -> ?case:[< `camel | `cap | `kebab | `pascal | `snake | `upper ] -> ?wrap:bool -> ?assoc:bool -> ?kind:string option -> ?def:string -> Ppxlib.type_declaration -> result_expressions
val choose_case : ?camel:bool -> ?snake:bool -> ?pascal:bool -> ?kebab:bool -> ?upper:bool -> ?cap:bool -> unit -> [> `camel | `cap | `kebab | `pascal | `snake | `upper ] option
val structure : loc:Astlib.Location.t -> ?enum:bool -> ?ign:bool -> ?mu:bool -> ?force_debug:bool -> ?rm_prefix:[> `bool of bool | `length of int | `prefix of string ] -> ?option:string -> ?title:Ppxlib.expression -> ?description:Ppxlib.expression -> ?schema:Astlib.Ast_500.Parsetree.expression -> ?name:string -> ?modu:string -> ?wrap:bool -> ?camel:bool -> ?snake:bool -> ?pascal:bool -> ?kebab:bool -> ?upper:bool -> ?cap:bool -> ?assoc:bool -> ?kind:string option -> ?def:string -> rec_flag:Ppxlib.rec_flag -> Ppxlib.type_declaration list -> Astlib.Ast_500.Parsetree.structure_item list
val signature : loc:Astlib.Location.t -> ?name:string -> ?modu:string -> Ppxlib.type_declaration list -> Astlib.Ast_500.Parsetree.signature_item list
val type_ext_structure : loc:Ppxlib.Location.t -> ?force_debug:bool -> ?option:string -> ?rm_prefix:[> `bool of bool | `length of int | `prefix of string ] -> ?wrap:bool -> ?kind:string option -> ?modu:string -> ?camel:bool -> ?snake:bool -> ?pascal:bool -> ?kebab:bool -> ?upper:bool -> ?cap:bool -> Ppxlib.type_extension -> Astlib.Ast_500.Parsetree.structure_item list

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