package postgres_async

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
  • Completed_with_no_warnings : everything worked as expected
  • Completed_with_warnings : the query ran successfully, but the query tried to do something unsupported client-side (e.g. COPY TO STDOUT).
  • Connection_error : The underlying connection died at some point during query execution or parsing results. Query may or may not have taken effect on server.
  • Driver_error : Postgres_async received an unexpected protocol message from the server. Query may or may not have taken effect on server.
  • Failed : Got error from server, query did not take effect on server
type t =
  1. | Completed_with_no_warnings
  2. | Completed_with_warnings of Core.Error.t list
  3. | Failed of Pgasync_error.t
  4. | Connection_error of Pgasync_error.t
  5. | Driver_error of Pgasync_error.t
val to_or_pgasync_error : t -> unit Or_pgasync_error.t

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