package pb

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
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Module type
Class type
module Wire_type : sig ... end

Field types

type 'a field_type

The type of protobuf field encodings.

val bool : bool field_type

Varint-encoded booleans

val int32 : int32 field_type

Varint-encoded signed 32-bit integers. This is space-inefficient for negative numbers; it is recommended to use sint32 instead if negative numbers are likely to be frequent.

val sint32 : int32 field_type

Zigzag-encoded signed 32-bit integer. This is more space-efficient for negative numbers than int32.

val sfixed32 : int32 field_type

Fixed-size encoding of signed 32-bit integers.

val int64 : int64 field_type

Varint-encoded signed 64-bit integers. This is space-inefficient for negative numbers; it is recommended to use sint64 instead if negative numbers are likely to be frequent.

val sint64 : int64 field_type

Zigzag-encoded signed 64-bit integer. This is more space-efficient for negative numbers than int64.

val sfixed64 : int64 field_type

Fixed-size encoding of signed 64-bit integers.

Varint-encoded unsigned 32-bit integers.

Fixed-size encoding of unsigned 32-bit integers.

Varint-encoded unsigned 64-bit integers.

Fixed-size encoding of unsigned 64-bit integers.

val double : float field_type

Fixed-size encoding of 64-bit floating-point numbers.

val float : float field_type

Fixed-size encoding of 32-bit floating-point numbers.

val string : string field_type

Length-delimited encoding of UTF-8 strings.

val bytes : Stdlib.Bytes.t field_type

Length-delimited encoding of byte strings.

type _ msg

A value of type msg represents a message

type _ msgtype

A value of type msgtype represents a message type

val msg : 'm msgtype -> 'm msg field_type

Embedded message field type

val read_field : 'a field_type -> 'a Angstrom.t

read_field t returns an Angstrom parser for a field descsribed by t.

val write_field : 'a field_type -> Faraday.t -> 'a -> unit

write_field t f v serializes the bytes of the encoding of v described by t, in order, to f.

type _ enum
module type ENUM = sig ... end
val enum : string -> (module ENUM)

Create a new enum type

val constant_value : _ enum -> int32

The value of a constant

type (_, _) field

A value of type (m, t) field describes a field of type t in a message of type m.

module type MESSAGE = sig ... end
val message : string -> (module MESSAGE)

Create a new message type

val pp_field_type : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a field_type -> unit

Pretty-print a field type

Operations on values

val getf : 'm msg -> ('m, 'a) field -> 'a

Read a field of a message

val setf : 'm msg -> ('m, 'a) field -> 'a -> unit

Write a field of a message

val pp_field : 'a field_type -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit

Pretty-print a field value

val pp_msg : 'a msgtype -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a msg -> unit

Pretty-print a message

val create : 'm msgtype -> 'm msg

create mt creates a message of the type represented by mt.

val read : 'm msgtype -> 'm msg Angstrom.t

read mt returns an Angstrom parser for a message described by mt.

val write : _ msg -> Faraday.t

write m builds a Faraday serializer for m.

exception Parse_error

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