package pattern
Dune Dependency
pattern is a PPX extension that generates functions from patterns that explain match failures by returning the common context and the list of differences between a pattern and a value
Published: 16 May 2019
Run-time patterns that explain match failures
is a PPX extension that generates functions from patterns that explain match failures by returning the common context and the list of differences between a pattern and a value.
To quote the differences, the generated function needs a /quoter/ for the value to be matched, that is to say a function of type 'a -> Parsetree.expression
where 'a
is the type of the matched value. Such a quoter may be derived by using the ppxlib.traverse_lift
deriving plugin and the ppxlib.metaquot_lifters
type example = { x : int; y : int; z : int }
[@@deriving traverse_lift]
let quoter = object
inherit Ppxlib_metaquot_lifters.expression_lifters Location.none
inherit [Parsetree.expression] lift
let () =
let v = { x = 1; y = 2; z = 3 } in
match [%pattern? { x = 1; y = 2; z = 4 }] ~quoted:(quoter#example v) v with
| Ok () -> assert false
| Error failure ->
Format.printf "%a@." Pattern_runtime.format_failure failure;
(* { x = _; y = _; z = (@0) }
@0: Expected: 4
Got: 3 *)
match failure with
| { common = [%pat?
{ x = _; y = _;
z = [%p? { ppat_desc = Ppat_var { txt = "@0"; _ }; _}]}];
mismatches = [{
ident = "@0";
expected = [%pat? 4];
got = Some [%expr 3];
}]} -> ()
| _ -> assert false
If patterns have binders, then in case of successful match, the generated function returns Ok bindings
, where bindings
is an object, with one constant method for each binder.
let () =
let v = { x = 1; y = 2; z = 3 } in
match [%pattern? { x; y; z }] ~quoted:(quoter#example v) v with
| Ok binders ->
assert (binders#x = 1);
assert (binders#y = 2);
assert (binders#z = 3)
| Error failure ->
Format.printf "%a@." Pattern_runtime.format_failure failure;
assert false