package patdiff

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val patdiff : ?location_style:Patdiff_kernel.Format.Location_style.t -> ?context:int -> ?keep_ws:bool -> ?float_tolerance:Core.Percent.t -> string -> string -> string

Runs the patdiff algorithm on its inputs to compute the diff to go from the first string to the second string. Produces a multi-line ASCII diff. If specified, ~context overrides the default number of lines of context for each hunk. keep_ws overrides the default behavior for whether to consider whitespace in diffs.

val patdiff_s : ?location_style:Patdiff_kernel.Format.Location_style.t -> ?context:int -> ?keep_ws:bool -> ?float_tolerance:Core.Percent.t -> Core.Sexp.t -> Core.Sexp.t -> string

Like patdiff, but for s-expressions. Formats the s-expressions the same way as print_s from Expect_test_helpers_base, then calls patdiff.

val print_patdiff : ?location_style:Patdiff_kernel.Format.Location_style.t -> ?context:int -> ?keep_ws:bool -> ?float_tolerance:Core.Percent.t -> string -> string -> unit

Like patdiff, but prints the result to stdout.

val print_patdiff_s : ?location_style:Patdiff_kernel.Format.Location_style.t -> ?context:int -> ?keep_ws:bool -> ?float_tolerance:Core.Percent.t -> Core.Sexp.t -> Core.Sexp.t -> unit

Like patdiff_s, but prints the result to stdout.

val diff_printer : ?location_style:Patdiff_kernel.Format.Location_style.t -> ?context:int -> ?keep_ws:bool -> ?float_tolerance:Core.Percent.t -> string option -> (string -> unit) Core.Staged.t

Produces a stateful function that prints the diff between the previous string and the current one.

Prints the entirety of the first string it is given, whether that is via the string option argument before unstaging, or via the callback. If the initial string is Some x: Prints the entirety of x immediately. If the initial string is None: Prints the entirety of the first string passed to the callback.

val diff_printer_s : ?location_style:Patdiff_kernel.Format.Location_style.t -> ?context:int -> ?keep_ws:bool -> ?float_tolerance:Core.Percent.t -> Core.Sexp.t option -> (Core.Sexp.t -> unit) Core.Staged.t

Like diff_printer, but for s-expressions. Formats the s-expressions the same way as print_s from Expect_test_helpers_base, then calls diff_printer.

Prints the entirety of the first sexp it is given, whether that is via the sexp option argument before unstaging, or via the callback. If the initial sexp is Some x: Prints the entirety of x immediately. If the initial sexp is None: Prints the entirety of the first sexp passed to the callback.


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