package parsite

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Parsite functions, courtesy of faber-1

NOTE ON FUNCTIONS THAT TAKE PARSERS AS INPUT: Lose messages are propagated from input parsers unless stated otherwise.

exception EmptyList of string

Thrown whenever functions that take parser lists take empty inputs

val (/>) : ('a, 'b) Types.p_func -> ('a, 'c) Types.p_func -> ('a, 'b * 'c) Types.p_func

Infix concat operator. Concatenates two parsers and creates a new parser that contains the two parser requirements in a tuple. I'd recommend performing extra operations on a tuple-returning parser.

Example of Win:

let p1 = p_string "hi" in
let p2 = p_string "hello" in 

let pfin = p1 /> p2 in 

pfin "hihello" = Win (("hi", "hello"), "")
val (>/) : ('a, 'b) Types.p_func -> ('a, 'b) Types.p_func -> ('a, 'b) Types.p_func

Infix or operator. Creates a parser that accepts either the input from the first or second parser passed in.

Example of Win:

let p1 = p_char 'a' in 
let p2 = p_char 'b' in 

let pfin = p1 >/ p2 in 

(pfin "ae" = Win ('a', "e")) && (pfin "be" = Win ('b', "e"))

Example of Lose:

let p1 = p_char 'a' in 
let p2 = p_char 'b' in 

let pfin = p1 >/ p2 in 

(pfin "wa" = Lose "Or Problem: Failed with following errors: (Expected char 'a', got char 'w') and (Expected char 'b', got char 'w')" )

Lose message spits out Lose messages of both inputs

val (/>/) : ('a, 'b) Types.p_func -> ('b -> 'c) -> ('a, 'c) Types.p_func

Infix map operator. Takes a parser and a function and applies it to the parser's output. It returns a parser with a function applied to the original requirement match


let p = p_string "hi" in 
let f = fun x -> "H" ^ x in 

let pfin = p />/ f in 

pfin "hi aa" = Win ("Hhi", " aa")

NOTE: The function is applied to the parser's *output*. The function is not applying anything to the input of the parser.

val (@>) : ('a, 'b) Types.p_func -> ('a, 'b) Types.p_func -> ('a, 'b) Types.p_func

Infix ignore left operator. Takes two parsers and runs them both, but only keeps the result of the right side parser and discards the left.


let p1 = p_string "ignore" in
let p2 = p_string "keep" in

let pfin = p1 @> p2 in 

pfin "ignorekeeprest" = Win ("keep", "rest")
val (>@) : ('a, 'b) Types.p_func -> ('a, 'b) Types.p_func -> ('a, 'b) Types.p_func

Infix ignore right operator. Takes two parsers, runs them, and keeps the result of the left side parser and discards the right.


let p1 = p_string "keep" in
let p2 = p_string "ignore" in

let pfin = p1 >@ p2 in 

pfin "keepignorerest" = Win ("keep", "rest")
val p_middle : ('a, 'b) Types.p_func -> ('a, 'b) Types.p_func -> ('a, 'b) Types.p_func -> ('a, 'b) Types.p_func

Takes 3 parsers, runs them all, but only keeps the middle parser's result.


let p1 = p_string "i1" in
let p2 = p_string "keep" in
let p3 = p_string "i2" in 

let pfin = p_middle p1 p2 p3 in 

pfin "i1keepi2rest" = Win ("keep", "rest")
val p_char : char -> (string, char) Types.p_func

Parses a single charcter.

Lose messages are either of form "Empty String" or "Expected char '%c', got char '%c'".


let pa = p_char 'a' in 

pa "abc" = Win ('a', "bc")
val p_list : ('a, 'b) Types.p_func list -> ('a, 'b list) Types.p_func

Takes a list of parsers, and creates a parser that parses into a 'b list type of the output of the original parser list. Essentially takes the parsers and creates one parser that concats them all.


let ps = ['a'; 'b'; 'c'] |> p_char in 

let pfin = p_list ps in 

pfin "abcde" = Win (['a'; 'b'; 'c'], "de")
val p_either : ('a, 'b) Types.p_func list -> ('a, 'b) Types.p_func

Takes a list of parsers, and accepts inputs for matches for any parser in the list.


let pfin = ['1'; '2'; '3'] |> p_char |> p_either in 

(pfin "1rest" = Win ('1', "rest")) &&
(pfin "2rest" = Win ('2', "rest")) && 
(pfin "3rest" = Win ('3', "rest"))
val p_string : string -> (string, string) Types.p_func

Creates parser for a specific string.

Lose message is of form "Expected string '%s', got '%s'"


let p1 = p_string "hey" in 

p1 "heyhi" = Win ("hey", "hi")
val p_concat_str : (string, string) Types.p_func -> (string, string) Types.p_func -> (string, string) Types.p_func

Concats two string parsers together.


let p1 = p_string "time" in
let p2 = p_string "zone" in 

let p_fin = p_concat_str p1 p2 in 

p_fin "timezone difference" = Win("timezone", " difference") 
val p_concat_strs : (string, string) Types.p_func list -> (string, string) Types.p_func

Concats multiple string parsers together.


let pfin = ["he"; "ha"; "ts"] |> p_string |> p_concat_strs in 

pfin "hehatsthehat" = Win ("hehats", "thehat")
val p_char_as_str : char -> (string, string) Types.p_func

Parses single character as a string


let pa = p_char_as_str 'a' in 

pa "abc" = Win ("a", "bc")
val p_many : (string, string) Types.p_func -> (string, string) Types.p_func

Takes string parser, matches it 0 or more times. Like * in regex.


let p = p_string "he" in 

let pfin = p_many p in 

(pfin ".." = Win ("", "..")) &&
(pfin "he.." = Win ("he", "..")) && 
(pfin "hehehehehehehehehehehe" = Win ("hehehehehehehehehehehe", ""))
val p_many1 : (string, string) Types.p_func -> (string, string) Types.p_func

Takes string parser, matches it 1 or more times. Like + in regex.


let p = p_string "he" in 

let pfin = p_many1 p in 

(pfin ".." = Lose "Expected string 'he', got '..'") &&
(pfin "he" = Win ("he", "")) && 
(pfin "hehehehehehehehehehehe" = Win ("hehehehehehehehehehehe", ""))
val p_lister : (string, string) Types.p_func list -> (string, string) Types.p_func -> (string, string) Types.p_func

Takes a list of parsers and a delimiter, and creates a parser with the delimiter between each string in the list.


let ps = ["one"; "two"; "three"] |> p_string in 
let p = ["single"] |> p_string in
let delim = p_string "," in 

let ps' = p_lister ps delim in 
let p' = p_lister p delim in 

(ps' "one,two,threerest" = Win ("one,two,three", "rest")) && 
(p' "singlerest" = Win ("single", "rest"))
val p_lower : (string, string) Types.p_func

Matches lowercase letters

val p_upper : (string, string) Types.p_func

Matches uppercase letters

val p_digits : (string, string) Types.p_func

Matches digits


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