package pa_ppx

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module Ploc : sig ... end
type t = exn = ..
module M_pp : sig ... end
val pp : t Fmt.t
val show : t -> String.t
type t +=
  1. | Help of string
  2. | Bad of string
  3. | Finally_raised of t
  4. | Undefined
  5. | Parse_error
  6. | QueueEmpty
  7. | Scan_failure of string
  8. | StackEmpty
  9. | Exit
  10. | Match_failure of string * int * int
  11. | Assert_failure of string * int * int
  12. | Invalid_argument of string
  13. | Failure of string
  14. | Not_found
  15. | Out_of_memory
  16. | Stack_overflow
  17. | Sys_error of string
  18. | End_of_file
  19. | Division_by_zero
  20. | Sys_blocked_io
  21. | Undefined_recursive_module of string * int * int
  22. | StreamFailure
  23. | Error of string
  24. | Break
  25. | Exc of Ploc.t * t

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