package owee

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type 'a t = {
  1. lbound : Stdlib.Int64.t;
  2. rbound : Stdlib.Int64.t;
  3. value : 'a;

An interval has a left bound, a right bound and a payload (called value)

val create : Stdlib.Int64.t -> Stdlib.Int64.t -> 'a -> 'a t

create lbound rbound value create a new Int64.t interval with an associated value. PRECONDITION: lbound must be <= rbound.

val of_triplet : (Stdlib.Int64.t * Stdlib.Int64.t * 'a) -> 'a t

of_triplet (lbound, rbound, value) = create lbound rbound value

val to_triplet : 'a t -> Stdlib.Int64.t * Stdlib.Int64.t * 'a

to_triplet itv = (lbound, rbound, value)


Innovation. Community. Security.