package orsvm_e1071
Dune Dependency
Some OCaml functions to drive the RBF and linear SVMs of the R e1071 package and the linear SVM of the svmpath R package. The svmpath package allows to efficiently compute the list of cost values (lambda = 1/C) that need to be tested in order to find the optimal lambda. This package really fires up and talks to an R interpreter. The Svm module can handle dense or sparse data matrices. The Svmpath module only handles dense matrices.
Published: 21 Nov 2018
Access from OCaml SVMs provided by the R e1071 and svmpath packages.
OCaml functions to drive the RBF and linear kernel SVMs of the R e1071 package and the linear kernel SVM of the R svmpath package.
This is low level on purpose: we don't provide access to all functionalities offered by the R packages.
This is probably not high performance: data are exchanged between R and OCaml via ASCII files.
This project is part of the poor lonesome cowboy's plan to enhance the OCaml ecosystem in the Machine Learning field. Don't hesitate to contact me if you want to join this effort.