package opam-format

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Urls for OPAM repositories

include IO_FILE
type t

File contents

val format_version : OpamVersion.t
val empty : t

Empty file

val write : t typed_file -> t -> unit

Write some contents to a file

val read : t typed_file -> t

Read file contents. Raise an error if the file does not exist.

val read_opt : t typed_file -> t option

Returns None on non-existing file

val safe_read : t typed_file -> t

Read file contents. Return empty if the file does not exist.

val read_from_channel : ?filename:t typed_file -> Pervasives.in_channel -> t
val read_from_string : ?filename:t typed_file -> string -> t
val write_to_channel : ?filename:t typed_file -> Pervasives.out_channel -> t -> unit
val write_to_string : ?filename:t typed_file -> t -> string
val create : ?mirrors:OpamTypes.url list -> ?checksum:OpamHash.t list -> ?subpath:string -> OpamTypes.url -> t
val url : t -> OpamTypes.url

URL address

val mirrors : t -> OpamTypes.url list
val checksum : t -> OpamHash.t list

Archive checksum

val with_url : OpamTypes.url -> t -> t


val with_checksum : OpamHash.t list -> t -> t
val with_subpath : string -> t -> t
val with_subpath_opt : string option -> t -> t
val subpath : t -> string option

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