package opam-client

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Functions handling the "opam list" subcommand

type dependency_toggles = {
  1. recursive : bool;
  2. depopts : bool;
  3. build : bool;
  4. test : bool;
  5. doc : bool;
  6. dev : bool;

Switches to determine what to include when querying (reverse) dependencies

val default_dependency_toggles : dependency_toggles
type pattern_selector = {
  1. case_sensitive : bool;
  2. exact : bool;
  3. glob : bool;
  4. fields : string list;
  5. ext_fields : bool;

    Match on raw strings in x-foo fields

val default_pattern_selector : pattern_selector
type selector =
  1. | Any
  2. | Installed
  3. | Root
  4. | Compiler
  5. | Available
  6. | Installable
  7. | Pinned
  8. | Depends_on of dependency_toggles * OpamTypes.atom list
  9. | Required_by of dependency_toggles * OpamTypes.atom list
  10. | Conflicts_with of OpamTypes.package list
  11. | Coinstallable_with of dependency_toggles * OpamTypes.package list
  12. | Solution of dependency_toggles * OpamTypes.atom list
  13. | Pattern of pattern_selector * string
  14. | Atoms of OpamTypes.atom list
  15. | Flag of OpamTypes.package_flag
  16. | Tag of string
  17. | From_repository of OpamTypes.repository_name list
  18. | Owns_file of OpamTypes.filename

Package selectors used to filter the set of packages

Applies a formula of selectors to filter the package from a given switch state

val pattern_selector : string list -> selector OpamFormula.formula

Or-filter on package patterns (NAME or NAME.VERSION)

val print_depexts : 'a OpamStateTypes.switch_state -> OpamTypes.package_set -> string list -> unit

Lists the external dependencies matching the given flags for the given set of packages

type output_format =
  1. | Name

    Name without version

  2. | Version

    Version of the currently looked-at package

  3. | Package


  4. | Synopsis

    One-line package description

  5. | Synopsis_or_target

    Pinning target if pinned, synopsis otherwise

  6. | Description

    The package description, excluding synopsis

  7. | Field of string

    The value of the given opam-file field

  8. | Installed_version

    Installed version or "--" if none

  9. | Pinning_target

    Empty string if not pinned

  10. | Source_hash

    The VC-reported ident of current version, for dev packages. Empty if not available

  11. | Raw

    The full contents of the opam file (reformatted)

  12. | All_installed_versions

    List of the installed versions in all switches with the corresponding switches in brackets

  13. | Available_versions

    List of the available versions (currently installed one in bold if color enabled)

  14. | All_versions

    List of the existing package versions (installed, installed in current switch and unavailable colored specifically if color enabled)

  15. | Repository

    The repository the package was found in (may be empty for pinned packages)

  16. | Installed_files

    The list of files that the installed package added to the system

  17. | VC_ref

    The version-control branch or tag the package url is bound to, if any

  18. | Depexts of string list

    The external dependencies associated with any subset of the given tags (or all, associated to their respective tags, if the list is empty


Element of package information to be printed. Fixme: should be part of the run-time man!

val default_list_format : output_format list

Gets either the current switch state, if a switch is selected, or a virtual state corresponding to the configured repos

val field_names : (output_format * string) list

For documentation, includes a dummy '<field>:' for the Field format

val string_of_field : output_format -> string
val field_of_string : string -> output_format
type package_listing_format = {
  1. short : bool;
  2. header : bool;
  3. columns : output_format list;
  4. all_versions : bool;
  5. wrap : [ `Wrap of string | `Truncate | `None ] option;
  6. separator : string;
  7. value_printer : [ `Normal | `Pretty | `Normalised ];
  8. order : [ `Standard | `Dependency | `Custom of OpamTypes.package -> OpamTypes.package -> int ];
val default_package_listing_format : package_listing_format

Outputs a list of packages as a table according to the formatting options. normalise supersedes prettify and uses a canonical way of displaying package definition file fields. prettify uses a nicer to read format for the package definition file fields.

val info : 'a OpamStateTypes.global_state -> fields:string list -> raw_opam:bool -> where:bool -> ?normalise:bool -> ?show_empty:bool -> OpamTypes.atom list -> unit

Display a general summary of a collection of packages.

val mini_field_printer : ?prettify:bool -> ?normalise:bool -> OpamTypes.value -> string

Prints the value of an opam field in a shortened way (with prettify -- the default -- puts lists of strings in a format that is easier to read

val string_of_formula : selector OpamFormula.formula -> string

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