package ojs-base

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
val mutable show_files : bool
val mutable selected : ( * Ojsft_types.path) option
val mutable on_select : 'b -> [ `Dir | `File of Ojsft_types.mime_type ] -> Ojsft_types.path -> unit
val mutable on_deselect : 'b -> Ojsft_types.path -> unit
val mutable filetree : tree_node list
method add_dir : Ojsft_types.path -> string -> unit Lwt.t
method add_file : [ `Dir | `File ] -> Ojsft_types.path -> Js_of_ocaml.File.file Js_of_ocaml.Js.t -> unit
method build_from_tree : Ojsft_types.file_tree list -> unit
method compare_tn : tree_node -> tree_node -> int
method delete : Ojsft_types.path -> unit Lwt.t
method display_error : string -> unit
method handle_add_dir : Ojsft_types.path -> unit
method handle_add_file : Ojsft_types.path -> Ojsft_types.mime_type -> unit
method handle_delete : Ojsft_types.path -> unit
method handle_drag_drop : [ `Dir | `File ] -> Ojsft_types.path -> Js_of_ocaml.Dom_html.element Js_of_ocaml.Js.t -> unit
method handle_message : P.server_msg -> bool Js_of_ocaml.Js.t
method id : Ojs_js.SMap.key
method insert_dir : Ojsft_types.path -> unit
method insert_file : Ojsft_types.path -> Ojsft_types.mime_type -> unit
method insert_tn : -> tree_node -> Js_of_ocaml.Dom.node Js_of_ocaml.Js.t -> tree_node list -> tree_node list
method msg_id : string
method on_deselect : 'b -> Ojsft_types.path -> unit
method on_select : 'b -> [ `Dir | `File of Ojsft_types.mime_type ] -> Ojsft_types.path -> unit
method prompt_add_dir : Ojsft_types.path -> unit Lwt.t
method prompt_delete : Ojsft_types.path -> unit Lwt.t
method set_on_deselect : ('b -> Ojsft_types.path -> unit) -> unit
method set_on_select : ('b -> [ `Dir | `File of Ojsft_types.mime_type ] -> Ojsft_types.path -> unit) -> unit
method set_onclick : Js_of_ocaml.Dom_html.element Js_of_ocaml.Js.t -> Ojs_js.SMap.key -> [ `Dir | `File of Ojsft_types.mime_type ] -> Ojsft_types.path -> unit
method set_selected : Ojs_js.SMap.key -> [ `Dir | `File of Ojsft_types.mime_type ] -> Ojsft_types.path -> unit
method set_show_files : bool -> unit
method set_unselected : Ojs_js.SMap.key -> Ojsft_types.path -> unit
method simple_call : P.client_msg -> unit Lwt.t
method tree_node_by_path : Ojsft_types.path -> tree_node
method update_tree : unit Lwt.t

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