package odoc

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type t
val enable_missing_root_warning : bool ref
val make : ?suggestion:string -> ('a, Format.formatter, unit, Location_.span -> t) format4 -> 'a
val filename_only : ?suggestion:string -> ('a, Format.formatter, unit, string -> t) format4 -> 'a
val to_string : t -> string
val raise_exception : t -> _

Raise a t as an exception. Can be caught with catch or catch_errors_and_warnings.

val catch : (unit -> 'a) -> ('a, t) Result.result
type 'a with_warnings
val raise_warning : ?non_fatal:bool -> t -> unit

Raise a warning that need to be caught with catch_warnings. non_fatal is false by default.

val raise_warnings : 'a with_warnings -> 'a

Accumulate warnings into a global variable. See catch_warnings.

val catch_warnings : (unit -> 'a) -> 'a with_warnings

Catch warnings accumulated by raise_warning. Safe to nest.

type 'a with_errors_and_warnings = ('a, t) Result.result with_warnings

Subtype of with_warnings.

val raise_errors_and_warnings : 'a with_errors_and_warnings -> 'a
val catch_errors_and_warnings : (unit -> 'a) -> 'a with_errors_and_warnings

Combination of catch and catch_warnings.

type warnings_options = {
  1. warn_error : bool;

    If true, warnings will result in an error.

  2. print_warnings : bool;

    Whether to print warnings.

val handle_warnings : warnings_options:warnings_options -> 'a with_warnings -> ('a, [> `Msg of string ]) Result.result

Print warnings to stderr. If warn_error is true and there was warnings, returns an Error.

val handle_errors_and_warnings : warnings_options:warnings_options -> 'a with_errors_and_warnings -> ('a, [> `Msg of string ]) Result.result

Like handle_warnings but works on the output of catch_errors_and_warnings. Error case is converted into a `Msg.

val print_errors : t list -> unit

Used internally by handle_warnings.

val unpack_warnings : 'a with_warnings -> 'a * t list
val t_of_parser_t : Odoc_parser.Warning.t -> t

Convert a parsing error into a t.

val raise_parser_warnings : Odoc_parser.t -> Odoc_parser.Ast.t

Like raise_warnings but handle parsing errors.


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