package odoc

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Generic operations

type 'a id = {
  1. iv : 'a;
  2. ihash : int;
  3. ikey : string;
module type IdSig = sig ... end
module Id : sig ... end
module Any : IdSig with type t = t and type t_pv = t_pv
module RootModule : IdSig with type t = RootModule.t and type t_pv = RootModule.t_pv
module Signature : IdSig with type t = Signature.t and type t_pv = Signature.t_pv
module LabelParent : IdSig with type t = LabelParent.t and type t_pv = LabelParent.t_pv
module Module : IdSig with type t = Module.t and type t_pv = Module.t_pv
module FunctorParameter : sig ... end
module ModuleType : IdSig with type t = ModuleType.t and type t_pv = ModuleType.t_pv
module Type : IdSig with type t = Type.t and type t_pv = Type.t_pv
module SourceDir : IdSig with type t = SourceDir.t and type t_pv = SourceDir.t_pv
module Class : IdSig with type t = Class.t and type t_pv = Class.t_pv
module ClassType : IdSig with type t = ClassType.t and type t_pv = ClassType.t_pv
module DataType : sig ... end
module FieldParent : sig ... end
module FunctorResult : sig ... end
module Constructor : sig ... end
module Field : sig ... end
module Extension : sig ... end
module ExtensionDecl : sig ... end
module Exception : sig ... end
module Value : sig ... end
module Method : sig ... end
module InstanceVariable : sig ... end
module Label : IdSig with type t = Label.t and type t_pv = Label.t_pv
module Page : sig ... end
module ContainerPage : sig ... end
module NonSrc : sig ... end
module SourcePage : sig ... end
module SourceLocation : sig ... end
module AssetFile : sig ... end
module OdocId : sig ... end
module Path : sig ... end
type t = t_pv id
val hash : t -> int
val name : [< t_pv ] id -> string
val fullname : [< t_pv ] id -> string list

The fullname of value x in module M is M.x, whereas the regular name is x.

val is_internal : [< t_pv ] id -> bool
val compare : t -> t -> int
val equal : [< t_pv ] id as 'a -> 'a -> bool
val label_parent : [< NonSrc.t_pv ] id -> LabelParent.t
module Maps : sig ... end
module Mk : sig ... end

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