package octez-protocol-017-PtNairob-libs

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
val originated_rollup : Tezos_raw_protocol_017_PtNairob__Alpha_context.packed_operation -> Tezos_raw_protocol_017_PtNairob__Alpha_context.Contract.t
module Make_in_memory_context (Context : sig ... end) : sig ... end
module In_memory_context : sig ... end
module Wrong_in_memory_context : sig ... end
val make_empty_context : ?root:string -> unit -> Tezos_context_memory.Context_binary.t
val make_empty_tree : unit -> Tezos_context_memory.Context_binary.tree
val wrong_arith_origination_proof : alter_binary_bit:bool -> boot_sector:string -> Tezos_protocol_017_PtNairob.Protocol.Alpha_context.Sc_rollup.Proof.serialized Lwt.t

wrong_arith_origination_proof ~alter_binary_bit ~boot_sector returns a serialized proof computed with a Arith PVM using 32-ary trees.

If alter_binary_bit is set to true, the resulting proof lies about the arity of its trees.

val genesis_commitment : boot_sector:string -> origination_level:Tezos_raw_protocol_017_PtNairob__Alpha_context.Raw_level.t -> Tezos_protocol_017_PtNairob.Protocol.Alpha_context.Sc_rollup.Kind.t -> Tezos_protocol_017_PtNairob.Protocol.Alpha_context.Sc_rollup.Commitment.t Lwt.t

Inbox message helpers.

Above Alpha_context.

Message is the combination of a message and its associated input.

message is used to:

  • Construct the protocol inbox, when message is `Message. The protocol adds `SOL and `EOL itself.
  • Construct the players' inboxes.

input is used to evaluate the players' inboxes.

type payloads_per_level = {
  1. messages : string list;

    List of external messages.

  2. payloads : Tezos_protocol_017_PtNairob.Protocol.Alpha_context.Sc_rollup.Inbox_message.serialized list;

    List of external serialized messages.

  3. predecessor_timestamp : Tezos_base.TzPervasives.Time.Protocol.t;

    predecessor timestamp of the Info_per_level.

  4. predecessor : Tezos_base.TzPervasives.Block_hash.t;

    Predecessor of the Info_per_level.

  5. level : Tezos_protocol_017_PtNairob.Protocol.Alpha_context.Raw_level.t;
  6. inputs : Tezos_protocol_017_PtNairob.Protocol.Alpha_context.Sc_rollup.input list;

    List of all inputs for the level, to be read by a PVM.


Put as much information as possible in this record so it can be used in different setups: 1. Creating an inbox on the protocol-side, requires messages only. 2. Re-construct an inbox, requires payloads, timestamp, predecessor. 3. Evaluate inputs in a PVM, requires inputs

level is useful for (1) (2) (3).

val pp_message : Format.formatter -> message -> unit

Creates inputs based on string messages.

Wrap messages, predecessor_timestamp and predecessor of a level into a payloads_per_level .

val gen_payloads_for_levels : start_level:int -> max_level:int -> string QCheck2.Gen.t -> payloads_per_level list QCheck2.Gen.t

Below Alpha_context.

type message_repr = {
  1. input_repr : Tezos_protocol_017_PtNairob.Protocol.Sc_rollup_PVM_sig.input;
  2. message_repr : [ `SOL | `Message of string | `EOL ];

Message is the combination of a message and its associated input.

message is used to:

  • Construct the protocol inbox, when message is `Message. The protocol adds `SOL and `EOL itself.
  • Construct the players' inboxes.

input is used to evaluate the players' inboxes.

val pp_message_repr : Format.formatter -> message_repr -> unit

Creates input_reprs based on string message_reprs.

val wrap_message_reprs_repr : Tezos_protocol_017_PtNairob.Protocol.Raw_level_repr.raw_level -> string list -> message_repr list

Transform message_reprs into input_reprs and wrap them between SOL and EOL.

val gen_message_reprs_for_levels_repr : start_level:int -> max_level:int -> string QCheck2.Gen.t -> (Tezos_protocol_017_PtNairob.Protocol.Raw_level_repr.raw_level * message_repr list) list QCheck2.Gen.t
module Payloads_histories : sig ... end
val get_payloads_history : 'a Payloads_histories.t -> Payloads_histories.key -> 'b Lwt.t
val list_of_inputs_from_list_of_messages : message list list -> Tezos_protocol_017_PtNairob.Protocol.Alpha_context.Sc_rollup.input list list
val dumb_init : Tezos_raw_protocol_017_PtNairob__Alpha_context.Raw_level.t -> Tezos_protocol_017_PtNairob.Protocol.Alpha_context.Sc_rollup.Inbox.t
val latest_level_proof_hash : Tezos_protocol_017_PtNairob.Protocol.Alpha_context.Sc_rollup.Inbox.t -> Tezos_raw_protocol_017_PtNairob__Alpha_context.Sc_rollup.Inbox_merkelized_payload_hashes.Hash.t
module Node_inbox : sig ... end
module Protocol_inbox : sig ... end
module Protocol_inbox_with_ctxt : sig ... end

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