package ocolor

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type formatter
type 'a pp = formatter -> 'a -> unit
val pp_bool_generic : ? list -> ? list -> bool pp

Pretty print a bool. Useful with %a. It displays boolean as %b but with styles. false_style defaults to [Ocolor_types.Bold;Ocolor_types.Fg (C4] (ie. red and bold) and true_style defaults to [Ocolor_types.Bold;Ocolor_types.Fg (C4] (ie. green and bold).

val pp_bool : bool pp

Like pp_bool_generic with default settings

val pp_option_more_generic : ?none:string -> ? list -> ? list -> ?some_format: ( list pp -> list -> 'a pp -> 'a -> unit pp -> unit -> unit, formatter, unit, unit, unit, unit) Stdlib.format6 -> ?none_format: ( list pp -> list -> string -> unit pp -> unit -> unit, formatter, unit, unit, unit, unit) Stdlib.format6 -> 'a pp -> 'a option pp

Pretty print an option. Useful with %a. Default settings:

  • none = "None"
  • none_style = Ocolor_types.[Faint]
  • some_style = []
  • some_format = "%a%a%a"
  • none_format = "%a%s%a"

Moreover, it need a (pretty) printer that prints the content of the option.

When the option is None, it print using none_format applied to pp_open_styles, none_style, none, pp_close_styles and (). When the option is Some a, it print using some_format applied to pp_open_styles, none_style, p, a, pp_close_styles and () where p is the provided printer. It allow customizing the output like Using "Some(%a%a%a)" or "%aSome(%a)%a" as format.

val pp_option_generic : ?none:string -> ? list -> ? list -> 'a pp -> 'a option pp

Pretty print an option. Useful with %a. Default settings:

  • none = "None"
  • none_style = Ocolor_types.[Faint]
  • some_style = []

Moreover, it need a (pretty) printer that prints the content of the option.

It prints none when the option is None with the style none_style, and p a where p is the printer and the option is Some a. In particular, it does not display "Some" or something like that.

val pp_option : 'a pp -> 'a option pp

Like pp_option_generic with default settings

val pp_result_more_generic : ? list -> ? list -> ?ok_format: ( list pp -> list -> 'a pp -> 'a -> unit pp -> unit -> unit, formatter, unit, unit, unit, unit) Stdlib.format6 -> ?error_format: ( list pp -> list -> 'b pp -> 'b -> unit pp -> unit -> unit, formatter, unit, unit, unit, unit) Stdlib.format6 -> 'a pp -> 'b pp -> ('a, 'b) Stdlib.result pp
val pp_result_generic : ? list -> ? list -> 'a pp -> 'b pp -> ('a, 'b) Stdlib.result pp
val pp_result : 'a pp -> 'b pp -> ('a, 'b) Stdlib.result pp
val pp_pair_generic : ?left:string -> ?sep:string -> ?right:string -> ? list -> ? list -> ? list -> 'a pp -> 'b pp -> ('a * 'b) pp

Pretty print a pair. Useful with %a. Default settings:

  • left = "("
  • sep = ", "
  • right = ")"
  • delim_style = Ocolor_types.[Faint]
  • sep_style = Ocolor_types.[Faint]
  • elem_style = []

Moreover, it need two (pretty) printers that prints each part of the pair.

delim_style is applied to left and right, sep_style is applied to sep and elem_style is applied to each element. In particular, the pretty printer will work in the context set by elem_style, so it does not need to apply the same style once again (however, it is harmless).

val pp_pair : 'a pp -> 'b pp -> ('a * 'b) pp

Like pp_pair_generic with default settings

val pp_3_tuple_generic : ?left:string -> ?sep:string -> ?right:string -> ? list -> ? list -> ? list -> 'a pp -> 'b pp -> 'c pp -> ('a * 'b * 'c) pp
val pp_3_tuple : 'a pp -> 'b pp -> 'c pp -> ('a * 'b * 'c) pp

Like pp_3_tuple_generic with default settings

val pp_4_tuple_generic : ?left:string -> ?sep:string -> ?right:string -> ? list -> ? list -> ? list -> 'a pp -> 'b pp -> 'c pp -> 'd pp -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd) pp
val pp_4_tuple : 'a pp -> 'b pp -> 'c pp -> 'd pp -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd) pp

Like pp_4_tuple_generic with default settings

val pp_5_tuple_generic : ?left:string -> ?sep:string -> ?right:string -> ? list -> ? list -> ? list -> 'a pp -> 'b pp -> 'c pp -> 'd pp -> 'e pp -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e) pp
val pp_5_tuple : 'a pp -> 'b pp -> 'c pp -> 'd pp -> 'e pp -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e) pp

Like pp_5_tuple_generic with default settings

val pp_iterable_generic : ?left:string -> ?sep:string -> ?right:string -> ? list -> ? list -> ? list -> (('a -> unit) -> 'b -> unit) -> 'a pp -> 'b pp

Print an itarable set-like data structure Default settings:

  • left = "{"
  • sep = "; "
  • right = "}"
  • delim_style = Ocolor_types.[Faint]
  • sep_style = Ocolor_types.[Faint]
  • elem_style = []
val pp_iterable : (('a -> unit) -> 'b -> unit) -> 'a pp -> 'b pp

Default version of pp_iterable_generic

val pp_list_generic : ?left:string -> ?sep:string -> ?right:string -> ? list -> ? list -> ? list -> 'a pp -> 'a list pp

Pretty print a list. Useful with %a. Default settings:

  • left = "["
  • sep = "; "
  • right = "]"
  • delim_style = Ocolor_types.[Faint]
  • sep_style = Ocolor_types.[Faint]
  • elem_style = []

Moreover, it need a (pretty) printer that prints an element

With default settings, if the list is empty it prints "". If the list contains only one element a, it prints "a". Otherwise, elements are separated by "; " without final separator, for instance "a; b; c"

delim_style is applied to left and right, sep_style is applied to sep and elem_style is applied to each element. In particular, the pretty printer will work in the context set by elem_style, so it does not need to apply the same style once again (however, it is harmless).

val pp_list : 'a pp -> 'a list pp

Like pp_list_generic with default settings

val pp_array_generic : ?left:string -> ?sep:string -> ?right:string -> ? list -> ? list -> ? list -> 'a pp -> 'a array pp

Pretty print an array. Useful with %a. Default settings:

  • left = "["
  • sep = "; "
  • right = "]"
  • delim_style = Ocolor_types.[Faint]
  • sep_style = Ocolor_types.[Faint]
  • elem_style = []

Moreover, it need a (pretty) printer that prints an element

With default settings, if the array is empty it prints "". If the array contains only one element a, it prints "a". Otherwise, elements are separated by "; " without final separator, for instance "a; b; c"

delim_style is applied to left and right, sep_style is applied to sep and elem_style is applied to each element. In particular, the pretty printer will work in the context set by elem_style, so it does not need to apply the same style once again (however, it is harmless).

val pp_array : 'a pp -> 'a array pp

Like pp_array_generic with default settings

val pp_iterable_mapping_more_generic : ?left:string -> ?sep:string -> ?right:string -> ? list -> ? list -> (('a -> 'b -> unit) -> 'c -> unit) -> ('a * 'b) pp -> 'c pp

Print an itarable map-like data structure Default settings:

  • left = "{"
  • sep = "; "
  • right = "}"
  • delim_style = Ocolor_types.[Faint]
  • sep_style = Ocolor_types.[Faint]
val pp_iterable_mapping_generic : ?left:string -> ?sep:string -> ?right:string -> ?mapsto:string -> ? list -> ? list -> ? list -> ? list -> ? list -> (('a -> 'b -> unit) -> 'c -> unit) -> 'a pp -> 'b pp -> 'c pp

Print an itarable map-like data structure as a sequence of <key><mapsto><value> separeted by <sep>. Default settings:

  • left = "{"
  • sep = "; "
  • right = "}"
  • mapsto = ":"
  • delim_style = Ocolor_types.[Faint]
  • sep_style = Ocolor_types.[Faint]
  • mapsto_style = Ocolor_types.[Faint]
  • key_style = []
  • value_style = []
val pp_iterable_mapping : (('a -> 'b -> unit) -> 'c -> unit) -> 'a pp -> 'b pp -> 'c pp

Default version of pp_iterable_mapping_generic


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