package ocaml-base-compiler

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
val imported_sets_of_closures_table : Simple_value_approx.function_declarations option Set_of_closures_id.Tbl.t
val reset : ?packname:string -> string -> unit
val unit_id_from_name : string -> Ident.t
val current_unit_infos : unit -> Cmx_format.unit_infos
val current_unit_name : unit -> string
val current_unit_linkage_name : unit -> Linkage_name.t
val current_unit : unit -> Compilation_unit.t
val current_unit_symbol : unit -> Symbol.t
val make_symbol : ?unitname:string -> string option -> string
val symbol_in_current_unit : string -> bool
val is_predefined_exception : Symbol.t -> bool
val unit_for_global : Ident.t -> Compilation_unit.t
val symbol_for_global : Ident.t -> string
val symbol_for_global' : Ident.t -> Symbol.t
val global_approx : Ident.t -> Clambda.value_approximation
val set_global_approx : Clambda.value_approximation -> unit
val record_global_approx_toplevel : unit -> unit
val set_export_info : Export_info.t -> unit
val approx_env : unit -> Export_info.t
val approx_for_global : Compilation_unit.t -> Export_info.t option
val need_curry_fun : int -> unit
val need_apply_fun : int -> unit
val need_send_fun : int -> unit
val new_const_symbol : unit -> string
val closure_symbol : Closure_id.t -> Symbol.t
val function_label : Closure_id.t -> string
val new_structured_constant : Clambda.ustructured_constant -> shared:bool -> string
val structured_constants : unit -> Clambda.preallocated_constant list
val clear_structured_constants : unit -> unit
val structured_constant_of_symbol : string -> Clambda.ustructured_constant option
val add_exported_constant : string -> unit
type structured_constants
val snapshot : unit -> structured_constants
val backtrack : structured_constants -> unit
val read_unit_info : string -> Cmx_format.unit_infos * Digest.t
val write_unit_info : Cmx_format.unit_infos -> string -> unit
val save_unit_info : string -> unit
val cache_unit_info : Cmx_format.unit_infos -> unit
val require_global : Ident.t -> unit
val read_library_info : string -> Cmx_format.library_infos
type error =
  1. | Not_a_unit_info of string
  2. | Corrupted_unit_info of string
  3. | Illegal_renaming of string * string * string
exception Error of error
val report_error : Format.formatter -> error -> unit

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