package np

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
include module type of struct include Wrap_utils_common end
val id : 'a -> 'b
exception Attribute_not_found of string
val keyword_args : (string * Py.Object.t option) list -> (string * Py.Object.t) list
module Option = Wrap_utils_common.Option
val runtime_version : string -> (int * int * int, string) result
exception Version_error of string * string
val do_check_version : string -> (int * int) -> [> `Cannot_determine_runtime_version of string | `Ok | `Version_mismatch of string ]
val version_checked : bool ref
val check_version : string -> (int * int) -> unit
val type_ : Py.Object.t -> Py.Object.t
val type_string : Py.Object.t -> string
val isinstance : Py.Object.t list -> Py.Object.t -> bool
module BaseTypes = Wrap_utils_common.BaseTypes
val print_python_traceback : unit -> unit
val init : unit -> unit
module Types : sig ... end
val check_int : Py.Object.t -> bool
val check_float : Py.Object.t -> bool
val check_bool : Py.Object.t -> bool
val check_array : Py.Object.t -> bool
val check_arr : Py.Object.t -> bool
module Index : sig ... end
val slice : ?i:int -> ?j:int -> ?step:int -> unit -> [> `Slice of Py.Object.t ]
val mask : 'a. [> `Ndarray ] as 'b Obj.t -> Index.Element.t

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