Module type
Class type
Declaring terminals.
Notty is a terminal library that revolves around construction and composition of displayable images.
This module provides the core image
abstraction, standalone rendering, and escape sequence parsing. It does not depend on any platform code, and does not interact with the environment. Input and output are provided by Notty_unix
and Notty_lwt
Consult the basics, examples and limitations.
A lone Unicode scalar value.
module A : sig ... end
is for attribute.
module I : sig ... end
is for image.
module Infix : sig ... end
Operators, repeated.
You can ignore it, unless you are porting Notty
to a new platform not supported by the existing IO backends.
module Cap : sig ... end
Terminal capabilities.
module Render : sig ... end
Convert images to string
module Unescape : sig ... end
Parse and decode escape sequences in character streams.
Print a red "Wow!"
above its right-shifted copy:
let wow = I.string A.(fg lightred) "Wow!" in
I.(wow <-> (void 2 0 <|> wow)) |> Notty_unix.output_image_endline
An image
value is a rectangle of styled character cells. It has a width and height, but is not anchored to an origin. A single character with associated display attributes, or a short fragment of text, are simple examples of images.
Images are created by combining text fragments with display attributes, and composed by placing them beside each other, above each other, and over each other.
Once constructed, an image can be rendered and only at that point it obtains absolute placement.
Consult I
for more details.
values describe the styling characteristics of fragments of text.
They combine a foreground and a background color
with a set of styles
. Either color can be unset, which corresponds to the terminal's default foreground (resp. background) color.
Attributes are used to construct primitive images.
Consult A
for more details.
These are taken to be characters in the ranges 0x00-0x1f
(C0) and 0x80-0x9f
(C1), and 0x7f
(BACKSPACE). This is the Unicode general category Cc.
As control characters directly influence the cursor positioning, they cannot be used to create images.
This, in particular, means that images cannot contain U+000a
does not use Terminfo. If your terminal is particularly idiosyncratic, things might fail to work. Get in touch with the author to expand support.
assumes that the terminal is using UTF-8 for input and output. Things might break arbitrarily if this is not the case.
For performance considerations, consult the performance model.
uses Uucp.Break.tty_width_hint
to guess the width of text fragments when computing geometry, and it suffers from the same shortcomings:
When in doubt, see Uucp.Break.tty_width_hint
Unicode also has a special interaction with horizontal cropping:
(SPACE). Hence, character-cell-accurate cropping is possible even in the presence of characters that horizontally occupy more than one cell.There are further examples in the /examples
directory in the source tree.
We assume the module is open:
open Notty
As the core module has no IO, we borrow a helper from Notty_unix
let output_image_endline = Notty_unix.output_image_endline
Output "Rad!"
with default foreground and background:
I.string A.empty "Rad!" |> output_image_endline
Output "Rad!"
in rad letters:
I.string A.(fg lightred) "Rad!" |> output_image_endline
let a1 = A.(fg lightwhite ++ bg red)
and a2 = A.(fg red)
Output "Rad"
and " stuff!"
in different colors:
I.(string a1 "Rad" <|> string a2 " stuff!")
|> output_image_endline
Output them with the second word hanging on a line below:
I.(string a1 "Rad" <|> (void 0 1 <-> string a2 "stuff!"))
|> output_image_endline
Sierpinski triangle:
let square = "\xe2\x97\xbe"
let rec sierp n =
if n > 1 then
let ss = sierp (pred n) in I.(ss <-> (ss <|> ss))
else I.(string A.(fg magenta) square |> hpad 1 0)
Print a triangle:
sierp 8 |> output_image_endline
(Note the cropping behavior.)
Print a triangle overlaid over its shifted copy:
let s = sierp 6 in I.(s </> hpad 1 0 s) |> output_image_endline
let rad n color =
let a1 = A.fg color in
let a2 = A.(st blink ++ a1) in
I.((string a1 "Rad" |> hpad n 0) <->
(string a2 "stuff!" |> hpad (n + 6) 0))
A.[ red; green; yellow; blue; magenta; cyan ]
|> List.mapi I.(fun i c -> rad i c |> pad ~t:i ~l:(2 * i))
|> I.zcat
|> output_image_endline
Note Usage of blink
might be regulated by law in some jurisdictions.
Pretty-printing into an image
I.strf ~attr:A.(fg green) "(%d)" 42 |> output_image_endline
Decorated pretty-printers:
let pp = Format.pp_print_int |> I.pp_attr A.(fg green) in
I.strf "(%a)" pp 43 |> output_image_endline
Space a line end-to-end horizontally:
Notty_unix.output_image_size @@ fun (w, _) ->
let i1 = I.string A.(fg green) "very"
and i2 = I.string A.(fg yellow) "melon" in
I.(i1 <|> void (w - width i1 - width i2) 1 <|> i2)
Print a triangle that fits into the terminal:
Notty_unix.output_image_size @@ fun (w, _) ->
let steps = int_of_float ((log (float w)) /. log 2.) in
sierp steps |> I.vpad 0 1
Interactive Sierpinski:
open Notty_unix
let img (double, n) =
let s = sierp n in
if double then I.(s </> hpad 1 0 s) else s in
let rec update t state =
Term.image t (img state); loop t state
and loop t (double, n as state) =
match Term.input t with
| `Key (`Enter,_) -> ()
| `Key (`Arrow `Left,_) -> update t (double, max 1 (n - 1))
| `Key (`Arrow `Right,_) -> update t (double, min 8 (n + 1))
| `Key (`Uchar 0x20,_) -> update t (not double, n)
| `Resize _ -> update t state
| _ -> loop t state
let t = Term.create () in
update t (false, 1);
Term.release t
The program uses a fullscreen terminal and loops reading the input. LEFT and RIGHT control the iteration count, and SPACE toggles double-drawing. Resizing the window causes a redraw. When the loop exits on ENTER, the terminal is cleaned up.
This section is only relevant if using Notty
becomes your bottleneck.
TL;DR Shared sub-expressions do not share work, so operators stick with you.
The main performance parameter is image complexity. This roughly corresponds to the number of image composition and cropping operators in the fully expanded image
term, ignoring all sharing.
Outline numbers:
Image complexity cplx
of an image i
, cplx i = 1
, cplx (op i1 i2) = 1 + cplx i1 + cplx i2
, cplx (cr i1) = 1 + cplx i1 - k
, where k
is the combined complexity of all the maximal sub-terms that do not contribute to the output.For example (assuming an image i
let img1 = I.((i <|> i) <-> (i <|> i))
let img2 = I.(let x = i <|> i in x <-> x)
let img3 = I.(((i <|> i) <|> i) <|> i)
Complexity of each of these is 4 * cplx i + 3
. This might be surprising for img2
If width i = 1
, cplx (hcrop 1 0 img1) = 3 + 2 * cplx i
, and cplx (hcrop 2 0 img3) = 2 + 2 * cplx i
While Notty
strives to be accommodating to all usage scenarios, these are the things to keep in mind if the rendering becomes slow:
Image composition is cheap.
Combining images performs a negligible amount of computation.
Constructing primitive images that contain scalar values outside of the ASCII range does a little more work upfront and is worth holding onto.
Rendering depends on image complexity.
As a consequence, this real-world example of wrapping renders in time O(n2) in the number of lines:
let wrap1 width img =
let rec go img = img ::
if I.width img > width then go (I.hcrop width 0 img) else []
in go img |> I.vcat |> I.hsnap ~align:`Left width
Although crop
is applied only lines
times, the image complexity of each line depends on the number of preceding lines.
An O(n) version does not iterate crop
let wrap2 width img =
let rec go off = I.hcrop off 0 img ::
if I.width img - off > width then go (off + width) else []
in go 0 |> I.vcat |> I.hsnap ~align:`Left width
Rendering depends on the output dimensions, but not on the image dimensions.
Rendering an image to w * h
implicitly crops it to its leftmost w
columns and topmost h
rows. While w
and h
will have an impact on the rendering performance, the complexity of the (cropped) image tends to be more important.