package mutf8

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Unicode strings encoded according to the "Modified UTF-8" scheme used by Java and derivative systems.

type t

The abstract type of MUTF8 strings. Internally these are a normal OCaml octet-string (containing the MUTF8 encoding) plus some auxiliary information about its contents.

val of_utf8 : string -> t

Returns a MUTF8 string equivalent to a given UTF8 string. O(n). May raise BatUTF8.Malformed_code

val to_utf8 : t -> string

Returns a UTF8 string equivalent to a given MUTF8 string. O(n), but O(1) in the common case in which the MUTF8 and UTF8 encodings are identical.

val of_bytes : string -> t

Create a MUTF8.t from its byte representation. O(n) May raise BatUTF8.Malformed_code

val to_bytes : t -> string

Returns the MUTF8 encoded string value. O(1)

val of_utf16_seq : int Seq.t -> t

Creates a MUTF8 string from a sequence of UTF-16 values. Any sequence of UTF-16 values is valid. Numbers outside the range of 0 to 0xFFFF will raise BatUChar.Out_of_range.

val of_uchar_seq : BatUChar.t Seq.t -> t

Creates a MUTF8 string from a sequence of unichars. The sequence may contain high-plane characters and/or unpaired surrogates but must not contain paired surrogates: providing a sequence with paired surrogates will produce a malformed MUTF8 object.

val to_utf16_seq : t -> int Seq.t

Traverse a MUTF8 string as a sequence of UTF-16 values. To get Unicode characters, compose this with wobbly_to_ucs32 or strict_to_ucs32.

val to_utf16_enum : t -> int BatEnum.t
val utf16_length : t -> int

The number of UTF-16 characters required to represent this string

val unicode_length : t -> int

The number of Unicode codepoints required to represent this string

val compare : t -> t -> int

Lexicographically compare MUTF8 strings according to their UCS-16 representations. Note that because of the special treatment of codepoint 0 in MUTF8, this is different from comparing the bytestring representations.

val seq_of_utf8 : ?startbyte:int -> string -> int Seq.t

Traverse a UTF8, MUTF8, or CESU string as a sequence of integer values. For UTF8, these will be UCS32 code points; for CESU or MUTF8, these will be UTF16 values. The sequence is evaluated lazily, and may raise BatUTF8.Malformed_code if it reaches a byte sequence invalid in (M)UTF8.

val wobbly_to_ucs32 : int Seq.t -> int Seq.t

Convert a UTF-16 sequence to a UCS-32 sequence by combining surrogate pairs. Unpaired surrogates are passed through. Codepoints outside of the UTF-16 range are also passed through as UCS-32 values.

This does not return BatUChar.t because BatUChar rejects codepoints in the surrogate range.

val strict_to_ucs32 : int Seq.t -> BatUChar.t Seq.t

Convert a UTF-16 sequence to a UCS-32 sequence by combining surrogate pairs. Unpaired surrogates will cause this funtion to raise BatUChar.Out_of_range. Otherwise the same as wobbly_to_ucs32; in particular, integers greater than 0xFFFF are still passed through as UCS-32 values.

val debugdump : t -> unit

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