package moonpool

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Triggers from picos

  • since 0.7
include module type of struct include Picos.Trigger end

Interface for suspending

Represents a trigger. A trigger can be in one of three states: initial, awaiting, or signaled.

ℹ️ Once a trigger becomes signaled it no longer changes state.

🏎️ A trigger in the initial and signaled states is a tiny object that does not hold onto any other objects.

val create : unit -> t

create () allocates a new trigger in the initial state.

val is_signaled : t -> bool

is_signaled trigger determines whether the trigger is in the signaled state.

This can be useful, for example, when a trigger is being inserted to multiple locations and might be signaled concurrently while doing so. In such a case one can periodically check with is_signaled trigger whether it makes sense to continue.

ℹ️ Computation.try_attach already checks that the trigger being inserted has not been signaled so when attaching a trigger to multiple computations there is no need to separately check with is_signaled.

val await : t -> (exn * Stdlib.Printexc.raw_backtrace) option

await trigger waits for the trigger to be signaled.

The return value is None in case the trigger has been signaled and the fiber was resumed normally. Otherwise the return value is Some (exn, bt), which indicates that the fiber has been canceled and the caller should raise the exception. In either case the caller is responsible for cleaning up. Usually this means making sure that no references to the trigger remain to avoid space leaks.

⚠️ As a rule of thumb, if you inserted the trigger to some data structure or attached it to some computation, then you are responsible for removing and detaching the trigger after await.

ℹ️ A trigger in the signaled state only takes a small constant amount of memory. Make sure that it is not possible for a program to accumulate unbounded numbers of signaled triggers under any circumstance.

⚠️ Only the owner or creator of a trigger may call await. It is considered an error to make multiple calls to await.

ℹ️ The behavior is that, unless await can return immediately,

  • on OCaml 5, await will perform the Await effect, and
  • on OCaml 4, await will call the await operation of the current handler.
  • raises Invalid_argument

    if the trigger was in the awaiting state, which means that multiple concurrent calls of await are being made.

Interface for resuming

val signal : t -> unit

signal trigger puts the trigger into the signaled state and calls the resume action, if any, attached using on_signal.

The intention is that calling signal trigger guarantees that any fiber awaiting the trigger will be resumed. However, when and whether a fiber having called await will be resumed normally or as canceled is determined by the scheduler that handles the Await effect.

ℹ️ Note that under normal circumstances, signal should never raise an exception. If an exception is raised by signal, it means that the handler of Await has a bug or some catastrophic failure has occurred.

⚠️ Do not call signal from an effect handler in a scheduler.

Interface for schedulers

val is_initial : t -> bool

is_initial trigger determines whether the trigger is in the initial or in the signaled state.

ℹ️ Consider using is_signaled instead of is_initial as in some contexts a trigger might reasonably be either in the initial or the awaiting state depending on the order in which things are being done.

  • raises Invalid_argument

    if the trigger was in the awaiting state.

val on_signal : t -> 'x -> 'y -> (t -> 'x -> 'y -> unit) -> bool

on_signal trigger x y resume attempts to attach the resume action to the trigger and transition the trigger to the awaiting state.

The return value is true in case the action was attached successfully. Otherwise the return value is false, which means that the trigger was already in the signaled state.

⚠️ The action that you attach to a trigger must be safe to call from any context that might end up signaling the trigger directly or indirectly through propagation. Unless you know, then you should assume that the resume action might be called from a different domain running in parallel with neither effect nor exception handlers and that if the attached action doesn't return the system may deadlock or if the action doesn't return quickly it may cause performance issues.

⚠️ It is considered an error to make multiple calls to on_signal with a specific trigger.

  • raises Invalid_argument

    if the trigger was in the awaiting state, which means that either the owner or creator of the trigger made concurrent calls to await or the handler called on_signal more than once.

  • alert handler Only a scheduler should call this in the handler of the Await effect to attach the scheduler specific resume action to the trigger. Annotate your effect handling function with [@alert "-handler"].
val from_action : 'x -> 'y -> (t -> 'x -> 'y -> unit) -> t

from_action x y resume is equivalent to let t = create () in assert (on_signal t x y resume); t.

⚠️ The action that you attach to a trigger must be safe to call from any context that might end up signaling the trigger directly or indirectly through propagation. Unless you know, then you should assume that the resume action might be called from a different domain running in parallel with neither effect nor exception handlers and that if the attached action doesn't return the system may deadlock or if the action doesn't return quickly it may cause performance issues.

⚠️ The returned trigger will be in the awaiting state, which means that it is an error to call await, on_signal, or dispose on it.

  • alert handler This is an escape hatch for experts implementing schedulers or structured concurrency mechanisms. If you know what you are doing, use [@alert "-handler"].
val dispose : t -> unit

dispose trigger transition the trigger from the initial state to the signaled state.

🚦 The intended use case of dispose is for use from the handler of Await to ensure that the trigger has been put to the signaled state after await returns.

  • raises Invalid_argument

    if the trigger was in the awaiting state.

type Stdlib.Effect.t += private
  1. | Await : t -> (exn * Stdlib.Printexc.raw_backtrace) option Stdlib.Effect.t

Schedulers must handle the Await effect to implement the behavior of await.

In case the fiber permits propagation of cancelation, the trigger must be attached to the computation of the fiber for the duration of suspending the fiber by the scheduler.

Typically the scheduler calls try_suspend, which in turn calls on_signal, to attach a scheduler specific resume action to the trigger. The scheduler must guarantee that the fiber will be resumed after signal has been called on the trigger.

Whether being resumed due to cancelation or not, the trigger must be either signaled outside of the effect handler, or disposed by the effect handler, before resuming the fiber.

In case the fiber permits propagation of cancelation and the computation associated with the fiber has been canceled the scheduler is free to continue the fiber immediately with the cancelation exception after disposing the trigger.

⚠️ A scheduler must not discontinue, i.e. raise an exception to, the fiber as a response to Await.

The scheduler is free to choose which ready fiber to resume next.

Design rationale

A key idea behind this design is that the handler for Await does not need to run arbitrary user defined code while suspending a fiber: the handler calls on_signal by itself. This should make it easier to get both the handler and the user code correct.

Another key idea is that the signal operation provides no feedback as to the outcome regarding cancelation. Calling signal merely guarantees that the caller of await will return. This means that the point at which cancelation must be determined can be as late as possible. A scheduler can check the cancelation status just before calling continue and it is, of course, possible to check the cancelation status earlier. This allows maximal flexibility for the handler of Await.

The consequence of this is that the only place to handle cancelation is at the point of await. This makes the design simpler and should make it easier for the user to get the handling of cancelation right. A minor detail is that await returns an option instead of raising an exception. The reason for this is that matching against an option is slightly faster than setting up an exception handler. Returning an option also clearly communicates the two different cases to handle.

On the other hand, the trigger mechanism does not have a way to specify a user-defined callback to perform cancelation immediately before the fiber is resumed. Such an immediately called callback could be useful for e.g. canceling an underlying IO request. One justification for not having such a callback is that cancelation is allowed to take place from outside of the scheduler, i.e. from another system level thread, and, in such a case, the callback could not be called immediately. Instead, the scheduler is free to choose how to schedule canceled and continued fibers and, assuming that fibers can be trusted, a scheduler may give priority to canceled fibers.

This design also separates the allocation of the atomic state for the trigger, or create, from await, and allows the state to be polled using is_signaled before calling await. This is particularly useful when the trigger might need to be inserted to multiple places and be signaled in parallel before the call of await.

No mechanism is provided to communicate any result with the signal. That can be done outside of the mechanism and is often not needed. This simplifies the design.

Once signal has been called, a trigger no longer refers to any other object and takes just two words of memory. This e.g. allows lazy removal of triggers, assuming the number of attached triggers can be bounded, because nothing except the trigger itself would be leaked.

To further understand the problem domain, in this design, in a suspend-resume scenario, there are three distinct pieces of state:

  1. The state of shared data structure(s) used for communication and / or synchronization.
  2. The state of the trigger.
  3. The cancelation status of the fiber.

The trigger and cancelation status are both updated independently and atomically through code in this interface. The key requirement left for the user is to make sure that the state of the shared data structure is updated correctly independently of what await returns. So, for example, a mutex implementation must check, after getting Some (exn, bt), what the state of the mutex is and how it should be updated.

val await_exn : t -> unit

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