package mlpost

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Fixed Paths

Paths are the objects used to describe lines, curves, and more generally almost everything that is drawn with Mlpost

type direction

A direction is used to put constraints on paths:

  • vec p defines a direction by a point (interpreted as a vector)
  • curl f changes the curling factor of the extremity of a path; higher curling factor means flatter curves
  • noDir means no particular direction
val vec : Point.t -> direction
val curl : float -> direction
val noDir : direction
type knot

A knot is the basic element of a path, and is simply a point with an incoming and outgoing direction constraint

val knotp : ?l:direction -> ?r:direction -> Point.t -> knot

Build a knot from a point; the optional arguments are the incoming directions. Warning they are going in the same direction.

val knotlist : (direction * Point.t * direction) list -> knot list
type joint

A joint is the connection between two knots in a path. It is either

  • jLine for a straight line
  • jCurve for a spline curve
  • jCurveNoInflex to avoid inflexion points
  • jTension f1 f2 to specify "tension" on the joint; jCurve uses a default tension of 1. Higher tension means less "wild" curves
  • jControls p1 p2 to explicitely specify control points
val jLine : joint
val jCurve : joint
val jCurveNoInflex : joint
val jTension : float -> float -> joint
val jControls : Point.t -> Point.t -> joint
type t

The abstract type of paths

In all the functions below :

  • noDir is the default direction
  • jCurve is the default joint

Labelled path constructors

val knot : ?l:direction -> ?r:direction -> ?scale:(float -> Num.t) -> (float * float) -> knot

Build a knot from a pair of floats

  • parameter l

    an incoming direction

  • parameter r

    an outgoing direction

  • parameter scale

    a scaling factor applied to the floats

val knotn : ?l:direction -> ?r:direction -> (Num.t * Num.t) -> knot

Build a knot from a Num.t pair; the optional arguments are as in knot

val path : ?style:joint -> ?cycle:joint -> ?scale:(float -> Num.t) -> (float * float) list -> t

Build a path from a list of pairs of floats

  • parameter style

    the joint style used for all joints in the path

  • parameter cycle

    if given, the path is closed using the given style

  • parameter scale

    permits to scale the whole path

val pathn : ?style:joint -> ?cycle:joint -> (Num.t * Num.t) list -> t

Same as path, but uses a Num.t list

val pathk : ?style:joint -> ?cycle:joint -> knot list -> t

Same as path, but uses a knot list

val pathp : ?style:joint -> ?cycle:joint -> Point.t list -> t

Same as path but uses a point list

val jointpathk : knot list -> joint list -> t

Build a path from n knots and n-1 joints

val jointpathp : Point.t list -> joint list -> t

Build a path from n points and n-1 joints, with default directions

val jointpathn : (Num.t * Num.t) list -> joint list -> t
val jointpath : ?scale:(float -> Num.t) -> (float * float) list -> joint list -> t

Build a path from n float_pairs and n-1 joints, with default directions

val cycle : ?dir:direction -> ?style:joint -> t -> t

Close a path using direction dir and style style

Primitive path constructors

val concat : ?style:joint -> t -> knot -> t

Add a knot at the end of a path

val start : knot -> t

Create a simple path with one knot

val append : ?style:joint -> t -> t -> t

Append a path to another using joint style

More complex constructions on paths

val length : t -> Num.t

Number of nodes in a path, minus one.

val point : float -> t -> Point.t

point f p returns a certain point on the path p; f is given "in control points": 0. means the first control point, 1. the second and so on; intermediate values are accepted.

val pointn : Num.t -> t -> Point.t

Same as point but for a Num.t.

val direction : float -> t -> Point.t

direction f p returns the direction of the tangent at point f p.

val directionn : Num.t -> t -> Point.t

Same as direction but for a Num.t.

val subpath : float -> float -> t -> t

subpath start end path selects the subpath of path that lies between start and end. start and end are given in control points, as in point.

val subpathn : Num.t -> Num.t -> t -> t

Same as subpathn but using Num.t.

val transform : Transform.t -> t -> t

Apply a transformation to a path

val scale : Num.t -> t -> t
val rotate : float -> t -> t
val shift : Point.t -> t -> t
val yscale : Num.t -> t -> t
val xscale : Num.t -> t -> t

Shortcuts for transformations of Paths

val cut_after : t -> t -> t

cut_after p1 p2 cuts p2 after the intersection with p1. To memorize the order of the arguments, you can read: "cut after p1"

val cut_before : t -> t -> t

Same as cut_after, but cuts before

val strip : Num.t -> t -> t

strip n p removes two segments of length n at each end of path p

val build_cycle : t list -> t

Build a cycle from a set of intersecting paths

Predefined values

val defaultjoint : joint

The default joint style (JCurve)

val fullcircle : t

A full circle of radius 1 and centered on the origin

val halfcircle : t

The upper half of fullcircle

val quartercircle : t

The right half of halfcircle

val unitsquare : t

A full square of size 1 and centered on the origin


type metapath = MetaPath.t

Compute the control point of the path for a good looking result according to the constraint on the direction, tension, curve

val of_metapath : metapath -> t

Compute the control point of the path for a good looking result according to the constraint on the direction, tension, curve

val to_metapath : t -> metapath

Obtain a metapath from a path with exactly the same control point. p = of_metapath (of_path p) is true but not the opposite.

Smart path

type orientation =
  1. | Up
  2. | Down
  3. | Left
  4. | Right
  5. | Upn of Num.t
  6. | Downn of Num.t
  7. | Leftn of Num.t
  8. | Rightn of Num.t
val smart_path : ?style:joint -> orientation list -> Point.t -> Point.t -> t
val draw : ?brush:Brush.t -> ?color:Color.t -> ?pen:Pen.t -> ?dashed:Dash.t -> t -> Command.t

Draw a path

  • parameter brush

    the brush used to draw the path; the next argument redefined this one

  • parameter color

    the color of the path; default is black

  • parameter pen

    the pen used to draw the path; default is Brush.Pen.default

  • parameter dashed

    if given, the path is drawn using that dash_style.

val fill : ?color:Color.t -> t -> Command.t

Fill a contour given by a closed path

  • parameter color

    the color used to fill the area; default is black


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