package metapp

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Signature type destruction

type visibility = Types.visibility =
  1. | Exported
  2. | Hidden
module Sigi : sig ... end

Module types in Types

type functor_parameter = Types.functor_parameter =
  1. | Unit
  2. | Named of Ident.t option * Types.module_type
module Mty : sig ... end
type variant_representation =
  1. | Variant_regular
  2. | Variant_unboxed
val destruct_type_variant : Types.type_kind -> (Types.constructor_declaration list * variant_representation) option
val destruct_tpackage : Types.type_desc -> (Path.t * (Longident.t * Types.type_expr) list) option

destruct_tpackage type_desc returns a pair Some (path, list) if type_desc is a Tpackage, for compatibility between OCaml 4.13 and older versions of OCaml.

val get_desc : Types.type_expr -> Types.type_desc

Getter for type_expr introduced in OCaml 4.14

val get_level : Types.type_expr -> int

Getter for type_expr introduced in OCaml 4.14

val get_scope : Types.type_expr -> int

Getter for type_expr introduced in OCaml 4.14

val get_id : Types.type_expr -> int

Getter for type_expr introduced in OCaml 4.14


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