package lsp

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type _ t =
  1. | Shutdown : unit t
  2. | Initialize : Types.InitializeParams.t -> Types.InitializeResult.t t
  3. | TextDocumentHover : Types.HoverParams.t -> Types.Hover.t option t
  4. | TextDocumentDefinition : Types.DefinitionParams.t -> Types.Locations.t option t
  5. | TextDocumentDeclaration : Types.TextDocumentPositionParams.t -> Types.Locations.t option t
  6. | TextDocumentTypeDefinition : Types.TypeDefinitionParams.t -> Types.Locations.t option t
  7. | TextDocumentImplementation : Types.ImplementationParams.t -> Types.Locations.t option t
  8. | TextDocumentCompletion : Types.CompletionParams.t -> [ `CompletionList of Types.CompletionList.t | `List of Types.CompletionItem.t list ] option t
  9. | TextDocumentCodeLens : Types.CodeLensParams.t -> Types.CodeLens.t list t
  10. | InlayHint : Types.InlayHintParams.t -> Types.InlayHint.t list option t
  11. | InlayHintResolve : Types.InlayHint.t -> Types.InlayHint.t t
  12. | TextDocumentDiagnostic : Types.DocumentDiagnosticParams.t -> Types.DocumentDiagnosticReport.t t
  13. | TextDocumentInlineCompletion : Types.InlineCompletionParams.t -> [ `InlineCompletion of Types.InlineCompletionList.t | `InlineCompletionItem of Types.InlineCompletionItem.t list ] option t
  14. | TextDocumentInlineValue : Types.InlineValueParams.t -> Types.InlineValue.t list option t
  15. | TextDocumentCodeLensResolve : Types.CodeLens.t -> Types.CodeLens.t t
  16. | TextDocumentPrepareCallHierarchy : Types.CallHierarchyPrepareParams.t -> Types.CallHierarchyItem.t list option t
  17. | TextDocumentPrepareTypeHierarchy : Types.TypeHierarchyPrepareParams.t -> Types.TypeHierarchyItem.t list option t
  18. | TextDocumentPrepareRename : Types.PrepareRenameParams.t -> Types.Range.t option t
  19. | TextDocumentRangeFormatting : Types.DocumentRangeFormattingParams.t -> Types.TextEdit.t list option t
  20. | TextDocumentRangesFormatting : Types.DocumentRangesFormattingParams.t -> Types.TextEdit.t list option t
  21. | TextDocumentRename : Types.RenameParams.t -> Types.WorkspaceEdit.t t
  22. | TextDocumentLinkResolve : Types.DocumentLink.t -> Types.DocumentLink.t t
  23. | TextDocumentMoniker : Types.MonikerParams.t -> Types.Moniker.t list option t
  24. | DocumentSymbol : Types.DocumentSymbolParams.t -> [ `DocumentSymbol of Types.DocumentSymbol.t list | `SymbolInformation of Types.SymbolInformation.t list ] option t
  25. | WorkspaceSymbol : Types.WorkspaceSymbolParams.t -> Types.SymbolInformation.t list option t
  26. | WorkspaceSymbolResolve : Types.WorkspaceSymbol.t -> Types.WorkspaceSymbol.t t
  27. | DebugEcho : Extension.DebugEcho.Params.t -> Extension.DebugEcho.Result.t t
  28. | DebugTextDocumentGet : Extension.DebugTextDocumentGet.Params.t -> Extension.DebugTextDocumentGet.Result.t t
  29. | TextDocumentReferences : Types.ReferenceParams.t -> Types.Location.t list option t
  30. | TextDocumentHighlight : Types.DocumentHighlightParams.t -> Types.DocumentHighlight.t list option t
  31. | TextDocumentFoldingRange : Types.FoldingRangeParams.t -> Types.FoldingRange.t list option t
  32. | SignatureHelp : Types.SignatureHelpParams.t -> Types.SignatureHelp.t t
  33. | CodeAction : Types.CodeActionParams.t -> Types.CodeActionResult.t t
  34. | CodeActionResolve : Types.CodeAction.t -> Types.CodeAction.t t
  35. | CompletionItemResolve : Types.CompletionItem.t -> Types.CompletionItem.t t
  36. | WillSaveWaitUntilTextDocument : Types.WillSaveTextDocumentParams.t -> Types.TextEdit.t list option t
  37. | TextDocumentFormatting : Types.DocumentFormattingParams.t -> Types.TextEdit.t list option t
  38. | TextDocumentOnTypeFormatting : Types.DocumentOnTypeFormattingParams.t -> Types.TextEdit.t list option t
  39. | TextDocumentColorPresentation : Types.ColorPresentationParams.t -> Types.ColorPresentation.t list t
  40. | TextDocumentColor : Types.DocumentColorParams.t -> Types.ColorInformation.t list t
  41. | SelectionRange : Types.SelectionRangeParams.t -> Types.SelectionRange.t list t
  42. | ExecuteCommand : Types.ExecuteCommandParams.t -> Import.Json.t t
  43. | SemanticTokensFull : Types.SemanticTokensParams.t -> Types.SemanticTokens.t option t
  44. | SemanticTokensDelta : Types.SemanticTokensDeltaParams.t -> [ `SemanticTokens of Types.SemanticTokens.t | `SemanticTokensDelta of Types.SemanticTokensDelta.t ] option t
  45. | SemanticTokensRange : Types.SemanticTokensRangeParams.t -> Types.SemanticTokens.t option t
  46. | LinkedEditingRange : Types.LinkedEditingRangeParams.t -> Types.LinkedEditingRanges.t option t
  47. | CallHierarchyIncomingCalls : Types.CallHierarchyIncomingCallsParams.t -> Types.CallHierarchyIncomingCall.t list option t
  48. | CallHierarchyOutgoingCalls : Types.CallHierarchyOutgoingCallsParams.t -> Types.CallHierarchyOutgoingCall.t list option t
  49. | WillCreateFiles : Types.CreateFilesParams.t -> Types.WorkspaceEdit.t option t
  50. | WillDeleteFiles : Types.DeleteFilesParams.t -> Types.WorkspaceEdit.t option t
  51. | WillRenameFiles : Types.RenameFilesParams.t -> Types.WorkspaceEdit.t option t
  52. | WorkspaceDiagnostic : Types.WorkspaceDiagnosticParams.t -> Types.WorkspaceDiagnosticReport.t t
  53. | TypeHierarchySubtypes : Types.TypeHierarchySubtypesParams.t -> Types.TypeHierarchyItem.t list option t
  54. | TypeHierarchySupertypes : Types.TypeHierarchySupertypesParams.t -> Types.TypeHierarchyItem.t list option t
  55. | UnknownRequest : {
    1. meth : string;
    2. params : Jsonrpc.Structured.t option;
    } -> Import.Json.t t
val yojson_of_result : 'a t -> 'a -> Import.Json.t
type packed =
  1. | E : 'r t -> packed
val of_jsonrpc : Jsonrpc.Request.t -> (packed, string) Import.Result.t
val to_jsonrpc_request : _ t -> id:Jsonrpc.Id.t -> Jsonrpc.Request.t
val response_of_json : 'a t -> Import.Json.t -> 'a
val text_document : _ t -> (meth:string -> params:Jsonrpc.Structured.t option -> Types.TextDocumentIdentifier.t option) -> Types.TextDocumentIdentifier.t option

Innovation. Community. Security.