package logtk

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Unification and Matching

type unif_subst = Unif_subst.t
type subst = Subst.t
type term = InnerTerm.t
type ty = InnerTerm.t
type 'a sequence = ('a -> unit) -> unit
exception Fail

Raised when a unification/matching attempt fails

val _allow_pattern_unif : bool ref
val _unif_bool : bool ref
val norm_logical_disagreements : ?mode:[< `Conservative | `Off | `Pragmatic Conservative ] -> Builtin.t -> Term.t list -> Term.t list -> Term.t list * Term.t list
val occurs_check : depth:int -> subst -> InnerTerm.t HVar.t Scoped.t -> InnerTerm.t Scoped.t -> bool
val unif_array_com : ?size:[ `Same | `Smaller ] -> 'subst -> op:('subst -> 'a Scoped.t -> 'a Scoped.t -> 'subst Iter.t) -> 'a array Scoped.t -> 'a array Scoped.t -> 'subst Iter.t

Generic unification over two arrays (of the same size, or the first one must be smaller or equal)

val unif_list : 'subst -> op:('subst -> 'a Scoped.t -> 'a Scoped.t -> 'subst Iter.t) -> 'a list Scoped.t -> 'a list Scoped.t -> 'subst Iter.t

Generic unification over two lists (of the same size)

val unif_list_com : ?size:[ `Same | `Smaller ] -> 'subst -> op:('subst -> 'a Scoped.t -> 'a Scoped.t -> 'subst Iter.t) -> 'a list Scoped.t -> 'a list Scoped.t -> 'subst Iter.t

Generic unification over two lists (of the same size or smaller)

val pair_lists_right : term -> term list -> term -> term list -> term list * term list

in HO, we have f1 l1 and f2 l2, where application is left-associative. we need to unify from the right (the outermost application is on the right) so this returns pairs to unify (including heads).

val pair_lists_left : term list -> term -> term list -> term -> term list * term list

in HO, we have l1 -> ret1 and l2 -> ret2, where -> is right-associative. we need to unify from the left, so this returns pairs to unify (including return types).


module type S = Unif_intf.S

Base (scoped terms)

module Inner : S with type term = InnerTerm.t and type ty = InnerTerm.t

To be used only on terms without InnerTerm.Multiset constructor


module Ty : sig ... end
module FO : sig ... end

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