package logtk

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

A partial order on symbols, used to make the precedence more precise

val cluster : symbol list list -> t

ordering constraint by clustering symbols by decreasing order. all symbols in the first clusters are bigger than those in the second, etc.

val of_list : symbol list -> t

symbols in the given list are in decreasing order

val of_precedence : precedence -> t

Copy of another precedence on the common symbols

val arity : (symbol -> int) -> t

decreasing arity constraint (big arity => high in precedence)

val invfreq : symbol Sequence.t -> t

symbols with high frequency are smaller

val max : symbol list -> t

maximal symbols, in decreasing order

val min : symbol list -> t

minimal symbols, in decreasing order

val alpha : t

alphabetic ordering on symbols


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