package lmdb

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Key-value maps.

type ('key, 'value, -'dup) t constraint 'perm = [< `Read | `Write ] constraint 'dup = [< `Dup | `Uni ]

A handle for a map from keys of type 'key to values of type 'value. The map may support only a single value per key ([ `Dup ]) or multiple values per key ([ `Dup | `Uni ]).

type 'a card =
  1. | Nodup : [ `Uni ] card
  2. | Dup : [ `Dup | `Uni ] card
val create : [< `Dup | `Uni ] as 'dup card -> key:'key Conv.t -> value:'value Conv.t -> ?txn:[> `Read | `Write ] Txn.t -> ?name:string -> Env.t -> ('key, 'value, 'dup) t

create dup ~key ~value env open (and possibly create) a map in the environment env.

dup may be Dup or Nodup, specifying whether the map supports multiple values per key.

Only a single transaction may call this function at a time. This transaction needs to finish before any other transaction may call this function.

  • parameter name

    if omitted the unnamed map will be opened. Otherwise make sure that Env.create was called with a large enough ~max_maps.

  • parameter key

    Converter for keys

  • parameter value

    Converter for values

  • raises Invalid_argument

    if an existing map doesn't support duplicates, but duplicates where requested.

val open_existing : [< `Dup | `Uni ] as 'dup card -> key:'key Conv.t -> value:'value Conv.t -> ?txn:[> `Read ] Txn.t -> ?name:string -> Env.t -> ('key, 'value, 'dup) t

open_existing env is like create, but only opens already existing maps.

val env : (_, _, _) t -> Env.t

env map returns the environment of map.

val get : ('key, 'value, _) t -> ?txn:[> `Read ] Txn.t -> 'key -> 'value

get map key returns the first value associated to key.

  • raises Not_found

    if the key is not in the map.

module Flags : sig ... end
val add : ('key, 'value, _) t -> ?txn:[> `Write ] Txn.t -> ?flags:Flags.t -> 'key -> 'value -> unit

add map key value adds value to key.

For a map not supporting duplicates an existing value is overwritten. For a map supporting duplicates the value is added to the key. This is the same as overwrite for duplicate maps, but overwrite ~flags:Flags.no_overwrite for non-duplicate maps.

  • raises Exists

    on maps not supporting duplicates if the key already exists.

  • raises Exists

    if key is already bound to value and Map.Flags.no_dup_data was passed.

val set : ('key, 'value, _) t -> ?txn:[> `Write ] Txn.t -> ?flags:Flags.t -> 'key -> 'value -> unit

set map key value sets binding of key to value.

Values of an already existing key are silently overwritten.

val remove : ('key, 'value, _) t -> ?txn:[> `Write ] Txn.t -> ?value:'value -> 'key -> unit

remove map key removes key from map.

  • parameter value

    Only the specified value is removed. If not provided, all the values of key and key itself are removed.

  • raises Not_found

    if the key is not in the map.


val stat : ?txn:[> `Read ] Txn.t -> ('key, 'value, _) t -> Mdb.stat
val drop : ?txn:[> `Write ] Txn.t -> ?delete:bool -> ('key, 'value, _) t -> unit

drop ?delete map Empties map.

  • parameter delete

    If true map is also deleted from the environment and the handle map invalidated.

val compare_key : ('key, 'value, _) t -> ?txn:[> `Read ] Txn.t -> 'key -> 'key -> int

compare_key map ?txn a b Compares a and b as if they were keys in map.

val compare : ('key, 'value, _) t -> ?txn:[> `Read ] Txn.t -> 'key -> 'key -> int

compare map ?txn a b Same as compare_key.

val compare_val : ('key, 'value, [> `Dup ]) t -> ?txn:[> `Read ] Txn.t -> 'value -> 'value -> int

compare_val map ?txn a b Compares a and b as if they were values in a dup_sort map.


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