package linol-eio

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val mutable status : [ `ReceivedExit | `ReceivedShutdown | `Running ]
method config_code_action_provider : [ `Bool of bool | `CodeActionOptions of Lsp.Types.CodeActionOptions.t ]
method config_code_lens_options : Lsp.Types.CodeLensOptions.t option
method config_completion : Lsp.Types.CompletionOptions.t option
method config_definition : [ `Bool of bool | `DefinitionOptions of Lsp.Types.DefinitionOptions.t ] option
method config_hover : [ `Bool of bool | `HoverOptions of Lsp.Types.HoverOptions.t ] option
method config_inlay_hints : [ `Bool of bool | `InlayHintOptions of Lsp.Types.InlayHintOptions.t | `InlayHintRegistrationOptions of Lsp.Types.InlayHintRegistrationOptions.t ] option
method config_list_commands : string list
method config_modify_capabilities : Lsp.Types.ServerCapabilities.t -> Lsp.Types.ServerCapabilities.t
method config_symbol : [ `Bool of bool | `DocumentSymbolOptions of Lsp.Types.DocumentSymbolOptions.t ] option
method config_sync_opts : Lsp.Types.TextDocumentSyncOptions.t
method find_doc : Lsp.Types.DocumentUri.t -> doc_state option
method get_status : [ `ReceivedExit | `ReceivedShutdown | `Running ]
method must_quit : bool
method on_notif_doc_did_change : notify_back:notify_back -> Lsp.Types.VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier.t -> Lsp.Types.TextDocumentContentChangeEvent.t list -> old_content:string -> new_content:string -> unit IO.t
method on_notif_doc_did_close : notify_back:notify_back -> Lsp.Types.TextDocumentIdentifier.t -> unit IO.t
method on_notif_doc_did_open : notify_back:notify_back -> Lsp.Types.TextDocumentItem.t -> content:string -> unit IO.t
method on_notif_doc_did_save : notify_back:notify_back -> Lsp.Types.DidSaveTextDocumentParams.t -> unit IO.t
method on_notification : notify_back:(Lsp.Server_notification.t -> unit IO.t) -> server_request:send_request -> Lsp.Client_notification.t -> unit IO.t
method on_notification_unhandled : notify_back:notify_back -> Lsp.Client_notification.t -> unit IO.t
method on_req_code_action : notify_back:notify_back -> id:Req_id.t -> Lsp.Types.CodeActionParams.t -> Lsp.Types.CodeActionResult.t IO.t
method on_req_code_lens : notify_back:notify_back -> id:Req_id.t -> uri:Lsp__Types.DocumentUri.t -> workDoneToken:Lsp__Types.ProgressToken.t option -> partialResultToken:Lsp__Types.ProgressToken.t option -> doc_state -> Lsp.Types.CodeLens.t list IO.t
method on_req_code_lens_resolve : notify_back:notify_back -> id:Req_id.t -> Lsp.Types.CodeLens.t -> Lsp.Types.CodeLens.t IO.t
method on_req_completion : notify_back:notify_back -> id:Req_id.t -> uri:Lsp__Types.DocumentUri.t -> pos:Lsp__Types.Position.t -> ctx:Lsp__Types.CompletionContext.t option -> workDoneToken:Lsp__Types.ProgressToken.t option -> partialResultToken:Lsp__Types.ProgressToken.t option -> doc_state -> [ `CompletionList of Lsp__.Types.CompletionList.t | `List of Lsp__.Types.CompletionItem.t list ] option IO.t
method on_req_definition : notify_back:notify_back -> id:Req_id.t -> uri:Lsp__Types.DocumentUri.t -> pos:Lsp__Types.Position.t -> workDoneToken:Lsp__Types.ProgressToken.t option -> partialResultToken:Lsp__Types.ProgressToken.t option -> doc_state -> Lsp.Types.Locations.t option IO.t
method on_req_execute_command : notify_back:notify_back -> id:Req_id.t -> workDoneToken:Lsp__Types.ProgressToken.t option -> string -> Yojson.Safe.t list option -> Yojson.Safe.t IO.t
method on_req_hover : notify_back:notify_back -> id:Req_id.t -> uri:Lsp__Types.DocumentUri.t -> pos:Lsp__Types.Position.t -> workDoneToken:Lsp__Types.ProgressToken.t option -> doc_state -> Lsp.Types.Hover.t option IO.t
method on_req_initialize : notify_back:notify_back -> Lsp.Types.InitializeParams.t -> Lsp.Types.InitializeResult.t IO.t
method on_req_inlay_hint : notify_back:notify_back -> id:Req_id.t -> uri:Lsp__Types.DocumentUri.t -> range:Lsp.Types.Range.t -> unit -> Lsp.Types.InlayHint.t list option IO.t
method on_req_symbol : notify_back:notify_back -> id:Req_id.t -> uri:Lsp__Types.DocumentUri.t -> workDoneToken:Lsp__Types.ProgressToken.t option -> partialResultToken:Lsp__Types.ProgressToken.t option -> unit -> [ `DocumentSymbol of Lsp__.Types.DocumentSymbol.t list | `SymbolInformation of Lsp__.Types.SymbolInformation.t list ] option IO.t
method on_request : 'a. notify_back:(Lsp.Server_notification.t -> unit IO.t) -> server_request:send_request -> id:Req_id.t -> 'a Lsp.Client_request.t -> 'a IO.t
method on_request_unhandled : 'r. notify_back:notify_back -> id:Req_id.t -> 'r Lsp.Client_request.t -> 'r IO.t
method on_unknown_notification : notify_back:notify_back -> Jsonrpc.Notification.t -> unit IO.t
method on_unknown_request : notify_back:notify_back -> server_request:(server_request_handler_pair -> Req_id.t IO.t) -> id:Req_id.t -> string -> Jsonrpc.Structured.t option -> Yojson.Safe.t IO.t
method spawn_query_handler : (unit -> unit IO.t) -> unit

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