package lablgtk3

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

The text widget and associated objects @gtkdoc gtk TextWidget

type mark = [
  1. | `INSERT
  2. | `SEL_BOUND
  3. | `NAME of string
  4. | `MARK of Gtk.text_mark
class child_anchor : Gtk.text_child_anchor -> object ... end
val child_anchor : unit -> child_anchor


type tag_property = [
  2. | `BACKGROUND of string
  5. | `BACKGROUND_GDK of Gdk.color
  6. | `BACKGROUND_SET of bool
  7. | `DIRECTION of Gtk.Tags.text_direction
  8. | `EDITABLE of bool
  9. | `EDITABLE_SET of bool
  10. | `FAMILY of string
  11. | `FAMILY_SET of bool
  12. | `FONT of string
  13. | `FONT_DESC of Pango.font_description
  14. | `FOREGROUND of string
  15. | `FOREGROUND_GDK of Gdk.color
  16. | `FOREGROUND_SET of bool
  17. | `INDENT of int
  18. | `INDENT_SET of bool
  19. | `INVISIBLE of bool
  20. | `INVISIBLE_SET of bool
  21. | `JUSTIFICATION of Gtk.Tags.justification
  22. | `JUSTIFICATION_SET of bool
  23. | `LANGUAGE of string
  24. | `LANGUAGE_SET of bool
  25. | `LEFT_MARGIN of int
  26. | `LEFT_MARGIN_SET of bool
  27. | `PARAGRAPH_BACKGROUND of string
  28. | `PARAGRAPH_BACKGROUND_GDK of Gdk.color
  30. | `PIXELS_ABOVE_LINES of int
  31. | `PIXELS_ABOVE_LINES_SET of bool
  32. | `PIXELS_BELOW_LINES of int
  33. | `PIXELS_BELOW_LINES_SET of bool
  34. | `PIXELS_INSIDE_WRAP of int
  35. | `PIXELS_INSIDE_WRAP_SET of bool
  36. | `RIGHT_MARGIN of int
  37. | `RIGHT_MARGIN_SET of bool
  38. | `RISE of int
  39. | `RISE_SET of bool
  40. | `SCALE of Pango.Tags.scale
  41. | `SCALE_SET of bool
  42. | `SIZE of int
  43. | `SIZE_POINTS of float
  44. | `SIZE_SET of bool
  45. | `STRETCH of Pango.Tags.stretch
  46. | `STRETCH_SET of bool
  47. | `STRIKETHROUGH of bool
  48. | `STRIKETHROUGH_SET of bool
  49. | `STYLE of
  50. | `STYLE_SET of bool
  51. | `TABS_SET of bool
  52. | `UNDERLINE of Pango.Tags.underline
  53. | `UNDERLINE_SET of bool
  54. | `VARIANT of Pango.Tags.variant
  55. | `VARIANT_SET of bool
  56. | `WEIGHT of Pango.Tags.weight
  57. | `WEIGHT_SET of bool
  58. | `WRAP_MODE of Gtk.Tags.wrap_mode
  59. | `WRAP_MODE_SET of bool
class tag_signals : [> `texttag ] as 'b Gtk.obj -> object ... end

@gtkdoc gtk GtkTextTag

class tag : Gtk.text_tag -> object ... end

A tag that can be applied to text in a GText.buffer @gtkdoc gtk GtkTextTag

val tag : ?name:string -> unit -> tag

@gtkdoc gtk GtkTextTag

Text buffer iterator

type contents = [
  1. | `CHAR of Glib.unichar
  2. | `PIXBUF of GdkPixbuf.pixbuf
  3. | `CHILD of child_anchor
  4. | `UNKNOWN

Movement functions returning an iter are truly functional i.e. the returned iter shares nothing with the originale one.

If you need to move some iter in an imperative way use #nocopy#....

class nocopy_iter : Gtk.text_iter -> object ... end

@gtkdoc gtk gtk-GtkTextIter

class iter : Gtk.text_iter -> object ... end

@gtkdoc gtk gtk-GtkTextIter

val as_iter : iter -> Gtk.text_iter

@gtkdoc gtk gtk-GtkTextIter


class tag_table_signals : [> `texttagtable ] as 'b Gtk.obj -> object ... end

@gtkdoc gtk GtkTextTagTable

class tag_table_skel : [> `texttagtable ] Gtk.obj -> object ... end

@gtkdoc gtk GtkTextTagTable

class tag_table : [> `texttagtable ] Gtk.obj -> object ... end

Collection of tags that can be used together @gtkdoc gtk GtkTextTagTable

val tag_table : unit -> tag_table

@gtkdoc gtk GtkTextTagTable


@gtkdoc gtk GtkTextBuffer

class type buffer_signals_skel_type = object ... end
class type 'b buffer_signals_type = object ... end
class virtual buffer_signals_skel : object ... end
class buffer_signals : [> `textbuffer ] as 'b Gtk.obj -> 'b buffer_signals_type
exception No_such_mark of string
type position = [
  1. | `OFFSET of int
  2. | `LINE of int
  3. | `LINECHAR of int * int
  4. | `LINEBYTE of int * int
  5. | `START
  6. | `END
  7. | `ITER of iter
  8. | mark
class buffer_skel : [> `textbuffer ] Gtk.obj -> object ... end

Stores attributed text for display in a GText.view @gtkdoc gtk GtkTextBuffer

class buffer : [> `textbuffer ] Gtk.obj -> object ... end
val buffer : ?tag_table:tag_table -> ?text:string -> unit -> buffer

@gtkdoc gtk GtkTextBuffer


class view_signals : [> Gtk.text_view ] Gtk.obj -> object ... end

@gtkdoc gtk GtkTextView

class view_skel : [> Gtk.text_view ] as 'a Gtk.obj -> object ... end

Widget that displays a GText.buffer @gtkdoc gtk GtkTextView

class view : [> Gtk.text_view ] as 'a Gtk.obj -> object ... end
val view : ?buffer:buffer -> ?editable:bool -> ?cursor_visible:bool -> ?justification:Gtk.Tags.justification -> ?wrap_mode:Gtk.Tags.wrap_mode -> ?accepts_tab:bool -> ?border_width:int -> ?width:int -> ?height:int -> ?packing:(GObj.widget -> unit) -> ?show:bool -> unit -> view

@gtkdoc gtk GtkTextView


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