package lablgl

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val accum : op:[ `accum | `add | `load | `mult | `return ] -> float -> unit
val alpha_func : Gl.cmp_func -> ref:Gl.clampf -> unit
type sfactor = [
  1. | `dst_alpha
  2. | `dst_color
  3. | `one
  4. | `one_minus_dst_alpha
  5. | `one_minus_dst_color
  6. | `one_minus_src_alpha
  7. | `src_alpha
  8. | `src_alpha_saturate
  9. | `zero
type dfactor = [
  1. | `dst_alpha
  2. | `one
  3. | `one_minus_dst_alpha
  4. | `one_minus_src_alpha
  5. | `one_minus_src_color
  6. | `src_alpha
  7. | `src_color
  8. | `zero
val blend_func : src:sfactor -> dst:dfactor -> unit
val color_mask : ?red:bool -> ?green:bool -> ?blue:bool -> ?alpha:bool -> unit -> unit
val depth_func : Gl.cmp_func -> unit
val depth_mask : bool -> unit
val depth_range : near:float -> far:float -> unit
val index_mask : int -> unit
val stencil_func : Gl.cmp_func -> ref:int -> mask:int -> unit
val stencil_mask : int -> unit
type stencil_op = [
  1. | `decr
  2. | `incr
  3. | `invert
  4. | `keep
  5. | `replace
  6. | `zero
val stencil_op : ?fail:stencil_op -> ?zfail:stencil_op -> ?zpass:stencil_op -> unit -> unit
type logic_op = [
  1. | `And
  2. | `Or
  3. | `and_inverted
  4. | `and_reverse
  5. | `clear
  6. | `copy
  7. | `copy_inverted
  8. | `equiv
  9. | `invert
  10. | `nand
  11. | `noop
  12. | `nor
  13. | `or_inverted
  14. | `or_reverse
  15. | `set
  16. | `xor
val logic_op : logic_op -> unit
type draw_buffer = [
  1. | `aux of int
  2. | `back
  3. | `back_left
  4. | `back_right
  5. | `front
  6. | `front_and_back
  7. | `front_left
  8. | `front_right
  9. | `left
  10. | `none
  11. | `right
val draw_buffer : draw_buffer -> unit
type read_buffer = [
  1. | `aux of int
  2. | `back
  3. | `back_left
  4. | `back_right
  5. | `front
  6. | `front_left
  7. | `front_right
  8. | `left
  9. | `right
val read_buffer : read_buffer -> unit

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